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obsolete form

  • 1 obsolete form

    устаревшая форма

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > obsolete form

  • 2 obsolete form

    устаревшая форма

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > obsolete form

  • 3 obsolete form

    Англо-русский современный словарь > obsolete form

  • 4 form

    1. сущ.
    1) форма;
    внешний вид;
    очертание to assume, take the form of smth. ≈ принимать форму чего-л. to assume human form ≈ принимать человеческий вид a fiend in human form ≈ волк в овечьей шкуре The cookies were in the form of squares. ≈ Булочки были квадратной формы. Syn: configuration, contour, figure, outline, shape, structure
    2) фигура( особ. человека) This coat really fits one's form. ≈ Это пальто действительно хорошо сидит на фигуре. Syn: body, figure, shape, build, physique
    3) форма, вид abridged, condensed formсокращенная форма, сокращенный вариант concise form ≈ краткая форма convenient form, handy form ≈ удобная форма revised form ≈ исправленная форма The book came out in abridged form. ≈ Книга издана в сокращенной форме. Ice is water in another form. ≈ Лед - это вода только в другом виде. Syn: appearance, phase, aspect, manifestation
    4) вид, разновидность The ant is a form of insect. ≈ Муравей - это вид насекомых. Syn: type, variety, kind, sort;
    genus, species, genre, class
    5) порядок;
    общепринятая форма in due formв должной форме, по всем правилам
    6) бланк, образец, форма;
    анкета to fill in a form брит., to fill out a form амер., to fill up a form уст. ≈ заполнить бланк tax formдекларация о доходах tax return form ≈ бланк декларации о доходах application form
    7) формальность;
    церемония, этикет, установленный порядок They didn't follow the traditional form of the marriage service. ≈ Они не придерживались традиционных форм бракосочетания. Syn: prescribed method, rule, habit, proceeding, practice, ritual;
    etiquette, conventionality
    8) манеры, поведение good form, proper form ≈ хороший тон, хорошие манеры bad formдурной тон, плохие манеры It's bad form to come late to a formal reception. ≈ На официальную встречу опаздывать неприлично. Syn: social behavior, manner, deportment, conduct, style, mode;
    way, manner
    9) готовность, состояние;
    хорошая спортивная форма The horse is in form. ≈ Лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам. off form ≈ не в форме She was in superb form today. ≈ Она была сегодня в превосходной форме. If she's in form, she can win the match easily. ≈ Если она будет сегодня в форме, она легко выиграет матч. Syn: trim, fettle, fitness, shape, top condition, healthy condition
    10) скамья
    11) класс( в школе) in the fourth form ≈ в четвертом классе
    12) нора( зайца)
    13) грам. форма bound form colloquial form combining form diminutive form free form inflectional form obsolete form plural form singular form surface form underlying form
    14) иск. вид, форма;
    композиция You paint well, but your work lacks form. ≈ С красками у тебя все в порядке, но в твоей картине нет формы. Syn: order, system, structure, harmony, arrangement;
    shapeliness, proportion, symmetry
    15) тех. модель, форма When the cement has hardened, the form is removed. ≈ Когда цемент затвердеет, форма удаляется. Syn: mold, cast, frame, framework, matrix
    16) полигр. печатная форма
    17) строит. опалубка
    18) ж.-д. формирование( поездов)
    19) расписание racing form ≈ расписание скачек, программа скачек
    2. гл.
    1) а) придавать форму, вид to form chopped beef into pattiesделать лепешки из кусков говядины б) принимать форму, вид
    2) а) составлять, образовывать The sofa is formed of three separate sections. ≈ Диван составлен из трех отдельных секций. б) включать в себя, содержать ∙ Syn: compose, comprise, make up, constitute;
    serve to make up
    3) а) создавать;
    формулировать( идею, план и т. п.) б) создаваться, возникать
    4) воспитывать, вырабатывать, формировать (характер, качества и т. п.) ;
    приобретать He formed the habit of peering over his glasses. ≈ У него выработалась привычка смотреть поверх очков. Syn: develop, acquire, contract, pick up
    5) а) формировать, образовывать;
    воен. формировать (части) ;
    ж.-д. формировать (поезда) They formed an army out of rabble. ≈ Они сформировали армию из толпы. б) формироваться, образовываться;
    6) тех. формовать Syn: mould
    7) забираться в нору (о зайце) ∙ form up форма;
    внешний вид;
    очертание - without shape or * бесформенный - in any shape or * в любом виде - in the * of a cube в форме куба - to take * принять должную форму - to take the * of smth. принимать вид /форму/ чего-л. - the cloud was changing its * облако меняло очертания фигура (человека) - well-proportioned * пропорциональное сложение, хорошая фигура - fair of face and * с прекрасным лицом и фигурой - I saw a well-known * standing before me я увидел перед собой хорошо знакомую фигуру обличье - Proteus was able to appear in the * of any animal Протей мог являться в обличье любого животного стать (лошади) форма, вид - literary * литературная форма - in tabular * в виде таблицы - in the * of a sonnet в форме сонета - in the * of a drama в драматической форме - * and substance форма и содержание - a sense of * чувство формы вид, разновидность;
    тип - *s of animal and vegetable life формы животной и растительной жизни - it's a * of influenza это особая форма гриппа - a * of activity род деятельности стиль, манера - his * in swimming is bad он плавает плохо /плохим стилем/ - bad * дурной тон;
    плохие манеры - the rules of good * правила хорошего тона состояние;
    форма (часто спортивная) ;
    готовность - to be in( good) * быть в хорошем состоянии;
    быть в хорошей спортивной форме;
    быть в ударе - to be in bad *, to be out of * быть в плохом состоянии;
    быть в плохой( спортивной) форме;
    быть не в ударе, "не в форме" - to round into * (спортивное) приобретать спортивную форму настроение, душевное состояние - Jack was in great * at the dinner party Джек был в приподнятом настроении на званом обеде формальность;
    проформа - as a matter of *, for *'s sake для проформы, формально - to attach importance to *s придавать значение формальностям церемония, порядок - in due * по всем правилам - found in good and due * (дипломатическое) найденные в должном порядке и надлежащей форме (о полномочиях) - * of action (юридическое) процессуальная форма установившаяся форма выражения;
    формула - the * of greeting формула приветствия класс (в школе) - upper *s старшие классы - first * младший класс форма, бланк, образец;
    анкета - printed * печатный бланк - a * for a deed бланк /форма/ для соглашения - a * of application форма заявления - to fill in /up/ a * заполнить бланк /анкету и т. п./ длинная скамья, скамейка нора (зайца) (грамматика) форма слова( специальное) форма исполнения (машины) модель, тип, образец;
    торговый сорт( металла и т. п.) (техническое) форма для литья (полиграфия) печатная форма (строительство) форма;
    опалубка - * removal распалубка( математическое) выражение придавать форму, вид - to * a piece of wood into a certain shape придавать куску дерева определенную форму - to * smth. after /upon, from, by, in accordance with/ a pattern создавать /делать/ что-л. по определенному образцу - state *ed after the Roman republic государство, созданное по образцу Римской республики принимать форму, вид составлять, образовывать;
    формировать - these parts together * a perfect whole эти части образуют вместе гармоничное целое - the rain *ed large pools on the lawn от дождя на газоне образовались большие лужи - the clouds *ed a veil over the mountain-top облака затянули вершину горы - the baby is beginning to * short words ребенок начинает произносить короткие слова образовываться;
    формироваться - crystals *ed in the retort в реторте образовались кристаллы - clouds are *ing on the hills на вершинах холмов сгущаются облака (грамматика) образовывать - to * the plural of the noun образовать множественное число существительного создавать, составлять;
    формулировать - to * an idea создавать себе представление - to * an opinion составить мнение - to * a plan создать /выработать/ план - to * a habit приобрести привычку, привыкнуть( к чему-л.) возникать, оформляться - the idea slowly *ed in my mind эта мысль постепенно становилась у меня более отчетливой представлять собой;
    являться - chocolate *s a wholesome substitute for staple food шоколад является полноценным заменителем основных продуктов питания - bonds *ed the bulk of his estate основную часть его состояния представляли облигации тренировать, дисциплинировать;
    развивать - to * the mind развивать ум - to * the character воспитывать характер - to * a child by care воспитывать ребенка заботливо - to * good habits прививать хорошие привычки /навыки хорошего поведения/ формировать, организовывать;
    образовывать, создавать - to * a class for beginners создать группу начинающих - to * an army формировать армию - to * a government формировать правительство - to * a society организовывать общество - the children were *ed into small groups дети были разбиты на небольшие группы - they *ed themselves into a committee они сорганизовались в комитет( военное) строить - to * a column вытягиваться в колонну (военное) строиться( специальное) формировать (специальное) формовать (садоводчество) обрезать, подвергать обрезке;
    формировать крону забираться, забиваться в нору (о зайце) форма (таксономическая единица) account ~ документ бухгалтерского учета adjustment ~ схема регулирования bill ~ бланк векселя bill ~ бланк счета bill ~ вексельный формуляр blank ~ чистый бланк business tax ~ бланк налоговой декларации для предпринимателя charge ~ форма платежа cheque ~ бланк чека claim ~ бланк заявления о выплате страхового возмещения clausal ~ вчт. стандартная форма coding ~ вчт. бланк программирования company ~ форма компании complete a ~ заполнять бланк contract ~ форма контракта customs declaration ~ бланк таможенной декларации customs ~ таможенный формуляр data collection ~ вчт. форма для сбора данных deposit ~ депозитный бланк draft ~ эскиз бланка due ~ установленная форма due ~ установленный образец entry ~ вчт. бланк ввода информации export ~ экспортный формуляр form анкета ~ бланк ~ вид, разновидность ~ воспитывать, вырабатывать (характер, качества и т. п.) дисциплинировать;
    тренировать ~ заключать (договор) ~ класс (в школе) ~ нора (зайца) ~ образец, бланк;
    анкета ~ образовывать ~ стр. опалубка ~ основывать ~ полигр. печатная форма ~ порядок;
    общепринятая форма;
    in due form в должной форме, по всем правилам ~ придавать или принимать форму, вид;
    to form a vessel out of clay вылепить сосуд из глины ~ скамья ~ создавать(ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    I can form no idea of his character не могу составить себе представления о его характере ~ создавать ~ составить ~ составлять;
    parts form a whole части образуют целое ~ составлять ~ состояние, готовность;
    the horse is in form лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам ~ сформировать ~ установленный образец, проформа, бланк, формуляр, анкета ~ установленный образец ~ утверждать ~ учреждать, образовывать, основывать ~ фигура (особ. человека) ~ тех. форма, модель ~ иск. форма, вид;
    literary form литературная форма ~ грам. форма ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.) ~ вчт. форма ~ форма ~ формальность, этикет, церемония;
    good (bad) form хороший( дурной) тон, хорошие (плохие) манеры ~ ж.-д. формирование (поездов) ~ воен. формирование, построение ~ ж.-д. формировать (поезда) ~ воен. формировать (части) ~ формировать(-ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    строиться ~ формировать ~ тех. формовать ~ формуляр forme: forme =form ~ придавать или принимать форму, вид;
    to form a vessel out of clay вылепить сосуд из глины ~ for advance statement форма заявления об авансовых платежах ~ for estimating future income форма для оценки будущего дохода ~ of a summons бланк судебной повестки ~ of a writ форма искового заявления ~ of borrowing форма займа ~ of cooperation форма кооперации ~ of government форма правительства ~ of government форма правления ~ of organization форма организации ~ of request бланк заявки ~ of request форма запроса ~ of request форма требования ~ of sales форма продажи ~ of saving форма сбережения ~ of taxation форма налогообложения ~ of tender форма заявки ~ of tender форма предложения giro in-payment ~ бланк для платежа в системе жиросчетов giro transfer ~ бланк для жироперевода ~ формальность, этикет, церемония;
    good (bad) form хороший (дурной) тон, хорошие (плохие) манеры horizontal ~ выч. бланк счета ~ состояние, готовность;
    the horse is in form лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам ~ создавать(ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    I can form no idea of his character не могу составить себе представления о его характере in (good) ~ в ударе in (good) ~ "в форме" (о спортсмене) ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.) in-payment ~ форма платежа income tax ~ бланк декларации на подоходный налог inquiry ~ анкета legal ~ правовая форма legal ~ юридическая форма letter ~ образец письма linguistic ~ лингвистическая форма ~ иск. форма, вид;
    literary form литературная форма market ~ форма рынка missing letter ~ утерянный бланк письма model ~ типовая форма money order ~ бланк денежного перевода mortgage deed ~ бланк залогового сертификата mortgage deed ~ бланк ипотечного свидетельства narrative ~ форма отчета order ~ бланк заказа order ~ бланк требования order ~ форма приказа outpayment ~ форма выплаты ~ составлять;
    parts form a whole части образуют целое payment notification ~ бланк уведомления о платеже postal note ~ бланк почтового перевода на сумму до 5 долл. (США) postal order ~ бланк денежного перевода printed ~ печатный бланк proposal ~ бланк заявки на торгах receipt ~ бланк квитанции receipt ~ образец расписки reduced ~ вчт. приведенная форма registration ~ регистрационный бланк reply ~ бланк для ответа report ~ анкета report ~ опросный лист report ~ переписной бланк report ~ форма статистического опросного листа requisition ~ бланк заявки requisition ~ форма заявки screen ~ file вчт. файл экранных форм sentential ~ вчт. сентенциальная форма share transfer ~ форма передачи права собственности на акции signature ~ образец подписи stamped ~ бланк со штампом standard ~ вчт. стандартная форма statement ~ форма заявления table ~ вчт. табличная форма tabular ~ полигр. плоская печатная форма tabular ~ вчт. табличная форма ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.) tax ~ бланк налоговой декларации transfer ~ бланк перевода

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > form

  • 5 form

    [fɔːm] 1. сущ.
    1) форма; внешний вид; внешнее очертание

    The cookies were in the form of squares. — Печенья были квадратной формы.


    This coat really fits one's form. — Это пальто действительно хорошо сидит.

    а) форма, вид

    abridged / condensed form — сокращённая форма, сокращённый вариант

    convenient / handy form — удобная форма

    The book came out in abridged form. — Книга издана в сокращённом виде.

    - take the form of
    б) лингв. форма
    - colloquial form
    - combining form
    - diminutive form
    - free form
    - inflectional form
    - obsolete form
    - plural form
    - singular form
    - surface form
    - underlying form
    в) мат. форма

    name formлог. называющая форма

    4) вид, разновидность

    The ant is a form of insect. — Муравей - это вид насекомых.

    Ice is water in another form. — Лёд - это вода в ином виде.

    6) иск. вид, форма; композиция

    You paint well, but your work lacks form. — С красками у тебя всё в порядке, но твоя картина плохо построена.

    In painting colour is subordinate to form. — В живописи цвет подчиняется форме.

    7) установленный порядок, церемония, этикет, обряд; формальность

    They didn't follow the traditional form of the marriage service. — Они не придерживались традиционной церемонии бракосочетания.

    - as a matter of form
    - in due form
    - in proper form
    б) бланк, образец, форма; анкета

    to fill in a form брит., to fill out a form амер., to fill up a form уст.заполнить бланк

    tax return formамер. бланк декларации о доходах

    9) манеры, поведение

    good / proper form — хороший тон, хорошие манеры

    bad form — дурной тон, плохие манеры

    in full / great form — со всеми церемониями, по всей форме

    It's bad form to come late to a formal reception. — На официальную встречу опаздывать неприлично.


    The horse is in form. — Лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам.

    She was in superb form today. — Она была сегодня в превосходной форме.

    If she's in form, she can win the match easily. — Если она будет в форме, она легко выиграет матч.

    11) разг. весёлость, живость, хорошее настроение

    He was in great form after his breakfast. — Он был в прекрасном настроении после завтрака.

    12) судимость, "полицейское досье"

    You can get at least a five for getting captured with a shooter especially if you've got a bit of form behind you. — Ты можешь получить по крайней мере пять лет за ношение огнестрельного оружия, особенно, если за тобой есть судимости.

    There's loads of form written down on my conviction card. — В моём досье записана масса судимостей.

    а) тех. модель; (литейная) форма

    When the cement has hardened, the form is removed. — Когда цемент затвердел, форма удаляется.

    б) амер.; = forme
    в) стр. опалубка
    2. гл.
    а) придавать форму; строить, создавать (по образцу, модели; в соответствии с чем-л.)

    to form of / out of / from smth. — делать, создавать из чего-л. (какого-л. материала)

    to form into smth. — придавать форму чего-л.

    state formed along republican lines — государство, созданное в соответствии с республиканскими идеями

    б) принимать форму, вид
    - form layers
    - form strata
    в) ( form into) воен. строить, строиться ( в определённом порядке)

    The soldiers formed into battle order. — Солдаты выстроились в боевом порядке.

    а) воспитывать, вырабатывать, формировать (характер, качества, стиль)

    mind formed by classical education — ум, сформированный классическим образованием

    to form one's style on / upon good models — вырабатывать свой стиль на хороших образцах

    б) строить (поведение по какому-л. образцу)

    He formed the habit of peering over his glasses. — У него выработалась привычка смотреть поверх очков.

    He formed no friends. — Он не приобрёл друзей.

    а) составлять, образовывать

    The sofa is formed of three separate sections. — Диван составлен из трёх отдельных секций.

    Yeomen and tradesmen formed the bulk of the insurgents. — Мелкие землевладельцы и торговцы составили основу повстанцев.

    б) включать в себя, содержать
    а) организовывать, формировать, образовывать

    They formed an army out of rabble. — Они создали армию из сброда.

    We were commanded to form ourselves into a ring. — Нам приказали встать в круг.

    place in order, arrange, embody, organize
    б) организовываться, формироваться

    The dancers formed a line. — Танцоры выстроились в ряд.

    Each column of soldiers marched away as soon as it formed. — Как только солдаты выстраивались в колонну, она тут же выступала.

    а) создавать, составлять

    Henry VIII was the first English king to form a gallery of pictures. — Генрих VIII был первым английским королём, создавшим картинную галерею.

    б) создавать, вырабатывать, формулировать (план, мнение и т. п.)
    в) возникать, создаваться, образовываться

    Fog forms in the valleys. — Туман возникает в долинах.

    A sheet of ice had formed in front of Proctor's house. — Перед домом Проктора образовалась ледяная корка.

    7) лингв. образовывать

    The verbs of the strong conjugation form the past tense by a change of the root vowel. — Глаголы, относящиеся к сильному спряжению, образуют прошедшее время изменением корневой гласной.

    8) тех. формовать
    9) ( form into) преим. страд. включать как часть (чего-л.)

    The new train will be formed into the regular timetable from next Monday. — Со следующего понедельника новый поезд будет включён в регулярное расписание.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > form

  • 6 Á

    * * *
    a negative suffix to verbs, not;
    era útmakligt, at it is not unmeet that.
    * * *
    á, prep., often used elliptically, or even adverbially, [Goth. ana; Engl. on; Germ. an. In the Scandinavian idioms the liquid n is absorbed. In English the same has been supposed to happen in adverbial phrases, e. g. ‘along, away, abroad, afoot, again, agate, ahead, aloft, alone, askew, aside, astray, awry,’ etc. It is indeed true that the Ormulum in its northern dialect freq. uses o, even in common phrases, such as ‘o boke, o land, o life, o slæpe, o strande, o write, o naht, o loft,’ etc., v. the glossary; and we may compare on foot and afoot, on sleep (Engl. Vers. of Bible) and asleep; A. S. a-butan and on-butan (about); agen and ongean (again, against); on bæc, aback; on life, alive; on middan, amid. But it is more than likely that in the expressions quoted above, as well as in numberless others, as well in old as in modern English, the English a- as well as the o- of the Ormulum and the modern Scottish and north of England o- are in reality remains of this very á pronounced au or ow, which was brought by the Scandinavian settlers into the north of England. In the struggle for supremacy between the English dialects after the Conquest, the Scandinavian form á or a won the day in many cases to the exclusion of the Anglo-Saxon on. Some of these adverbs have representatives only in the Scandinavian tongues, not in Anglo-Saxon; see below, with dat. B. II, C. VII; with acc. C. I. and VI. The prep. á denotes the surface or outside; í and ór the inside; at, til, and frá, nearness measured to or from an object: á thus answers to the Gr. επί; the Lat. in includes á and i together.]
    With dat. and acc.: in the first case with the notion of remaining on a place, answering to Lat. in with abl.; in the last with the notion of motion to the place, = Lat. in with acc.
    A. Loc.
    I. generally on, upon; á gólfi, on the floor, Nj. 2; á hendi, on the hand (of a ring), 48, 225; á palli, 50; á steini, 108; á vegg, 115; á sjá ok á landi, on sea and land. In some instances the distinction between d and i is loose and wavering, but in most cases common sense and usage decide; thus ‘á bók’ merely denotes the letters, the penmanship, ‘í’ the contents of a book; mod. usage, however, prefers ‘í,’ lesa í bók, but stafr á bók. Old writers on the other hand; á bókum Enskum, in English books, Landn. 24, but í Aldafars bók, 23 (in the book De Mensurâ Temporum, by Bede), cp. Grág. i. 76, where á is a false reading instead of at; á bréfi, the contents of a letter: of clothing or arms, mítr á höfði, sverð á hlið, mitre on head, sword on side, Fms. i. 266, viii. 404; hafa lykil á sér, on one’s person, 655 xxvii. 22; möttull á tyglum, a mantle hanging on (i. e. fastened by) laces, Fms. vii. 201: á þingi means to be present at a meeting; í þingi, to abide within a jurisdiction; á himni, á jörðu, on (Engl. in) heaven and earth, e. g. in the Lord’s Prayer, but í helviti, in hell; á Gimli, Edda (of a heavenly abode); á báti, á skipi denote crew and cargo, ‘í’ the timber or materials of which a ship is built, Eg. 385; vera í stafni á skipi, 177: á skógi, to be abroad in a wood (of a hunter, robber, deer); but to be situated (a house), at work (to fell timber), í skógi, 573, Fs. 5, Fms. iii. 122, viii. 31, xi. 1, Glúm. 330, Landn. 173; á mörkinni, Fms. i. 8, but í mörk, of a farm; á firðinum means lying in a firth, of ships or islands (on the surface of the water), þær eyjar liggja á Breiðafirði, Ld. 36; but í firði, living in a district named Firth; á landi, Nj. 98, Fms. xi. 386.
    II. á is commonly used in connection with the pr. names or countries terminating in ‘land,’ Engl. in, á Englandi, Írlandi, Skotlandi, Bretlandi, Saxlandi, Vindlandi, Vínlandi, Grænalandi, Íslandi, Hálogalandi, Rogalandi, Jótlandi, Frakklandi, Hjaltlandi, Jamtalandi, Hvítramannalandi, Norðrlöndum, etc., vide Landn. and the index to Fms. xii. In old writers í is here very rare, in modern authors more frequent; taste and the context in many instances decide. An Icelander would now say, speaking of the queen or king, ‘á Englandi,’ ruling over, but to live ‘í Englandi,’ or ‘á Englandi;’ the rule in the last case not being quite fixed.
    2. in connection with other names of countries: á Mæri, Vörs, Ögðum, Fjölum, all districts of Norway, v. Landn.; á Mýrum (in Icel.), á Finnmörk, Landn., á Fjóni (a Danish island); but í Danmörk, Svíþjóð (á Svíþjóðu is poët., Gs. 13).
    3. before Icel. farms denoting open and elevated slopes and spaces (not too high, because then ‘at’ must be used), such as ‘staðr, völlr, ból, hjalli, bakki, heimr, eyri,’ etc.; á Veggjum, Landn. 69; á Hólmlátri, id.: those ending in ‘-staðr,’ á Geirmundarstöðum, Þórisstöðum, Jarðlangsstöðum…, Landn.: ‘-völlr,’ á Möðruvöllum: á Fitjum (the farm) í Storð (the island), í Fenhring (the island) á Aski (the farm), Landn., Eg.: ‘-nes’ sometimes takes á, sometimes í (in mod. usage always ‘í’), á Nesi, Eb. 14, or í Krossnesi, 30; in the last case the notion of island, νησος, prevails: so also, ‘fjörðr,’ as, þeir börðust á Vigrafirði (of a fight o n the ice), Landn. 101, but orusta í Hafrsfirði, 122: with ‘-bær,’ á is used in the sense of a farm or estate, hón sa á e-m bæ mikit hús ok fagrt, Edda 22; ‘í bæ’ means within doors, of the buildings: with ‘Bær’ as pr. name Landn. uses ‘í,’ 71, 160, 257, 309, 332.
    4. denoting on or just above; of the sun, when the time is fixed by regarding the sun in connection with points in the horizon, a standing phrase in Icel.; sól á gjáhamri, when the sun is on the crag of the Rift, Grág. i. 26, cp. Glúm. 387; so, brú á á, a bridge on a river, Fms. viii. 179, Hrafn. 20; taka hús á e-m, to surprise one, to take the house over his head, Fms. i. 11.
    III. á is sometimes used in old writers where we should now expect an acc., esp. in the phrase, leggja sverði (or the like) á e-m, or á e-m miðjum, to stab, Eg. 216, Gísl. 106, Band. 14; þá stakk Starkaðr sprotanum á konungi, then Starkad stabbed the king with the wand, Fas. iii. 34; bíta á kampi (vör), to bite the lips, as a token of pain or emotion, Nj. 209, 68; taka á e-u, to touch a thing, lay hold of it, v. taka; fá á e-u, id. (poët.); leggja hendr á (better at) síðum, in wrestling, Fms. x. 331; koma á úvart á e-m, to come on one unawares, ix. 407 (rare).
    B. TEMP. of a particular point or period of time, at, on, in:
    I. gener. denoting during, in the course of; á nótt, degi, nætrþeli …, Bs. i. 139; or spec. adding a pron. or an adject., á næsta sumri, the next summer; á því ári, þingi, misseri, hausti, vári, sumri …, during, in that year …, Bs. i. 679, etc.; á þrem sumrum, in the course of three summers, Grág. i. 218; á þrem várum, Fms. ii. 114; á hálfs mánaðar fresti, within half a month’s delay, Nj. 99; á tvítugs, sextugs … aldri, á barns, gamals aldri, etc., at the age of …, v. aldr: á dögum e-s, in the days of, in his reign or time, Landn. 24, Hrafn. 3, Fms. ix. 229.
    II. used of a fixed recurrent period or season; á várum, sumrum, haustum, vetrum, á kveldum, every spring, summer …, in the evenings, Eg. 711, Fms. i. 23, 25, vi. 394, Landn. 292: with the numeral adverbs, cp. Lat. ter in anno, um sinn á mánuði, ári, once a month, once a year, where the Engl. a is not the article but the preposition, Grág. i. 89.
    III. of duration; á degi, during a whole day, Fms. v. 48; á sjau nóttum, Bárð. 166; á því meli, during that time, in the meantime, Grág. i. 259.
    IV. connected with the seasons (á vetri, sumri, vári, hausti), ‘á’ denotes the next preceding season, the last winter, summer, autumn, Eb. 40, 238, Ld. 206: in such instances ‘á’ denotes the past, ‘at’ the future, ‘í’ the present; thus í vetri in old writers means this winter; á vetri, last winter; at vetri, next winter, Eb. 68 (in a verse), etc.
    C. In various other relations, more or less metaphorically, on, upon, in, to, with, towards, against:
    I. denoting object, in respect of, against, almost periphrastically; dvelja á náðum e-s, under one’s protection, Fms. i. 74; hafa metnað á e-u, to be proud of, to take pride in a thing, 127.
    2. denoting a personal relation, in; bæta e-t á e-m, to make amends, i. e. to one personally; misgöra e-t á e-m, to inflict wrong on one; hafa elsku (hatr) á e-m, to bear love ( hatred) to one, Fms. ix. 242; hefna sín á e-m, to take revenge on one’s person, on anyone; rjúfa sætt á e-m, to break truce on the person of any one, to offend against his person, Nj. 103; hafa sár á sér, 101; sjá á e-m, to read on or in one’s face; sér hann á hverjum manni hvárt til þín er vel eðr illa, 106; var þat brátt auðséð á hennar högum, at …, it could soon be seen in all her doings, that …, Ld. 22.
    3. also generally to shew signs of a thing; sýna fáleika á sér, to shew marks of displeasure, Nj. 14, Fs. 14; taka vel, illa, lítt, á e-u, to take a thing well, ill, or indifferently, id.; finna á sér, to feel in oneself; fann lítt á honum, hvárt …, it could hardly be seen in his face, whether …, Eb. 42; líkindi eru á, it is likely, Ld. 172; göra kost á e-u, to give a choice, chance of it, 178; eiga vald á e-u, to have power over …, Nj. 10.
    II. denoting encumbrance, duty, liability; er fimtardómsmál á þeim, to be subject to …, Nj. 231; the phrase, hafa e-t á hendi, or vera á hendi e-m, on one’s hands, of work or duty to be done; eindagi á fé, term, pay day, Grág. i. 140; ómagi (skylda, afvinna) á fé, of a burden or encumbrance, D. I. and Grág. in several passages.
    III. with a personal pronoun, sér, mér, honum …, denoting personal appearance, temper, character, look, or the like; vera þungr, léttr … á sér, to be heavy or light, either bodily or mentally; þungr á sér, corpulent, Sturl. i. 112; kátr ok léttr á sér, of a gay and light temper, Fms. x. 152; þat bragð hafði hann á sér, he looked as if, … the expression of his face was as though …, Ld., cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á sér svip, bragð, æði, sið, of one’s manner or personal appearance, to bear oneself as, or the like; skjótr (seinn) á fæti, speedy ( slow) of foot, Nj. 258.
    IV. as a periphrasis of the possessive pronoun connected with the limbs or parts of the body. In common Icel. such phrases as my hands, eyes, head … are hardly ever used, but höfuð, eyru, hár, nef, munnr, hendr, fætr … á mér; so ‘í’ is used of the internal parts, e. g. hjarta, bein … í mér; the eyes are regarded as inside the body, augun í honum: also without the possessive pronoun, or as a periphrasis for a genitive, brjóstið á e-m, one’s breast, Nj. 95, Edda 15; súrnar í augum, it smarts in my eyes, my eyes smart, Nj. 202; kviðinn á sér, its belly, 655 xxx. 5, Fms. vi. 350; hendr á henni, her hands, Gísl. (in a verse); í vörunum á honum, on his lips, Band. 14; ristin á honum, his step, Fms. viii. 141; harðr í tungu, sharp of tongue, Hallfred (Fs. 114); kalt (heitt) á fingrum, höndum, fótum …, cold ( warm) in the fingers, hands, feet …, i. e. with cold fingers, etc.; cp. also the phrase, verða vísa (orð) á munni, of extemporising verses or speeches, freq. in the Sagas; fastr á fótum, fast by the leg, of a bondsman, Nj. 27: of the whole body, díla fundu þeir á honum, 209. The pers. pron. is used only in solemn style (poetry, hymns, the Bible), and perhaps only when influenced by foreign languages, e. g. mitt hjarta hví svo hryggist þú, as a translation of ‘warumb betrübst du dich mein Herz?’ the famous hymn by Hans Sachs; instead of the popular hjartað í mér, Sl. 43, 44: hjartað mitt is only used as a term of endearment, as by a husband to his wife, parents to their child, or the like, in a metaphorical sense; the heart proper is ‘í mér,’ not ‘mitt.’
    2. of other things, and as a periphrasis of a genitive, of a part belonging to the whole, e. g. dyrr á husi = húsdyrr, at the house-doors; turn á kirkju = kirkju turn; stafn, skutr, segl, árar … á skipi, the stem, stern, sail … of a ship, Fms. ix. 135; blöð á lauk, á tré …, leaves of a leek, of a tree …, Fas. i. 469; egg á sverði = sverðs egg; stafr á bók; kjölr á bók, and in endless other instances.
    V. denoting instrumentality, by, on, or a-, by means of; afla fjár á hólmgöngum, to make money a-duelling, by means of duels, Eg. 498; á verkum sínum, to subsist on one’s own work, Njarð. 366: as a law term, sekjast á e-ju, to be convicted upon …, Grág. i. 123; sekst maðr þar á sínu eigini ( a man is guilty in re sua), ef hann tekr af þeim manni er heimild ( possessio) hefir til, ii. 191; falla á verkum sínum, to be killed flagranti delicto, v. above; fella e-n á bragði, by a sleight in wrestling; komast undan á flótta, to escape by flight, Eg. 11; á hlaupi, by one’s feet, by speed, Hkr. ii. 168; lifa á e-u, to feed on; bergja á e-u, to taste of a thing; svala sér á e-u, to quench the thirst on.
    VI. with subst. numerals; á þriðja tigi manna, up to thirty, i. e. from about twenty to thirty, Ld. 194; á öðru hundraði skipa, from one to two hundred sail strong, Fms. x. 126; á níunda tigi, between eighty and ninety years of age, Eg. 764, v. above: used as prep., á hendi, on one’s hand, i. e. bound to do it, v. hönd.
    VII. in more or less adverbial phrases it may often be translated in Engl. by a participle and a- prefixed; á lopti, aloft; á floti, afloat; á lífi, alive; á verðgangi, a-begging; á brautu, away; á baki, a-back, behind, past; á milli, a-tween; á laun, alone, secretly; á launungu, id.; á móti, against; á enda, at an end, gone; á huldu, hidden; fara á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. backwards, Fms. vii. 70;—but in many cases these phrases are transl. by the Engl. partic. with a, which is then perh. a mere prefix, not a prep., á flugi, a-flying in the air, Nj. 79; vera á gangi, a-going; á ferli, to be about; á leiki, a-playing, Fms. i. 78; á sundi, a-swimming, ii. 27; á verði, a-watching, x. 201; á hrakningi, a-wandering; á reiki, a-wavering; á skjálfi, a-shivering; á-hleri, a-listening; á tali, a-talking, Ísl. ii. 200; á hlaupi, a-running, Hkr. ii. 268; á verki, a-working; á veiðum, a-hunting; á fiski, a-fishing; á beit, grazing: and as a law term it even means in flagranti, N. G. L. i. 348.
    VIII. used absolutely without a case in reference to the air or the weather, where ‘á’ is almost redundant; þoka var á mikil, a thick fog came on, Nj. 267; niðamyrkr var á, pitch darkness came on, Eg. 210; allhvast á norðan, a very strong breeze from the north, Fms. ix. 20; þá var á norðrænt, a north wind came on, 42, Ld. 56; hvaðan sem á er, from whatever point the wind is; var á hríð veðrs, a snow storm came on, Nj. 282; görði á regn, rain came on, Fms. vi. 394, xi. 35, Ld. 156.
    A. Loc.
    I. denoting simple direction towards, esp. connected with verbs of motion, going, or the like; hann gékk á bergsnös, Eg. 389; á hamar, Fas. ii. 517.
    2. in phrases denoting direction; liggja á útborða, lying on the outside of the ship, Eg. 354; á annat borð skipinu, Fms. vii. 260; á bæði borð, on both sides of the ship, Nj. 124, Ld. 56; á tvær hliðar, on both sides, Fms. v. 73. Ísl. ii. 159; á hlið, sidewards; út á hlið, Nj. 262, Edda 44; á aðra hönd henni, Nj. 50, Ld. 46; höggva á tvær hendr, to hew or strike right and left, Ísl. ii. 368, Fas. i. 384, Fms. viii. 363, x. 383.
    3. upp á, upon; hann tók augu Þjaza ok kastaði upp á himin, Edda 47: with verbs denoting to look, see, horfa, sjá, líta, etc.; hann rak skygnur á land, he cast glances towards the land, Ld. 154.
    II. denoting direction with or without the idea of arriving:
    1. with verbs denoting to aim at; of a blow or thrust, stefna á fótinn, Nj. 84; spjótið stefnir á hann miðjan, 205: of the wind, gékk veðrit á vestr, the wind veered to west, Fms. ix. 28; sigla á haf, to stand out to sea, Hkr. i. 146, Fms. i. 39: with ‘út’ added, Eg. 390, Fms. x. 349.
    2. conveying the notion of arriving, or the intervening space being traversed; spjótið kom á miðjan skjöldinn, Eg. 379, Nj. 96, 97; langt upp á land, far up inland, Hkr. i. 146: to reach, taka ofan á belti, of the long locks of a woman, to reach down to the belt, Nj. 2; ofan á bringu, 48; á þa ofan, 91.
    III. without reference to the space traversed, connected with verbs denoting to go, turn, come, ride, sail, throw, or the like, motion of every kind; hann kastar honum á völlinn, he flings him down, Nj. 91; hlaupa á skip sitt, to leap on board his ship, 43; á hest, to mount quickly, Edda 75; á lend hestinum, Nj. 91; hann gengr á sáðland sitt, he walks on to his fields, 82: on, upon, komast á fætr, to get upon one’s legs, 92; ganga á land, to go a-shore, Fms. i. 40; ganga á þing, vii. 242, Grág. (often); á skóg, á merkr ok skóga, into a wood, Fb. i. 134, 257, Fms. xi. 118, Eg. 577, Nj. 130; fara á Finnmörk, to go travelling in Finmark, Fms. i. 8; koma, fara á bæ, to arrive at the farm-house; koma á veginn, Eg. 578; stíga á bát, skip, to go on board, 158; hann gékk upp á borg, he went up to the burg (castle), 717; en er þeir komu á loptriðið, 236; hrinda skipum á vatn, to float the ships down into the water, Fms. i. 58; reka austr á haf, to drift eastwards on the sea, x. 145; ríða ofan á, to ride down or over, Nj. 82.
    IV. in some cases the acc. is used where the dat. would be used, esp. with verbs denoting to see or hear, in such phrases as, þeir sá boða mikinn inn á fjörðinn, they saw great breakers away up in the bight of the firth, the acc. being due perhaps to a motion or direction of the eye or ear towards the object, Nj. 124; sá þeir fólkit á land, they saw the people in the direction of land, Fas. ii. 517: in phrases denoting to be placed, to sit, to be seated, the seat or bench is freq. in the acc. where the dat. would now be used; konungr var þar á land upp, the king was then up the country, the spectator or narrator is conceived as looking from the shore or sea-side, Nj. 46; sitja á miðjan bekk, to be seated on the middle bench, 50; skyldi konungs sæti vera á þann bekk … annat öndvegi var á hinn úæðra pall; hann setti konungs hásæti á miðjan þverpall, Fms. vi. 439, 440, cp. Fagrsk. l. c., Sturl. iii. 182; eru víða fjallbygðir upp á mörkina, in the mark or forest, Eg. 58; var þar mörk mikil á land upp, 229; mannsafnaðr er á land upp (viewed from the sea), Ld. 76; stóll var settr á mótið, Fas. i. 58; beiða fars á skip, to beg a passage, Grág. i. 90.
    V. denoting parts of the body; bíta e-n á barka, to bite one in the throat, Ísl. ii. 447; skera á háls, to cut the throat of any one, Nj. 156; brjóta e-n á háls, to break any one’s neck; brjóta e-n á bak, to break any one’s back, Fms. vii. 119; kalinn á kné, frozen to the knees with cold, Hm. 3.
    VI. denoting round; láta reipi á háls hesti, round his horse’s neck, 623. 33; leggja söðul á hest, Nj. 83; and ellipt., leggja á, to saddle; breiða feld á hofuð sér, to wrap a cloak over his head, 164; reyta á sik mosa, to gather moss to cover oneself with, 267; spenna hring á hönd, á fingr, Eg. 300.
    VII. denoting a burden; stela mat á tvá hesta, hey á fimtán hesta, i. e. a two, a fifteen horse load, Nj. 74: metaph., kjósa feigð á menn, to choose death upon them, i. e. doom them to death, Edda 22.
    B. TEMP.
    I. of a period of time, at, to; á morgun, to-morrow (í morgun now means the past morning, the morning of to-day), Ísl. ii. 333.
    II. if connected with the word day, ‘á’ is now used before a fixed or marked day, a day of the week, a feast day, or the like; á Laugardag, á Sunnudag …, on Saturday, Sunday, the Old Engl. a-Sunday, a-Monday, etc.; á Jóladaginn, Páskadaginn, on Yule and Easter-day; but in old writers more often used ellipt. Sunnudaginn, Jóladaginn …, by dropping the prep. ‘á,’ Fms. viii. 397, Grág. i. 18.
    III. connected with ‘dagr’ with the definite article suffixed, ‘á’ denotes a fixed, recurring period or season, in; á daginn, during the day-time, every day in turn, Grett. 91 A.
    IV. connected with ‘evening, morning, the seasons,’ with the article; á kveldit, every evening, Ld. 14; á sumarit, every summer, Vd. 128, where the new Ed. Fs. 51 reads sumrum; á haust, every autumn, Eg. 741 (perh. a misprint instead of á haustin or á haustum); á vetrinn, in the winter time, 710; á várit, every spring, Gþl. 347; the sing., however, is very rare in such cases, the old as well as mod. usage prefers the plur.; á nætrnar, by night, Nj. 210; á várin, Eg. 710; á sumrin, haustin, á morgnana, in the morning (á morgin, sing., means to-morrow); á kveldin, in the evening, only ‘dagr’ is used in sing., v. above (á daginn, not á dagana); but elliptically and by dropping the article, Icelanders say, kveld og morgna, nótt og dag, vetr sumar vor og haust, in the same sense as those above mentioned.
    V. denoting duration, the article is dropped in the negative phrase, aldri á sinn dag, never during one’s life; aldri á mína daga, never in my life, Bjarn. 8, where a possess. pron. is put between noun and prep., but this phrase is very rare. Such phrases as, á þann dag, that day, and á þenna dag, Stj. 12, 655 xxx. 2. 20, are unclassical.
    VI. á dag without article can only be used in a distributive sense, e. g. tvisvar á dag, twice a-day; this use is at present freq. in Icel., yet instances from old writers are not on record.
    VII. denoting a movement onward in time, such as, liðið á nótt, dag, kveld, morgun, sumar, vetr, vár, haust (or nóttina, daginn …), jól, páska, föstu, or the like, far on in the night, day …, Edda 33; er á leið vetrinn, when the winter was well on, as the winter wore on, Nj. 126; cp. áliðinn: also in the phrase, hniginn á inn efra aldr, well stricken in years, Ld. 68.
    C. Metaph. and in various relations:
    I. somewhat metaphorically, denoting an act only (not the place); fara á fund, á vit e-s, to call for one, Eg. 140; koma á ræðu við e-n, to come to a parley with, to speak, 173; ganga á tal, Nj. 103; skora á hólm, to challenge to a duel on an island; koma á grið, to enter into a service, to be domiciled, Grág. i. 151; fara á veiðar, to go a-hunting, Fms. i. 8.
    β. generally denoting on, upon, in, to; bjóða vöxtu á féit, to offer interest on the money, Grág. i. 198; ganga á berhögg, to come to blows, v. berhögg; fá á e-n, to make an impression upon one, Nj. 79; ganga á vápn e-s, to throw oneself on an enemy’s weapon, meet him face to face, Rd. 310; ganga á lagið, to press on up the spear-shaft after it has passed through one so as to get near one’s foe, i. e. to avail oneself of the last chance; bera fé á e-n, to bribe, Nj. 62; bera öl á e-n, to make drunk, Fas. i. 13; snúinn á e-t, inclined to, Fms. x. 142; sammælast á e-t, to agree upon, Nj. 86; sættast, verða sáttr á e-t, in the same sense, to come to an agreement, settlement, or atonement, 78, Edda 15, Eb. 288, Ld. 50, Fms. i. 279; ganga á mála, to serve for pay as a soldier, Nj. 121; ganga á vald e-s, to put oneself in his power, 267; ganga á sætt, to break an agreement; vega á veittar trygðir, to break truce, Grág. ii. 169.
    II. denoting in regard to, in respect to:
    1. of colour, complexion, the hue of the hair, or the like; hvítr, jarpr, dökkr … á hár, having white, brown, or dark … hair, Ísl. ii. 190, Nj. 39; svartr á brún ok brá, dark of brow and eyebrow; dökkr á hörund, id., etc.
    2. denoting skill, dexterity; hagr á tré, a good carpenter; hagr á járn, málm, smíðar …, an expert worker in iron, metals …, Eg. 4; fimr á boga, good at the bow: also used of mastership in science or arts, meistari á hörpuslátt, a master in striking the harp, Fas. iii. 220; fræðimaðr á kvæði, knowing many poems by heart, Fms. vi. 391; fræðimaðr á landnámssögur ok forna fræði, a learned scholar in histories and antiquities (of Are Frode), Ísl. ii. 189; mikill á íþrótt, skilful in an art, Edda (pref.) 148; but dat. in the phrase, kunna (vel) á skíðum, to be a cunning skater, Fms. i. 9, vii. 120.
    3. denoting dimensions; á hæð, lengd, breidd, dýpt …, in the heighth, length, breadth, depth …, Eg. 277; á hvern veg, on each side, Edda 41 (square miles); á annan veg, on the one side, Grág. i. 89.
    β. the phrase, á sik, in regard to oneself, vel (illa) á sik kominn, of a fine ( ugly) appearance, Ld. 100, Fas. iii. 74.
    III. denoting instrumentality; bjargast á sínar hendr, to live on the work of one’s own hands, (á sínar spýtur is a mod. phrase in the same sense); (vega) á skálir, pundara, to weigh in scales, Grág. ii. 370; at hann hefði tvá pundara, ok hefði á hinn meira keypt en á hinn minna selt, of a man using two scales, a big one for buying and a little one for selling, Sturl. i. 91; á sinn kostnað, at one’s own expense; nefna e-n á nafn, by name, Grág. i. 17, etc. The Icel. also say, spinna á rokk, snældu, to spin on or with a rock or distaff; mala á kvern, to grind in a ‘querne,’ where Edda 73 uses dat.; esp. of musical instruments, syngja, leika á hljóðfæri, hörpu, gígju …; in the old usage, leika hörpu …, Stj. 458.
    IV. denoting the manner or way of doing:
    1. á þessa lund, in this wise, Grág. ii. 22; á marga vega, á alla, ymsa vega, in many, all, respects, Fms. i. 114; á sitt hóf, in its turn, respectively, Ld. 136, where the context shews that the expression answers to the Lat. mutatis mutandis; á Þýðersku, after German fashion, Sks. 288.
    2. esp. of language; mæla, rita á e-a tungu, to speak, write in a tongue; á Írsku, in Irish, Ld. 76; Norrænu, in Norse, Eb. 330, Vm. 35; a Danska tungu, in Danish, i. e. Scandinavian, Norse, or Icelandic, Grág. i. 18; á Vára tungu, i. e. in Icelandic, 181; rita á Norræna tungu, to write in Norse, Hkr. (pref.), Bs. i. 59:—at present, dat. is sometimes used.
    3. in some phrases the acc. is used instead of the dat.; hann sýndi á sik mikit gaman, Fms. x. 329; hann lét ekki á sik finna, he shewed no sign of motion, Nj. 111; skaltú önga fáleika á þik gera (Cod. Kalf.), 14.
    V. used in a distributive sense; skal mörk kaupa gæzlu á kú, eðr oxa fim vetra gamlan, a mark for every cow, Grág. i. 147; alin á hvert hross, 442; á mann, per man (now freq.): cp. also á dag above, lit. B.
    VI. connected with nouns,
    1. prepositional; á hendr (with dat.), against; á hæla, at heel, close behind; á bak, at back, i. e. past, after; á vit (with gen.), towards.
    2. adverbially; á braut, away, abroad; á víxl, in turns; á mis, amiss; á víð ok dreif, a-wide and a-drift, i. e. dispersedly.
    3. used almost redundantly before the following prep.; á eptir, after, behind; á undan, in front of; á meðal, á milli, among; á mót, against; á við, about, alike; á frá (cp. Swed. ifrån), from (rare); á fyrir = fyrir, Haustl. 1; á hjá, beside (rare); á fram, a-head, forwards; á samt, together; ávalt = of allt, always: following a prep., upp á, upon; niðr á, down upon; ofan á, eptir á, post eventum, (temp.) á eptir is loc., id., etc.
    VII. connected with many transitive verbs, answering to the Lat. ad- or in-, in composition, in many cases periphrastically for an objective case. The prep. generally follows after the verb, instead of being prefixed to it as in Lat., and answers to the Engl. on, to; heita kalla, hrópa á, to call on; heyra, hlusta, hlyða á, to hearken to, listen to; hyggja, hugsa á, to think on; minna á, to remind; sjá, líta, horfa, stara, mæna, glápa, koma auga … á, to look on; girnast á, to wish for; trúa á, to believe on; skora á, to call on any one to come out, challenge; kæra á, to accuse; heilsa á, to greet; herja, ganga, ríða, hlaupa, ráða … á, to fall on, attack, cp. ágangr, áreið, áhlaup; ljúga á, to tell lies of, to slander; telja á, to carp at; ausa, tala, hella, kasta, verpa … á, to pour, throw on; ríða, bera, dreifa á, to sprinkle on; vanta, skorta á, to fall short of; ala á, to plead, beg; leggja á, to throw a spell on, lay a saddle on; hætta á, to venture on; gizka á, to guess at; kveða á, to fix on, etc.: in a reciprocal sense, haldast á, of mutual strife; sendast á, to exchange presents; skrifast á, to correspond (mod.); kallast á, to shout mutually; standast á, to coincide, so as to be just opposite one another, etc.
    f. [Lat. aqua; Goth. ahva; Hel. aha; A. S. eâ; O. H. G. aha, owa; cp. Germ. ach and aue; Fr. eau, eaux; Engl. Ax-, Ex-, etc., in names of places; Swed.-Dan. å; the Scandinavians absorb the hu, so that only a single vowel or diphthong remains of the whole word]:—a river. The old form in nom. dat. acc. sing. is , v. the introduction to A, page 1, Bs. i. 333 sq., where ́n, ́ (acc.), and ́na; so also Greg. 677; the old fragm. of Grág. ii. 222, 223, new Ed. In the Kb. of the Edda the old form occurs twice, viz. page 75, ́na (acc.), (but two lines below, ána), í ́nni (dat.) The old form also repeatedly occurs in the Kb. and Sb. of the Grág., e. g. ii. 266, 267: gen. sing. ár; nom. pl. ár, gen. á contracted, dat. ám, obsolete form ́m; Edda 43, Eg. 80, 99, 133, 185: proverbs, at ósi skal á stemma, answering to the Lat. principiis obsta, Edda 60; hér kemr á til sæfar, here the river runs into the sea, metaph. = this is the very end, seems to have been a favourite ending of old poems; it is recorded in the Húsdrápa and the Norðsetadrápa, v. Edda 96, Skálda 198; cp. the common saying, oil vötn renna til sævar, ‘all waters run into the sea.’ Rivers with glacier water are in Icel. called Hvítá, White river, or Jökulsá: Hitá, Hot river, from a hot spring, opp. to Kaldá, v. Landn.: others take a name from the fish in them, as Laxá, Lax or Salmon river (freq.); Örriða á, etc.: a tributary river is þverá, etc.: ár in the Njála often means the great rivers Ölfusá and Þjórsá in the south of Iceland. Áin helga, a river in Sweden, Hkr. ii: á is also suffixed to the names of foreign rivers, Tempsá = Thames; Dóná, Danube (Germ. Don-au), (mod.), etc. Vide Edda (Gl.) 116, 117, containing the names of over a hundred North-English and Scottish rivers.
    COMPDS: áráll, árbakki, árbrot, ardjúp, árfarvegr, árfors, árgljúfr, árhlutr, ármegin, árminni, ármót, áróss, árreki, árstraumr, árströnd, árvað, árvegr, árvöxtr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Á

  • 7 DÍS

    (pl. dísir), f.
    1) sister (heitir ok systir dís);
    2) a female guardian angel, goddess;
    3) maid.
    * * *
    f., pl. disir, and an older but obsolete form jó-dís, which remains in the earliest poems, jódís ( the sister of) úlfs ok Nara = Hela, Ýt. 7; but Loga dís, the sister of Logi, 9; cp. Edda 109: it also remains in the Icel. fem. pr. name Jódís,—the explanation given in Skálda 183 (from jór, equus, and dís) has no philological value, being only the poet’s fancy: [Hel. idis = virgo; A. S. ides; Grimm ingeniously suggests that the Idistaviso in Tacitus may be corrupt for Idisiaviso, the virgin-mead, from idis and viso = Germ. wiese.]
    I. a sister, Ýt. l. c.; heitir ek systir, dís, jódís, a sister is called dis and jódís, Edda 109; dís skjöldunga, the sister of kings, Bkv. 14.
    II. generally a goddess or priestess (?), a female guardian-angel, who follows every man from his birth, and only leaves him in the hour of death, cp. the very interesting passages, Hallfr. S. Fs. 114, Þorst. Síðu H. Anal. 184, 185, Gísl., Fms. ii. 192–195 (cp. Nj. 148); hence the phrase, ek kveð aflima orðnar þér dísir, the dísir have left thee, thou art a lost man, Am. 26; cp. also the phrase, heillum horfinn.
    2. poët. a maid in general, Lex. Poët.
    3. freq. in Icel. as a fem. pr. name, in compds, Jó-dís, Her-dís, Val-dís, Vig-dís, Hjör-dís, etc.
    COMPDS: dísablót, dísasalr, dísaskald.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DÍS

  • 8 einga-vinr

    m. an only friend, bosom friend, Nj. 77. In mod. usage einka- (q. v.) is used instead of einga-, which is an obsolete form; and even in old MSS. both forms occur, e. g. Stj. (l. c.), v. l.: Þiðr. 130 spells ‘einka-,’ and it even occurs in old vellums as 623, p. 41; einka-sonr, Luke vii. 12.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > einga-vinr

  • 9 frelsari

    * * *
    a, m. (older obsolete form frjalsari), a saviour, Stj. passim, 655 xiii. 4: the Saviour, N. T., Pass., Vídal. passim.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > frelsari

  • 10 órr

    (acc. örvan), a.
    1) swift, ready; neut., ört, fast; ísinn rak svá ört, at, the ice drifted so fast, that;
    2) liberal, open-handed (allra manna örvastr); neut., ört, fully, quite; eigi ört hálfr fjórði tugr manna, not quite thirty-five men;
    3) active, energetic.
    * * *
    adj. an obsolete form = várr (q. v.), our; mara óra, Hkv. Hjörv. 5; órr alda-föðr, Vþm. 4; órum höllum, 7; óru hofi, Hým. 33; óru skipi, Hkv. Hjörv. 33; ór salkynni, Skm. 17; töður órar, Kormak; guð ór, Clem. 44; leið óra, 40; augu ór, Greg. 21; önd óra, Hom.; afrétt óra, Grág. ii. 314 A; krapta óra. Niðrst. 2; lögum órum, id.; lög ór, Íb. 17; byskopum órum, 3; órum löndum, Grág.; Drottni órum, 623. 7; úrækðir órar, Skálda 62 (Thorodd, with a nasal sound).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > órr

  • 11 EK

    I) pers. pron. I;
    in poetry and old prose a pronominal k is suffixed to the verb, emk = em ek, vask = vas ek; sák = sá ek; mundak = munda ek; even if preceded by ek: ek sék, ek sitk; a preceding g becomes by assimilation k, hykk = hygg ek; the pronominal k is inserted between the suffixed negative, -a or -at, and the verb, sáka = sá ek-a, I saw not; veitka = veit ek-a, I know not.
    II) from aka.
    * * *
    pers. pron., mod. eg, proncd. ég or jeg; eg occurs as early as in MSS. of the 15th century, Arna-Magn. 556 A; jak, Fms. x. 287, cp. the mod. Swed. form and the mod. Icel. jeg; old poets make it rhyme with ek, as, Halldórr ok ek | höfum engi þrek, Korm. 154 (in a verse), cp. Ld. 108: [Ulf. ïk, but ek on the Golden horn and on the stone in Tune; A. S. ic; Engl. I; Germ. ich; old Swed. jak, mod. jag; Dan. jeg; cp. Lat. ego, Gr. ἐγώ]:—I, Nj. 10, 30, 132, etc.
    2. in poetry and old prose a pronominal ‘k or ‘g is suffixed to the verb; em’k búinn annan í at nefna, Grág. i. 103; ek em’k, 623. 56, Blas. 41, Mork. 89, 94, 99, 104, Vþm. 8, Ls. 14, Ad. 1, Post. 645. 33; jók’k, ‘I eked’ ( added), Íb. (pref.); vas’k þar fjórtán vetr, ch. 9; þá er ek var’k á bænum, Blas. 40, Hm. 12; ek bað’k, Post. 645. 54; ek kom’k, Skm. 18; ek sit’k, Mork. 168; ek finn’k, 141; ek nam’k, 73; sá’k, 75; ek sé’k ( video), 103, 168, Fms. xi. 110; mun’k-at ek, Mork. 50; svá ek vind’k, Hm. 156; ok rít’k á þessa lund, Skálda (Thorodd) 166; sjá’k ( sim), Mork. 183: g before k becomes by assimilation k, e. g. hyk’k = hygg’k, Skm. 5: the pronominal k is inserted between the suffixed negative and the verb, ek skal’k-a, hef’k-a, mon’k-a, sa’k-a, ma’k-a, veit’k-a, or skal’k-a ek, hef’k-a ek, etc.: even a double k after a diphthong, siá’kk ( sim), Mork. 89, 134, but chiefly in poetry with the suffixed negative, e. g. ek sé’kk-a: this form is obsolete, whereas the suffixed g (or k) in bisyllables or after a vowel is more freq.; svá at ek fæ’k eigi leyzt mik, Edda 20; er ek vilda’g helzt, Fms. xi. 146; eigi munda’k trúa, Edda 32; ef ek lifi ok mega’k ráða, 34; þá hafða’k bundit með gresjarni, id.; sem önga frægð muna’k af hljóta, 20; sýnda’k bæði þeim ok Sæmundi, Íb. (pref.); þá er ek var heima heyrða’k sagt, Edda 81; er ek aeva kenni’g, Hm. 164; draums ætli’g þér, Hdl. 7; þorða’g, Ad. 1; ræka’g, mætta’g, Stor. 8; sky’t ek ok ræ’k (ræ’g, v. l.), Fms. vi. 170 (in a verse); líkara at ek vitja’g hingat þessa heita, Eg. 319; næða’k (or næða’g), if I could reach, Eb. 70 (in a verse); at ek nemni þá menn alla ok beiði’g, Grág. ii. 317; vilja’k, I will, Ht. 1; þvíat ek ætla’g, Ó. H. 59; ok náða’k svá öllu ríki þeirra, 74; þvíat ek trúi’k yðr bezt, 88; ek setta’k, Mork. 62; flytta’k, 94; geri’k, heyrða’k, 36; mæli’g, 39; ek vetti’g, 175; tefli’g, 186; setta’g, lagða’g, id.; vilda’g, 193; vide Lex. Poët. and the word ‘-at’ [p. 2]: sometimes a double pronoun occurs, g and k, mátti’g-a’k, Og. 32; bjargi’g-a’k, Hm. 153; stöðvi’g-a’k, 151; hversu ek má’k, Fms. vi. 102; vide Lex. Poët. and Frump. 228 sqq.
    B. DAT. AND ACC. are from a different root:—dat. mér, [Ulf. mis; Germ. mir; lost in Dan.], Nj. 10, etc. etc.; acc. mik, mod. mig, which form occurs even in MSS. at the beginning of the 14th century, e. g. Hauks-bók: mek occurs now and then in MSS., e. g. O. H. L., N. G. L., Sks. B, else it is rare and obsolete, Al. 42, Ó. H. 107, [Ulf. mik; A. S. mec; Engl. me; Germ. mich; Dan. mig.] As the word is so common, we shall only mention the use of mik which is special to the Scandinavian tongue, viz. its use as a verbal suffix. The ancients had a double form for the reflexive; for 1st pers. -mk, i. e. mik suffixed to the plur. of the verb; for the 3rd pers. -sk, i. e. sik suffixed to sing. and plur. alike; thus, ek (vér) þykkjumk, I (we) seem to myself ( ourselves); but hann þykkisk, he seems to himself; þeir þykkjask, they seem to themselves: the -mk was later changed into -mz, or - mst of editions and mod. use; but this is a grammatical decay, as if both - mst and -st (þykjumst and þykist) arose from the same reflex. sik.
    1. the subject may be another person or thing (plur. or sing.) and the personal pronoun mik suffixed as object to the verb, a kind of middle voice found in very old poems, and where it occurs freq. it is a test of antiquity; in prose it is quite obsolete: jötna vegir stóðum’k yfir ok undir, the ways of giants (i. e. precipices) stood above and beneath me, Hm. 106; er lögðum’k arm yfir, the lass who laid her arms round me, 108; mögr hétum’k fögru, my son promised me fair, Egil; hilmir buðum’k löð (acc.), the king gave me leave, i. e. bade me, sing, Höfuðl. 2; úlfs bagi gáfum’k íþrótt, the wolf’s foe ( Odin) gave me the art ( poetry), Stor. 23; Ragnarr gáfum’k reiðar mána, R. gave me the shield, Bragi; þat erum’k sýnt, it is shewn to me, id.; stöndum’k ilmr fyrir yndi, the lass blights my joy, Kormak; hugr tjáðum’k, courage helped me, Egil; snertum’k harmr við hjarta, grief touches me to the heart, Landn.; stöndum’k til hjarta hjörr, the sword pierces me to the heart, Fm. i; feldr brennum’k, my cloak catches fire, Gm. 1; draum dreymðum’k, I dreamed a dream; grimt várum’k hlið, the gap ( breach) was terrible to me, Stor. 6; hálf ván féllum’k, half my hope failed me, Gráfeldar-drápa; heiðnir rekkar hnekðum’k, the heathen men turned me out, Sighvat; dísir hvöttum’k at, the ‘dísir’ hooted us, Hðm. 29; gumi görðum’k at vigi, the man made us fight, id.; lyst várum’k, it list me, Am. 74: very common is erum’k, ‘tis to me (us); erum’k van, I (we) have to expect; mjök erum’k tregt tungu at hræra, ‘tis hard for me to move the tongue, i. e. the tongue cleaves to my mouth, Stor. 1, 17, Ad. 16.
    2. sometimes oneself is the subject, freq. in prose and poetry, either in deponent verbs or as reflex. or recipr.; at vit skilim’k sáttir, Ó. H. 119; at vér komim’k, that we shall come, 85; finnum’k hér þá, 108; ef vér finnum’k, 111; ek skildum’k við Ólaf konung, 126; ef ek komum’k í braut, 140; sigrom’k, if I gain the victory, 206; æðrom’k, 214; ef ek öndum’k, if I die, Eg. 127; ek berum’k, I bear myself, Grág. ii. 57, Mork. passim; ek þykkjum’k, þóttum’k, ráðum’k, látum’k, setjum’k, bjóðum’k, skildum’k, kveljum’k, etc., = ek þykisk, þóttisk, ræðsk, lætsk, setsk, býðsk, skildisk, kvelsk, etc.: even at the present day the forms eg þykjumst, þóttumst are often used in writing; in other words the suffix - mst (-mk) is almost obsolete.
    β. the obsolete interjection er mik = I am; vel er mik, well is me (= ‘bless me!’), O. H. L. 71; æ er mik, ah me! 64; kendr er mik, I am known, 66: with a reflex. notion, hvat er mik at því, what is that to me? Skv. 1. 28; er mik þat undir frétt þeirri, that is my reason for asking, Grág. i. 19:—this ‘er mik’ is clearly the remains of the old erum’k.
    C. DUAL AND PLUR. also from a different root:
    1. dual vit, mod. við, a Norse form mit also occurs, Al. 170, 171, [cp. mi, Ivar Aasen]:—we two; gen. and dat. from a different root, okkar and okkr, [cp. Goth. ïggqis; A. S. inc and incer; O. H. G. inch and inchar; Ivar Aasen dikke and dykk]:—our.
    2. plur.:
    α. nom. vér and vær, the last form now obsolete, [Goth. veis; A. S. and Engl. we; Germ. wir; Dan. vi]:—we.
    β. gen. vár, mod. vor, Eg. 524, Fms. viii. 213, 398, etc.
    γ. dat. and acc. oss, [Goth. uns (acc.), unsis (dat.); A. S. us; Germ. uns; Swed. oss; Dan. os]:—us: it need only be noticed that in mod. familiar usage the dual—við, okkr, okkar—has taken the place of the plural, vér, oss; but that in written books the forms vér, oss are still in freq. use, except in light or familiar style; old writers, on the other hand, made a clear distinction both in speech and writing.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EK

  • 12 EINGI

    einginn, in old writers more freq. spelt ‘eng’ (which accords with the mod. pronunciation), engi, enginn, qs. einn-gi from einn, one, and the negative suffix -gi:—none.
    A. THE FORMS vary greatly:
    1. the adjective is declined, and the suffix left indeclinable; obsolete forms are, dat. eino-gi or einu-gi ( nulli), ægishjálmr bergr einugi, Fm. 17; einugi feti framar, not a step further, Ls. 1; svá illr at einugi dugi, Hm. 134; in old laws, ef maðr svarar einugi, Grág. (Þ. Þ.) i. 22; acc. sing. engi, engi mann, Hkv. 1. 37; engi frið, Hm. 15; engi jötun (acc.), Vþm. 2; engi eyjarskeggja, Fas. i. 433 (in a verse); also in prose, engi mann, Ó. H. 68; engi hlut, 33, 34: engi liðsamnað, 36, Mork. passim; engi knút fékk hann leyst, ok engi álarendann hreift, Edda 29.
    2. the -gi changes into an adjective termination -igr; gen. sing. fem. einigrar, Hom. 22, Post. 645. 73; dat. sing. fem. einigri. Hom. 17; acc. sing. fem. einiga, Fas. i. 284 (in a verse); nom. pl. einigir, Jd. 1; fem. einigar, Grág. i. 354; gen. pl. einigra, Post. 73; dat. einigum: this obsolete declension is chiefly used in the sense of any, vide below.
    3. declined as the pronom. adj. hverr or nekverr (= nokkur); dat. sing. fem. engarri; gen. pl. aungvarra, Fms. ix. 46, Stj. 70; dat. sing. fem. aungvarri, Mork. 187; hereto belongs also the mod. neut. sing. ekkert.
    4. the word is declined as the adj. þröngr, with a final v; nom. fem. sing. öng sorg ( no sorrow), Hm. 94; nom. masc. öngr or aungr, Skv. 2. 26, Nj. 117 (in a verse), Fms. vi. 42 (Sighvat), i. 132 (Vellekla), etc.
    5. adding -nn, -n to the negative suffix, thus einginn, fem. eingin, neut. pl. eingin (or enginn, engin); in the other cases this n disappears. Out of these various and fragmentary forms sprung the normal form in old and modern writings, which is chiefly made up of 1, 4, and 5: old writers prefer nom. engi or eingi, but modern only admit einginn or enginn; gen. sing. masc. neut. eingis, einskis or einkis (enskis, Grág. i. 163; einskis, 25 C), engis or eingis, Eg. 74, 714, 655 xxxii. 10; einkis, Fms. x. 409: in mod. usage einskis and einkis are both current, but eingis obsolete: neut. sing. ekki assimilated = eit-ki or eitt-ki, in mod. usage ekkert, a form clearly originating from 3 above, but which, however, never occurs in old MSS.,—Fms. iii. 75, Landn. (Mant.) 329, Gþl. 343 (cp. N. G. L. ii. 110), are all paper MSS.,—nd only now and then in those from the end of the 15th century, but is common ever since that time; the N. T. in the Ed. of 1540 spelt ekkirt: in the nom. sing. old writers mostly use eingi or engi alike for masc. and fem. (eingi maðr, eingi kona), whereas modern writers only use einginn, eingin (einginn maðr, eingin kona); this form also occurs in old MSS., though rarely, e. g. engin hafði þess gáð, Stj. 6; einginn karlmaðr, 206; eingin atkvæði, Fms. v. 318: eingin hey, Ísl. ii. 138; chiefly in MSS. of the 14th or 15th centuries: acc. sing. masc. engan or öngan is in MSS. much commoner than eingi (engi), see above, e. g. engan háska, Fms. ii. 322; fyrir engan mun, Gþl. 532, etc.: in the other cases the spelling and pronunciation are at variance. Editions and mod. writers usually spell engra, engrar, engri, engum, engu, engan, enga, engir, engar, but these forms are pronounced throughout with ö or au, öngra, öngrar, öngri, öngum or öngvum, öngu or öngvu, öngan or öngvan, önga or öngva, öngir or öngvir, öngar or öngvar; that this is no mod. innovation is amply borne out by some of the best vellum MSS., e. g. Arna-Magn. 468, Ó. H., Fb., Mork.; öngum manni, Nj. 82; öngri munuð, 10; öngvar sakir, 94; önga fárskapi, 52; aungu vætta, Stj. 208; öngvan þef, 7; öngu nýtr, Fb. i. 284, 365; öngvan hlut, 166; öngum, 25; aungum várum bræðra, 63; avngir, Ó. H. 184; öngva, 146; öngu, 184 (freq.); avnga menn, Ísl. ii. 349 (Heið. S. MS. Holm.); öngvir diskar, 337; öngum, Grág. i. 27; avngver menn, Bs. i. 337 (Miracle-book); öngom, 346, 347; önga björg, 349; en sér öngu at una, Hm. 95, Mork. passim, etc.: these forms are clearly derived from 4 above. [The word is exclusively Scandin.; Dan. ingen, neut. intet; Swed. ingen, inga, intet; Ivar Aasen ingjen, neut. inkje.]
    I. ‘not one;’ used as adj. with a subst. none, no, not any; þeir vissu sér eingis ótta ván, Eg. 74; man hann einigrar (= ongrar) ömbunar vætta af Guði, Post. 73, and in numberless cases.
    2. used absol. (Lat. nemo) as subst. none, naught; ekki er mér at eigna af þessu verki, Fms. ii. 101; enda virðask einkis vætti þau er þeir bera, Grág. i. 25; enginn konungs manna, Fms. i. 104; ok lét þá ekki ( naught) hafa af föðurarfi sínum, Eg. 25; eingi þeirra, Skálda 165; fur hann var enskis örvænt, Ísl. ii. 326; en svarar engu, Ld. 202; at öngu, for naught, Fms. iv. 317; öngum þeim er síðarr kemr, Grág. i. 27; þa skal enga veiða, none of them, ii. 338; engi einn, none, Fms. v. 239; sem engin veit fyrri gert hafa verit, K. Á. 28; ekki skorti þá (ekkert, Ed. from paper MS.), Fms. iii. 75.
    β. neut. ekki with gen. pl. in a personal sense, ekki manna, ‘nought of men,’ = engir menn or enginn maðr, no man, not a single man, Ó. H.; ekki vætta, nought, Fms. viii. 18; öngu vætta, nought (dat.), xi. 90; ekki skipa, not a single ship, etc. (freq. in old writers): einskis-konar, adv. in nowise, Sks. 713: engan-veginn, adv. noways.
    3. neut. ekki is freq. used as adv. = eigi, q. v., Edda 20, Fms. ii. 81, vii. 120, xi. 22, Grág. i. 206, Eg. 523.
    II. any; this sense is rare and obsolete, and probably also etymologically different from the preceding (cp. A. S. ânig):
    α. after a negative; á hón eigi at selja fjárheimtingar sínar, né sakar einigar, Grág. i. 354; er eigi saurgisk í einigri líkams úhreinsun, Hom. 17; hvat sem engi segir, Þiðr. 178; aldregi skalt þú þat heyra né engi annarra, 128; aldri fyrr í engri herferð, 29; má eigi þar fyrri undir búa eingi sá er tempraðan bólstað vill hafa, Sks. 45 new Ed.; né önnur eingi, Skálda (Thorodd) 165; því at hanu má hvárki vaxa nó þverra, né á engi veg skapask í sínu at kvæði, 166; eigi skal maðr gildra í mörku annars til einigra dyra, N. G. L. i. 242.
    β. after a comparative; prettvísari en ekki annat kvikendi, Mar.; þíðari ok fegri en engi maðr annarr, Stj. 524; sæmilegri en engan tíma fyrr hafði hann verit, 196; um þat fram (= framar) en engi hans frænda hefir haft fyr hánum, Fagrsk. 11.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EINGI

  • 13 en

    viven en la capital they live in the capital
    tiene el dinero en el banco he keeps his money in the bank
    en la mesa/el plato on the table/plate
    en casa/el trabajo at home/work
    2 into.
    el avión cayó en el mar the plane fell into the sea
    entraron en la habitación they came/went into the room
    3 in (time) (month, year).
    nació en 1953/marzo she was born in 1953/March
    en Nochebuena on Christmas Eve
    en Navidades at Christmas
    en aquella época at that time, in those days
    en un par de días in a couple of days
    ir en tren/coche/avión/barco to go by train/car/plane/boat
    5 in (modo).
    en voz baja in a low voice
    lo dijo en inglés she said it in English
    pagar en libras to pay in pounds
    la inflación aumentó en un 10 por ciento inflation increased by 10 percent
    todo se lo gasta en ropa he spends everything on clothes
    6 in (price).
    las ganancias se calculan en millones profits are calculated in millions
    te lo dejo en 5.000 I'll let you have it for 5,000
    7 from (causa).
    lo detecté en su forma de hablar I could tell from the way he was speaking
    8 in, made of (materia).
    en seda in silk
    9 in terms of.
    lo supera en inteligencia she is more intelligent than he is
    10 on, over, upon.
    11 at, over at, in, over in.
    En ese momento ...at that moment.
    12 to.
    * * *
    1 (lugar - gen) in, at
    2 (- en el interior) in, inside
    4 (año, mes, estación) in; (día) on; (época, momento) at
    7 (tema, materia) at, in
    8 (modo, manera) in
    los valores aumentaron en un 6% securities increased by 6%
    10 en + gerund upon
    en llegando el maestro, los niños se levantan upon the teacher's arrival, the children stand up
    de casa en casa from house to house
    en cuanto as soon as
    en camino on the way
    * * *
    1) in
    2) on
    3) at
    4) by
    6) into
    * * *
    1) [indicando lugar]
    a) (=dentro de) in

    está en el cajón/en el armario — it's in the drawer/in the wardrobe

    b) (=encima de) on
    c) [con países, ciudades, calles]
    d) [con edificios]
    2) [indicando movimiento] into
    3) [indicando modo] in
    4) [indicando proporción] by
    5) [indicando tiempo]

    ayer en la mañana LAm yesterday morning

    en la mañana del accidente LAm on the morning of the accident

    6) [indicando tema, ocupación]

    Hugo en Segismundo — (Cine, Teat) Hugo as Segismundo, Hugo in the role of Segismundo

    7) [con medios de transporte] by
    8) [con cantidades] at, for
    9) [con infinitivo]
    10) [con gerundio]
    EN Como preposición de lugar, en se traduce normalmente por on, in o at. La elección de una de estas tres preposiciones depende a menudo de cómo percibe el hablante la relación espacial. He aquí unas líneas generales: Se traduce por on cuando en equivale a encima de o nos referimos a algo que se percibe como una superficie o una línea, por ejemplo una mesa, una carretera {etc}: "¿Has visto mi vestido?" - "Está en la tabla de planchar" "Have you seen my dress?" - "It's on the ironing-board" Estaban tumbados en la playa They were lying on the beach Está construyendo una casa en la colina He's building a house on the hill ... un pueblo en la costa oeste...... a village on the west coast... La gasolinera está en la carretera que va a Motril The petrol station is on the road to Motril Dibujó un león en la hoja de papel He drew a lion on the piece of paper Tiene un grano en la nariz He has a spot on his nose Lo vi en la tele I saw him on TV ► Se usa in cuando equivale a dentro de o cuando nos referimos a un espacio que se percibe como limitado (calle, montañas, etc): Tus gafas están en mi bolso Your glasses are in my bag Tienes una pestaña en el ojo You've got an eyelash in your eye Lo leí en un libro I read it in a book Se han comprado un chalet en la sierra They've bought a chalet in the mountains Viven en la calle de Serrano They live in the Calle de Serrano ► Lo traducimos por at para referirnos a un edificio cuando hablamos de la actividad que normalmente se realiza en él o cuando en indica un lugar concreto. También se traduce por at cuando en la dirección incluimos el número o el nombre de la casa: ¿Por qué no comemos en el restaurante de tu hermano? Why don't we have lunch at your brother's restaurant? Voy a pasar el día en el museo I'm going to spend the day at the museum Te espero en la parada del autobús I'll meet you at the bus-stop Vivimos en la calle Dale nº 12 We live at 12 Dale Street Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.
    Ex. The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.
    Ex. When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex. The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex. He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex. Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex: The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex: He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte

    * * *
    (refiriéndose a una ciudad, un edificio): viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel
    en el quinto piso on the sixth ( AmE) o ( BrE) fifth floor
    viven en la calle Goya they live on o ( BrE) in Goya Street
    nos quedamos en casa we stayed home ( AmE), we stayed at home ( BrE)
    métete en la cama get into bed
    lo puso en una caja he put it in a box
    metió la mano en el conducto she stuck her hand into ( o down etc) the pipe
    3 (sobre) on
    lo puso en la mesa/pared he put it on the table/wall
    se sentó en una silla/en un sillón she sat down on a chair/in an armchair
    tendrás que dormir en el suelo you'll have to sleep on the floor
    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    1 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    vivir en armonía con la naturaleza to live in harmony with nature
    de … en …: van de casa en casa/de puerta en puerta pidiendo dinero they go from house to house/from door to door asking for money
    nos tienes de sorpresa en sorpresa you're full of surprises
    1 ‹un tema/una especialidad/una cualidad›
    es licenciado en filosofía he has a degree in philosophy
    es un experto en la materia he's an expert on the subject
    es muy bueno en historia he's very good at history
    supera a su hermana en inteligencia she surpasses her sister in intelligence
    2 ‹una proporción/un precio›
    ha aumentado en un diez por ciento it has gone up by ten per cent
    me lo vendió en $30 he sold it to me for $30
    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 the losses were calculated at $50,000
    1 ‹un estado/una manera› in
    en buenas/malas condiciones in good/bad condition
    un edificio en llamas a building in flames o on fire
    nos recibió en camisón he received us in his nightshirt
    con los músculos en tensión with (his) muscles tensed
    en posición vertical in an upright position
    (con forma de): termina en punta it's pointed, it ends in o comes to a point
    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle
    Luis Girón en el Alcalde Luis Girón as the Mayor
    pensamos ir en taxi/en coche/en barco we plan to go by taxi/by car/by boat
    ¿fueron en tren? — no, en avión did you go by train? — no, by plane o no, we flew
    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes
    fuimos a dar una vuelta en coche we went for a drive o we went for a ride in the car
    (expresando el material): un modelo realizado en seda natural an outfit in natural silk
    ¿lo tienen en azul/(un) 38? do you have it in blue/a 38?
    una obra en tres actos a play in three acts
    ¿cuánto pesas en kilos? how much do you weigh in kilos?
    en ruso/en el código Morse in Russian/in Morse Code
    (en expresiones de tiempo): en verano in (the) summer
    en mayo/1947 in May/1947
    en varias ocasiones on several occasions
    llegó justo en ese momento she arrived just at that moment, just then she arrived
    en la mañana/tarde ( esp AmL); in the morning/afternoon
    en la noche ( esp AmL); at night
    no vi a nadie en todo el día I didn't see anybody all day
    no hay nada de malo en lo que hacen there's nothing wrong in what they're doing
    en + INF:
    tardó media hora en resolverlo it took her half an hour to work it out
    siempre es el último en salir he's always the last to leave
    (con complementos de persona): en él ha encontrado un amigo she's found a friend in him
    problemas que se dan en las personas de edad problems which affect old people
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    en preposición
    1 ( en expresiones de lugar)
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio):

    viven en París/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/at number ten/in a hotel;

    en el último piso on the top floor;
    está en la calle Goya it's on o (BrE) in Goya Street;
    en casa at home
    b) ( dentro de) in;

    c) ( sobre) on;

    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    2 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente) in;

    a) (indicando tema, especialidad):

    doctor en derecho Doctor of Law
    b) (indicando proporción, precio):

    en dólares in dollars
    a) (indicando estado, manera) in;

    en llamas in flames, on fire

    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle

    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes;
    dimos una vuelta en coche we went for a ride in the car

    una escultura en bronce a bronze (sculpture)

    en azul/ruso in blue/Russian

    6 ( con expresiones de tiempo):

    en varias ocasiones on several occasions;
    en la mañana/noche (esp AmL) in the morning/at night

    fuí el último en salir I was the last to leave

    en preposición
    1 (lugar) in, on, at: nos encontramos en el autobús, we met on the bus
    en Barcelona/Río, in Barcelona/Rio
    en el cajón, in the drawer
    en casa/el trabajo, at home/work
    (sobre) en la mesa, on the table
    2 (tiempo) in, on, at: cae en lunes, it falls on a Monday
    en 1975, in 1975
    en ese preciso instante, at that very moment
    en un minuto, in a minute
    en primavera, in spring
    LAm en la mañana, in the morning
    3 (modo) en bata, in a dressing gown
    en francés, in French
    en serio, seriously
    4 (medio) by, in: puede venir en avión/ coche/metro/tren, she can come by air/car/tube/train
    ¿por qué no vienes en avión?, why don't you fly?
    5 (movimiento) into: entró en la habitación, he went into the room
    entró en escena, he went on stage
    6 (tema, materia) at, in
    es muy bueno en matemáticas, he's very good at maths
    experto en finanzas, expert in finances
    7 (partición, fases) in: hicimos el viaje en dos etapas, we did the journey in two stages
    8 (de... en...) entraremos de tres en tres, we shall go in three by three
    9 (con infinitivo) fue rápido en desenfundar, he was quick to pull out
    se le nota la timidez en el hablar, you can notice his shyness by the way he speaks
    'en' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abogar
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abordar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - absorta
    - absorto
    - abstracta
    - abstracto
    - abstraída
    - abstraído
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - abundancia
    - abundante
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - academia
    - acariciar
    - acceder
    - acentuar
    - achantarse
    - achatamiento
    - achuchar
    - acoger
    - acomodar
    - acompañar
    - aconsejar
    - acontecer
    - acordar
    - acordarse
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - aback
    - abdicate
    - abide
    - ablaze
    - able
    - above
    - above-board
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abscess
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstract
    - abundant
    - academic
    - academy
    - accent
    - access
    - account
    - accustom
    - acknowledgement
    - acquiesce
    - acquire
    - act
    - acting
    - action
    - active
    - actually
    - add
    - add in
    - addition
    - adept
    - adequate
    - administration
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advantage
    - adventure
    - advertise
    - advertising
    - affair
    - affect
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    * * *
    EN nm (abrev de Encuentro Nacional)
    = Paraguayan political party
    * * *
    1 ( dentro de) in;
    en un mes in a month;
    en junio in June;
    en casa at home;
    en el cielo in heaven
    2 ( sobre) on;
    en la mesa on the table;
    en la calle on the street, Br tb in the street
    en coche/tren by car/train
    en inglés in English;
    póngamelo en la cuenta put it on my account;
    aumentar en un 10 % grow (by) 10%, increase (by) 10%
    * * *
    en prep
    1) : in
    en el bolsillo: in one's pocket
    en una semana: in a week
    2) : on
    en la mesa: on the table
    3) : at
    en casa: at home
    en el trabajo: at work
    en ese momento: at that moment
    * * *
    en prep
    ¿en qué calle vives? which street do you live in?
    2. (edificios, fiestas específicas) at
    3. (superficies, días concretos) on

    Spanish-English dictionary > en

  • 14 eliminar

    to eliminate.
    El líquido eliminó las manchas The liquid eliminated the stains.
    El mafioso eliminó al testigo The mobster eliminated the witness.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to eliminate, exclude
    2 (esperanzas, miedos, etc) to get rid of, cast aside
    3 familiar (matar) to kill, eliminate
    * * *
    3) kill
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hacer desaparecer) [+ mancha, obstáculo] to remove, get rid of; [+ residuos] to dispose of; [+ pobreza] to eliminate, eradicate; [+ posibilidad] to rule out

    eliminar un directorio — (Inform) to remove o delete a directory

    2) [+ concursante, deportista] to knock out, eliminate

    fueron eliminados de la competiciónthey were knocked out of o eliminated from the competition

    3) euf (=matar) to eliminate, do away with *
    4) [+ incógnita] to eliminate
    5) (Fisiol) to eliminate
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < obstáculo> to remove; < párrafo> to delete, remove
    b) < candidato> to eliminate; (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)
    d) < residuos> to dispose of
    2) <toxinas/grasas> to eliminate
    3) (Mat) < incógnita> to eliminate
    * * *
    = abort, cut off, delete, detach, disband, discard, dispose of, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, erase, erode, kill, obviate, purge, remove, rid, suppress, take out, withdraw, screen out, retire, squeeze out, decrement, dispel, weed out, axe [ax, -USA], abolish, pare out, chop off, excise, obliterate, scrap, take off, expunge, cut out, put to + rest, sweep away, root out, nix, drive out, deselect, strip away, roll back, efface, cashier, clear out, weed, sunset, stomp + Nombre + out, zap, take + Nombre + out.
    Ex. It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    Ex. The only way to solve these problems is either to revise your catalog in its totality or to cut it off.
    Ex. Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex. The words from the deleted abstract in the abstract word file will be detached when DOBIS/LIBIS is not busy with other work.
    Ex. With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex. The dates should be checked regularly and updated so that old dates are discarded and new ones entered.
    Ex. List and describe the steps involved in withdrawing and disposing of books which are no longer required.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.
    Ex. Obviously, computers and the use of notation in computerised systems may place additional constraints upon the nature of the notation, or may eliminate the need to consider some of the characteristics below.
    Ex. In this instance links would be insufficient to eradicate the false drop.
    Ex. Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.
    Ex. These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex. He was looking for the book 'Flowers and Bullets and Freedom to kill' = Estaba buscando el libro "Flores, balas y libertad para matar".
    Ex. The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.
    Ex. The system requests the number of the borrower and then purges that borrower's name and number from its files.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. This function can be used to rid access-point files of unused entries.
    Ex. It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex. A scheme should allow reduction, to take out subjects and their subdivisions which are no longer used.
    Ex. Thus, all cards corresponding to documents covering 'Curricula' are withdrawn from the pack.
    Ex. Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.
    Ex. This article stresses the importance for libraries of making current informationav ailable on AIDS, and of retiring out-of-date information on the subject.
    Ex. Subjects not in the core of major employment areas are likely to be squeezed out of the standard curriculum.
    Ex. Document terms absent from the original query were decremented.
    Ex. But years and experience do not always dispel the sense of unease.
    Ex. Information services administrators expect library schools to uphold admission standards and weed out unsuitable candidates.
    Ex. 'He's been trying to cover up his tracks; those engineers who got axed were his scapegoats'.
    Ex. Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex. Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.
    Ex. Others chop off old records to remain within the limits of 680 MB.
    Ex. Once a new digitized system has been introduced irrelevancies and redundant features can more easily be seen and excised.
    Ex. Typing errors cannot be obliterated with a normal erasing fluid as this would print and appear as a blotch on the copies.
    Ex. There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex. Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident.
    Ex. This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex. In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex. Careful investigation by the library board of the possibilities inherent in system membership usually puts to rest preconceived fears.
    Ex. Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex. Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.
    Ex. This play was nixed by school officials on the grounds that the subject of sweatshops was not appropriate for that age group.
    Ex. The development of user-friendly interfaces to data bases may drive out the unspecialised information broker in the long run.
    Ex. There is a need to provide public access to the Internet and to develop guidelines for selecting and deselecting appropriate resources.
    Ex. Like its predecessor, it wants to strip away the sentimentality surrounding male-female relationships and reveal the ugly, unvarnished truth.
    Ex. Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.
    Ex. The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex. His case was referred to the next session, and in the following May he was cashiered.
    Ex. Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.
    Ex. It seems to me that the electronic catalog provides the ability to build a file that can, in fact, be easily weeded.
    Ex. It's instructive to remember just how passionately the media hyped the dangers of ' sunsetting' the ban.
    Ex. Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex. This electric fly swatter will zap any fly or mosquito with 1500 volts.
    Ex. My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar al intermediario = cut out + the middleman.
    * eliminar ambigüedades = disambiguate.
    * eliminar barreras = flatten + barriers, tackle + barriers, erase + boundaries.
    * eliminar de un golpe = eliminate + at a stroke.
    * eliminar de un texto = redact out, redact.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * eliminar el sarro = descale.
    * eliminar gases = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * eliminar la necesidad de = remove + the need for.
    * eliminar las barreras = break down + barriers.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * eliminar los duplicados = deduplicate.
    * eliminar + Nombre = clear of + Nombre.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar por etapas = phase out.
    * eliminar progresivamente = phase out.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * eliminar puliendo = buff out.
    * eliminar una barrera = topple + barrier.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * eliminar un error = remove + error.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < obstáculo> to remove; < párrafo> to delete, remove
    b) < candidato> to eliminate; (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)
    d) < residuos> to dispose of
    2) <toxinas/grasas> to eliminate
    3) (Mat) < incógnita> to eliminate
    * * *
    = abort, cut off, delete, detach, disband, discard, dispose of, do away with, eliminate, eradicate, erase, erode, kill, obviate, purge, remove, rid, suppress, take out, withdraw, screen out, retire, squeeze out, decrement, dispel, weed out, axe [ax, -USA], abolish, pare out, chop off, excise, obliterate, scrap, take off, expunge, cut out, put to + rest, sweep away, root out, nix, drive out, deselect, strip away, roll back, efface, cashier, clear out, weed, sunset, stomp + Nombre + out, zap, take + Nombre + out.

    Ex: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

    Ex: The only way to solve these problems is either to revise your catalog in its totality or to cut it off.
    Ex: Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex: The words from the deleted abstract in the abstract word file will be detached when DOBIS/LIBIS is not busy with other work.
    Ex: With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex: The dates should be checked regularly and updated so that old dates are discarded and new ones entered.
    Ex: List and describe the steps involved in withdrawing and disposing of books which are no longer required.
    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does away with the multiplicity of files and catalogs.
    Ex: Obviously, computers and the use of notation in computerised systems may place additional constraints upon the nature of the notation, or may eliminate the need to consider some of the characteristics below.
    Ex: In this instance links would be insufficient to eradicate the false drop.
    Ex: Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.
    Ex: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex: He was looking for the book 'Flowers and Bullets and Freedom to kill' = Estaba buscando el libro "Flores, balas y libertad para matar".
    Ex: The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.
    Ex: The system requests the number of the borrower and then purges that borrower's name and number from its files.
    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex: This function can be used to rid access-point files of unused entries.
    Ex: It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex: A scheme should allow reduction, to take out subjects and their subdivisions which are no longer used.
    Ex: Thus, all cards corresponding to documents covering 'Curricula' are withdrawn from the pack.
    Ex: Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.
    Ex: This article stresses the importance for libraries of making current informationav ailable on AIDS, and of retiring out-of-date information on the subject.
    Ex: Subjects not in the core of major employment areas are likely to be squeezed out of the standard curriculum.
    Ex: Document terms absent from the original query were decremented.
    Ex: But years and experience do not always dispel the sense of unease.
    Ex: Information services administrators expect library schools to uphold admission standards and weed out unsuitable candidates.
    Ex: 'He's been trying to cover up his tracks; those engineers who got axed were his scapegoats'.
    Ex: Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex: Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.
    Ex: Others chop off old records to remain within the limits of 680 MB.
    Ex: Once a new digitized system has been introduced irrelevancies and redundant features can more easily be seen and excised.
    Ex: Typing errors cannot be obliterated with a normal erasing fluid as this would print and appear as a blotch on the copies.
    Ex: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex: Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident.
    Ex: This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex: In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex: Careful investigation by the library board of the possibilities inherent in system membership usually puts to rest preconceived fears.
    Ex: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex: Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.
    Ex: This play was nixed by school officials on the grounds that the subject of sweatshops was not appropriate for that age group.
    Ex: The development of user-friendly interfaces to data bases may drive out the unspecialised information broker in the long run.
    Ex: There is a need to provide public access to the Internet and to develop guidelines for selecting and deselecting appropriate resources.
    Ex: Like its predecessor, it wants to strip away the sentimentality surrounding male-female relationships and reveal the ugly, unvarnished truth.
    Ex: Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.
    Ex: The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex: His case was referred to the next session, and in the following May he was cashiered.
    Ex: Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.
    Ex: It seems to me that the electronic catalog provides the ability to build a file that can, in fact, be easily weeded.
    Ex: It's instructive to remember just how passionately the media hyped the dangers of ' sunsetting' the ban.
    Ex: Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex: This electric fly swatter will zap any fly or mosquito with 1500 volts.
    Ex: My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar al intermediario = cut out + the middleman.
    * eliminar ambigüedades = disambiguate.
    * eliminar barreras = flatten + barriers, tackle + barriers, erase + boundaries.
    * eliminar de un golpe = eliminate + at a stroke.
    * eliminar de un texto = redact out, redact.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * eliminar el sarro = descale.
    * eliminar gases = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * eliminar la necesidad de = remove + the need for.
    * eliminar las barreras = break down + barriers.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * eliminar los duplicados = deduplicate.
    * eliminar + Nombre = clear of + Nombre.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar por etapas = phase out.
    * eliminar progresivamente = phase out.
    * eliminar puestos de trabajo = shed + jobs, axe + jobs, cut + jobs.
    * eliminar puliendo = buff out.
    * eliminar una barrera = topple + barrier.
    * eliminar una ecuación de búsqueda = clear + search.
    * eliminar un error = remove + error.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.

    * * *
    eliminar [A1 ]
    1 ‹obstáculo› to remove; ‹párrafo› to delete, remove
    para eliminar las cucarachas to get rid of o exterminate o kill cockroaches
    2 ‹equipo/candidato› to eliminate
    fueron eliminados del torneo they were knocked out of o eliminated from the tournament
    3 ( euf) (matar) to eliminate ( euph), to get rid of ( euph)
    B ‹toxinas/grasas› to eliminate
    C ( Mat) ‹incógnita› to eliminate
    * * *


    eliminar ( conjugate eliminar) verbo transitivo

    párrafo to delete, remove

    (Dep) to eliminate, knock out
    c) (euf) ( matar) to eliminate (euph), to get rid of (euph)

    e)toxinas/grasas to eliminate

    eliminar verbo transitivo to eliminate
    ' eliminar' also found in these entries:
    - cortar
    - descalificar
    - michelín
    - quitar
    - sonda
    - terminar
    - tranquilizar
    cut out
    - debug
    - eliminate
    - face
    - hit list
    - knock out
    - liquidate
    - obliterate
    - remove
    - weed
    - cut
    - delete
    - do
    - knock
    - take
    - zap
    * * *
    1. [en juego, deporte, concurso] to eliminate (de from);
    el que menos puntos consiga queda eliminado the person who scores the lowest number of points is eliminated;
    lo eliminaron en la segunda ronda he was eliminated o knocked out in the second round
    2. [acabar con] [contaminación] to eliminate;
    [grasas, toxinas] to eliminate, to get rid of; [residuos] to dispose of; [manchas] to remove, to get rid of; [fronteras, obstáculos] to remove, to eliminate;
    eliminó algunos trozos de su discurso he cut out some parts of his speech
    3. Mat [incógnita] to eliminate
    4. Euf [matar] to eliminate, to get rid of
    * * *
    1 eliminate
    2 desperdicios dispose of
    3 INFOR delete
    * * *
    1) : to eliminate, to remove
    2) : to do in, to kill
    * * *
    1. (en general) to eliminate
    2. (manchas) to remove

    Spanish-English dictionary > eliminar

  • 15 malo

    1 bad, wrong.
    2 bad, lousy, crummy, below par.
    3 bad, wicked, evil, ill.
    4 bad, rotten, crook, decayed.
    5 bad, out of order, out of service.
    1 bad one.
    2 bad guy, baddy.
    * * *
    1 bad
    ¡qué día tan malo hace! what dreadful weather!
    2 (malvado) wicked, evil
    3 (travieso) naughty
    ¡qué niño más malo! what a naughty child!
    4 (nocivo) harmful
    5 (enfermo) ill, sick
    7 (falso) false
    8 (difícil) difficult
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (en la ficción) baddy, villain
    ¿quién es el malo? who's the baddy?
    de mala manera badly, rudely
    estar a malas con alguien to be on bad terms with somebody
    estar de malas (malhumorado) to be in a bad mood 2 (desafortunado) to be unlucky
    estar mala familiar to have one's period
    estar malo,-a familiar to be ill, US be sick
    lo malo es que... the trouble is that...
    ¡malo! bad news!
    cuando no mira a los ojos ¡malo! if he doesn't look you in the eye it's bad news
    poner malo,-a a alguien familiar to drive somebody mad
    ponerse malo,-a familiar to get ill, US get sick
    por las buenas o por las malas whether one likes it or not
    por las malas by force
    mala educación bad manners plural
    mala jugada dirty trick
    mala pasada dirty trick
    mala pata bad luck
    malos tratos ill-treatment
    mala voluntad ill will
    * * *
    1. (f. - mala)
    villain, bad person
    2. (f. - mala)
    1) bad
    2) evil
    4) ill
    5) poor, cheap
    * * *
    malo, -a
    1. ADJ
    ( antes de sm sing mal)
    1) (=perjudicial) bad
    2) (=imperfecto) bad

    un chiste malísimo — a really bad joke, a terrible joke

    ni un(a) mal(a)..., no hay ni un mal bar para tomar algo — there isn't a single little bar where we can get a drink

    3) (=adverso) bad

    he tenido mala suerte — I've had bad luck, I've been unlucky

    -es tarde y no ha llamado -¡malo! — "it's late and she hasn't called" - "oh dear!"

    lo malo es que... — the trouble is (that)...

    pata 1., 6)
    4) (=desagradable) bad

    un olor muy maloa bad o nasty smell

    5) (=podrido)
    6) (=reprobable) wrong

    ¿qué tiene de malo? — what's wrong with that?

    ¿qué tiene de malo comer helados en invierno? — what's wrong with eating ice cream in winter?

    arte 2), idea 3), leche 10), lengua 1), manera 2), pasada 5), trato 4), uva 1)
    7) (=travieso) naughty

    ¡no seas malo! — don't be naughty!

    8) (=enfermo) ill
    9) (=inepto) bad
    10) (=difícil) hard, difficult

    es un animal malo de domesticarit's a hard o difficult animal to tame

    es muy malo de vencerhe's very hard o difficult to beat

    - venir de malas
    SM / F (=personaje) (Teat) villain; (Cine) baddie *

    el malo — (Rel) the Evil One, the Devil

    * * *
    2) [ser] ( en calidad) < producto> bad, poor; <película/novela> bad
    3) [ser]
    a) ( incompetente) <alumno/actor> bad

    soy muy mala para los númerosI'm terrible o very bad with figures

    b) <padre/marido/amigo> bad
    4) [SER] (desfavorable, adverso) bad

    qué mala suerte! — what bad luck!, how unlucky!

    lo malo es que... — the thing o trouble is that...

    estar de malas — ( de mal humor) (fam) to be in a bad mood; ( desafortunado) (esp AmL) to be unlucky

    5) [ser] (inconveniente, perjudicial) <hábitos/lecturas> bad
    6) [SER] ( sin gracia) < chiste> bad
    7) [SER] ( desagradable) <olor/aliento> bad

    hace tan malo — (Esp) it's such horrible weather

    8) [estar] ( en mal estado) < alimento>

    el pescado/queso está malo — the fish/cheese has gone bad, that fish/cheese is off (BrE)

    a) (desmejorado, no saludable)

    tienes mala cara/mal aspecto — you don't look well

    b) [SER] (serio, grave) serious
    c) [estar] (Esp, Méx fam) ( enfermo) sick (AmE), ill (BrE)
    d) [ESTAR] (Esp fam & euf) < mujer>
    10) [ser] ( difícil)

    malo de + inf — difficult to + inf

    11) [ser] ( en sentido ético) < persona> nasty

    no seas mala, préstamelo — don't be mean o rotten, lend it to me (colloq)

    una mujer malaa wicked o an evil woman

    a la mala — (Chi fam)

    12) (Esp) ( uso enfático) (delante del n)
    - la masculino, femenino (leng infantil o hum) baddy (colloq)
    * * *
    = bad [worse -comp., worst -sup.], poor [poorer -comp., poorest -sup.], wrong, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.], naughty [naughtier -comp., naugtiest -sup.], villain, evil, crummy [crummier -comp., crummiest -sup.], lame.
    Ex. I'm not saying that it is bad, but it is a real difference of interest between the needs and purposes of research libraries and the public libraries, and I would also throw in the school and almost certainly junior college libraries.
    Ex. Examples are generally poor or obscure (often in Latin or German).
    Ex. In a conventional system, the omission of a punctuation mark or an abbreviation will not necessarily cause an entry to be filed in the wrong place, because humans can compensate for variations in spelling and punctuation.
    Ex. Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.
    Ex. He felt like a naughty school-boy.
    Ex. The father, Old Brightwell, curses his daughter, Jane, for preferring the love of the smooth-tongued villain, Grandley, to that of her own parents.
    Ex. One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.
    Ex. One librarian bluntly wondered about the ethics of sending ' crummy looking books with information that is incorrect or obsolete to the needy (because) everyone should have access to good material'.
    Ex. Democrats are lame, feckless, timid, with no ideas, no vision, no message, and no future.
    * acabar mal = come to + a bad end.
    * algo anda mal = something is amiss.
    * algo va mal = something is amiss.
    * andar mal = feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * andar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * aplicar mal = misapply.
    * a veces las cosas salen mal = shit happens.
    * bastante malo = third rate [third-rate].
    * bicho malo = nasty piece of work.
    * caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.
    * calcular mal = misjudge.
    * chiste malo = shaggy dog story.
    * citar mal = misquote.
    * comportarse mal = misbehave, act up.
    * comportarse muy mal con = be rotten to.
    * comprender mal = misunderstand.
    * concebir mal = misconceive.
    * con mala fama = disreputable.
    * con mala reputación = disreputable.
    * control de las malas hierbas = weed control.
    * corregir un mal = correct + a wrong.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de mala calidad = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.].
    * de mala fama = of bad repute, notorious.
    * de mala gana = reluctantly, grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly.
    * de mala leche = like a bear with a sore head, in a foul mood.
    * de mala reputación = of bad repute, notorious.
    * de mal aspecto = seedy [seedier -comp., seediest -sup.], nasty looking, shanky [shankier -comp., shankiest -sup.].
    * de malas pulgas = in a grouch.
    * de mala uva = in a foul mood.
    * de mal carácter = ill-natured.
    * de mal genio = bad-tempered, grumpy [grumpier -comp., grumpiest -sup.], curmudgeonly, crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], irascible, shrewish, short-tempered, ill-natured.
    * de mal gusto = in bad taste, distasteful, tawdry [tawdrier -comp., tawdriest -sup.], unbecoming, tasteless, tacky [tackier -comp., tackiest -sup.], naff, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de mal humor = crotchety.
    * de mal sabor = unbecoming.
    * de mal vivir = disreputable.
    * dentro de lo malo lo menos malo = the best of a bad lot.
    * diagnosticar mal = misdiagnose.
    * día malo = bad hair day.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.
    * en mala forma = in bad nick.
    * en malas condiciones = in poor condition, in bad condition, in bad shape, in poor shape, in bad nick.
    * en mal estado = in bad condition, in poor condition, in bad shape, in poor shape, in bad nick.
    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing.
    * escuchar mal = mishearing.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal preparado = ill-prepared.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * funcionar mal = malfunction.
    * gestionar mal = mismanage.
    * golpe de malasuerte = stroke of misfortune.
    * hablar mal de = speak out against, speak + ill of, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, slate, diss.
    * hacer sentir mal = make + Nombre + feel bad.
    * ir de mal en peor = go from + bad to worse.
    * ir mal = go + wrong.
    * ir mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * juzgar mal = misjudge, misconceive.
    * limpieza de malas hierbas = weeding.
    * llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.
    * llevar por mal camino = mislead.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * mala administración = mismanagement.
    * mala aplicación = misapplication.
    * mala calidad = badness.
    * mala cizaña = rotten apple.
    * mala colocación = misplacement, misfiling.
    * mala colocación en los estantes = misshelving.
    * mala compañía = bad apple, rotten apple, damaged goods.
    * mala conducta = misconduct, misbehaviour [misbehavior, -USA].
    * mala conducta científica = scientific misconduct.
    * mala decisión = bad judgement.
    * mal + Adjetivo = poorly + Adjetivo.
    * mala educación = impoliteness.
    * mala experiencia = horror story.
    * mala fama = ill-repute, bad repute, bad reputation, ill reputation.
    * mala fortuna = misfortune.
    * mala gestión = mismanagement.
    * mala hierba = weed, bad apple, rotten apple.
    * mala influencia = bad seed, bad influence.
    * mala intención = sinisterness, ill will.
    * mala interpretación = misinterpretation.
    * mala jugada = dirty trick.
    * mala leche = nastiness, bad blood.
    * mal aliento = bad breath.
    * mala ordenación = misfiling.
    * mala palabra = dirty word.
    * mala pasada = dirty trick.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * mala racha económica = economic doldrums.
    * mala reputación = ill-repute, bad repute, bad reputation, ill reputation.
    * mal armado = ill-armed.
    * mala salud = poor health.
    * mala semilla = bad seed.
    * malas experiencias = awful experience.
    * malas pulgas = ornery, grouchiness, grouch.
    * mala suerte = misfortune, mischance, bad luck, tough luck, hard luck, losing streak.
    * malas vibraciones = bad vibes.
    * mal atendido = ill-served.
    * mala tierra = poor soil.
    * mala vista = poor eyesight.
    * mala voluntad = ill will.
    * mal batido = badly-beaten.
    * mal comportamiento = misconduct, disruptive behaviour, misbehaviour [misbehavior, -USA].
    * mal comportamiento científico = scientific misconduct.
    * mal concebido = ill-conceived.
    * mal configurado = misconfigured.
    * mal considerado = poorly-regarded.
    * mal cuidado = mishandling.
    * mal día = bad hair day.
    * mal digerido = ill-digested.
    * mal educado = impolite.
    * mal emparejado = mismated.
    * mal enfocado = ill-adapted.
    * mal escrito = mistyped, ill-written, badly written.
    * mal estado = disrepair, state of disrepair.
    * mal estado de salud = poor health.
    * mal estructurado = ill-structured.
    * mal expresado = inarticulate.
    * mal formado = ill-trained.
    * mal formulado = badly formulated.
    * mal funcionamiento = malfunction, malfunctioning.
    * mal fundido = ill-cast.
    * mal genio = bile, short temper.
    * mal gusto = bad taste, tawdriness.
    * mal hecho para = ill suited to/for.
    * mal iluminado = badly-lit.
    * mal informado = ill-informed.
    * mal juicio = bad judgement.
    * mal llamado = ill-named.
    * mal menor = lesser evil.
    * malo del estómago = upset stomach.
    * malo, el = bad guy, the.
    * mal oído = poor hearing.
    * mal olor = stench.
    * mal ordenado en los estantes = misshelved.
    * mal ordenado los estantes = misshelved.
    * mal organizado = ill-structured.
    * malos, los = baddies, the.
    * malos tiempos = bad times.
    * malos tratos = mistreatment, battery, maltreatment, physical abuse.
    * malos tratos a la mujer = wife beating, wife battering, wife abuse.
    * mal pagado = low-paid, underpaid.
    * mal perdedor = sore loser, bad loser.
    * mal planeado = ill-planned.
    * mal preparado = ill-prepared, ill-equipped, ill-trained.
    * mal presentado = poorly presented.
    * mal provisto = poorly stocked.
    * mal remunerado = poorly paid, poorly remunerated.
    * mal retribuido = underpaid.
    * mal rollo = bad vibes.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mal social = societal ill.
    * mal surtido = poorly stocked.
    * mal trago = awful experience.
    * mal uso = misuse, mishandling.
    * mal ventilado = stuffy [stuffier -comp., stuffies -sup.].
    * manejar mal = mishandle.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * mirar con malos ojos = glower, scowl (at).
    * muy mal tiempo = severe weather.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise.
    * no salir mal parado por = be none the worse for (that).
    * oír mal = mishearing.
    * para bien o para mal = for better or (for) worse, for good or (for) ill, for good or (for) evil.
    * para mal = for the worse.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * por la mala fortuna = by ill fate.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * por mala fortuna = unfortunately, unhappily, sadly.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mal camino = astray.
    * portarse muy mal con = be rotten to.
    * quedar mal = lose + face.
    * que queda mal = ill-fitting.
    * quitarse una mala reputación = clean up + bad reputation.
    * racha de mala suerte = losing streak.
    * recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.
    * reformar malos hábitos = reform + bad habits.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * salir horriblemente mal = go + horribly wrong.
    * salir mal = go + wrong, go + awry, misfire, backfire.
    * se avecinan malos tiempos = hard times lie ahead.
    * sentirse mal = feel + bad, feel under + the weather, be under the weather, feel + wrong.
    * sentirse mal con Uno mismo = feel + wrong.
    * ser malo = be a joke, spell + bad news, make + poor + Nombre.
    * si mal no + Pronombre + acordarse = to the best of + Posesivo + recollection.
    * tener mala fama = hold in + disrepute.
    * tener mala fama por = be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener un mal concepto de Alguien = show + low regard for, give + low regard to.
    * tener un mal día = have + a bad day.
    * terminar mal = come to + a bad end.
    * tiempo muy malo = severe weather.
    * tierra mala = poor soil.
    * traerse algo malo entre manos = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.
    * usar mal = abuse, misuse.
    * * *
    2) [ser] ( en calidad) < producto> bad, poor; <película/novela> bad
    3) [ser]
    a) ( incompetente) <alumno/actor> bad

    soy muy mala para los númerosI'm terrible o very bad with figures

    b) <padre/marido/amigo> bad
    4) [SER] (desfavorable, adverso) bad

    qué mala suerte! — what bad luck!, how unlucky!

    lo malo es que... — the thing o trouble is that...

    estar de malas — ( de mal humor) (fam) to be in a bad mood; ( desafortunado) (esp AmL) to be unlucky

    5) [ser] (inconveniente, perjudicial) <hábitos/lecturas> bad
    6) [SER] ( sin gracia) < chiste> bad
    7) [SER] ( desagradable) <olor/aliento> bad

    hace tan malo — (Esp) it's such horrible weather

    8) [estar] ( en mal estado) < alimento>

    el pescado/queso está malo — the fish/cheese has gone bad, that fish/cheese is off (BrE)

    a) (desmejorado, no saludable)

    tienes mala cara/mal aspecto — you don't look well

    b) [SER] (serio, grave) serious
    c) [estar] (Esp, Méx fam) ( enfermo) sick (AmE), ill (BrE)
    d) [ESTAR] (Esp fam & euf) < mujer>
    10) [ser] ( difícil)

    malo de + inf — difficult to + inf

    11) [ser] ( en sentido ético) < persona> nasty

    no seas mala, préstamelo — don't be mean o rotten, lend it to me (colloq)

    una mujer malaa wicked o an evil woman

    a la mala — (Chi fam)

    12) (Esp) ( uso enfático) (delante del n)
    - la masculino, femenino (leng infantil o hum) baddy (colloq)
    * * *
    el malo
    (n.) = bad guy, the

    Ex: The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.

    = bad [worse -comp., worst -sup.], poor [poorer -comp., poorest -sup.], wrong, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.], naughty [naughtier -comp., naugtiest -sup.], villain, evil, crummy [crummier -comp., crummiest -sup.], lame.

    Ex: I'm not saying that it is bad, but it is a real difference of interest between the needs and purposes of research libraries and the public libraries, and I would also throw in the school and almost certainly junior college libraries.

    Ex: Examples are generally poor or obscure (often in Latin or German).
    Ex: In a conventional system, the omission of a punctuation mark or an abbreviation will not necessarily cause an entry to be filed in the wrong place, because humans can compensate for variations in spelling and punctuation.
    Ex: Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.
    Ex: He felt like a naughty school-boy.
    Ex: The father, Old Brightwell, curses his daughter, Jane, for preferring the love of the smooth-tongued villain, Grandley, to that of her own parents.
    Ex: One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.
    Ex: One librarian bluntly wondered about the ethics of sending ' crummy looking books with information that is incorrect or obsolete to the needy (because) everyone should have access to good material'.
    Ex: Democrats are lame, feckless, timid, with no ideas, no vision, no message, and no future.
    * acabar mal = come to + a bad end.
    * algo anda mal = something is amiss.
    * algo va mal = something is amiss.
    * andar mal = feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * andar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * aplicar mal = misapply.
    * a veces las cosas salen mal = shit happens.
    * bastante malo = third rate [third-rate].
    * bicho malo = nasty piece of work.
    * caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.
    * calcular mal = misjudge.
    * chiste malo = shaggy dog story.
    * citar mal = misquote.
    * comportarse mal = misbehave, act up.
    * comportarse muy mal con = be rotten to.
    * comprender mal = misunderstand.
    * concebir mal = misconceive.
    * con mala fama = disreputable.
    * con mala reputación = disreputable.
    * control de las malas hierbas = weed control.
    * corregir un mal = correct + a wrong.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that.
    * decir con mal humor = spit out.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de mala calidad = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.].
    * de mala fama = of bad repute, notorious.
    * de mala gana = reluctantly, grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly.
    * de mala leche = like a bear with a sore head, in a foul mood.
    * de mala reputación = of bad repute, notorious.
    * de mal aspecto = seedy [seedier -comp., seediest -sup.], nasty looking, shanky [shankier -comp., shankiest -sup.].
    * de malas pulgas = in a grouch.
    * de mala uva = in a foul mood.
    * de mal carácter = ill-natured.
    * de mal en peor = out of the fire and into the frying pan.
    * de mal genio = bad-tempered, grumpy [grumpier -comp., grumpiest -sup.], curmudgeonly, crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], irascible, shrewish, short-tempered, ill-natured.
    * de mal gusto = in bad taste, distasteful, tawdry [tawdrier -comp., tawdriest -sup.], unbecoming, tasteless, tacky [tackier -comp., tackiest -sup.], naff, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de mal humor = crotchety.
    * de mal sabor = unbecoming.
    * de mal vivir = disreputable.
    * dentro de lo malo lo menos malo = the best of a bad lot.
    * diagnosticar mal = misdiagnose.
    * día malo = bad hair day.
    * dicen las malas lenguas que = rumour has it that.
    * el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.
    * en mala forma = in bad nick.
    * en malas condiciones = in poor condition, in bad condition, in bad shape, in poor shape, in bad nick.
    * en mal estado = in bad condition, in poor condition, in bad shape, in poor shape, in bad nick.
    * entender mal = misunderstand, misconceive, mishearing.
    * escuchar mal = mishearing.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal preparado = ill-prepared.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * funcionar mal = malfunction.
    * gestionar mal = mismanage.
    * golpe de malasuerte = stroke of misfortune.
    * hablar mal de = speak out against, speak + ill of, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, slate, diss.
    * hacer sentir mal = make + Nombre + feel bad.
    * ir de mal en peor = go from + bad to worse.
    * ir mal = go + wrong.
    * ir mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * juzgar mal = misjudge, misconceive.
    * limpieza de malas hierbas = weeding.
    * llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.
    * llevar por mal camino = mislead.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * mala administración = mismanagement.
    * mala aplicación = misapplication.
    * mala calidad = badness.
    * mala cizaña = rotten apple.
    * mala colocación = misplacement, misfiling.
    * mala colocación en los estantes = misshelving.
    * mala compañía = bad apple, rotten apple, damaged goods.
    * mala conducta = misconduct, misbehaviour [misbehavior, -USA].
    * mala conducta científica = scientific misconduct.
    * mala decisión = bad judgement.
    * mal + Adjetivo = poorly + Adjetivo.
    * mala educación = impoliteness.
    * mala experiencia = horror story.
    * mala fama = ill-repute, bad repute, bad reputation, ill reputation.
    * mala fortuna = misfortune.
    * mala gestión = mismanagement.
    * mala hierba = weed, bad apple, rotten apple.
    * mala influencia = bad seed, bad influence.
    * mala intención = sinisterness, ill will.
    * mala interpretación = misinterpretation.
    * mala jugada = dirty trick.
    * mala leche = nastiness, bad blood.
    * mal aliento = bad breath.
    * mala ordenación = misfiling.
    * mala palabra = dirty word.
    * mala pasada = dirty trick.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * mala racha económica = economic doldrums.
    * mala reputación = ill-repute, bad repute, bad reputation, ill reputation.
    * mal armado = ill-armed.
    * mala salud = poor health.
    * mala semilla = bad seed.
    * malas experiencias = awful experience.
    * malas pulgas = ornery, grouchiness, grouch.
    * mala suerte = misfortune, mischance, bad luck, tough luck, hard luck, losing streak.
    * malas vibraciones = bad vibes.
    * mal atendido = ill-served.
    * mala tierra = poor soil.
    * mala vista = poor eyesight.
    * mala voluntad = ill will.
    * mal batido = badly-beaten.
    * mal comportamiento = misconduct, disruptive behaviour, misbehaviour [misbehavior, -USA].
    * mal comportamiento científico = scientific misconduct.
    * mal concebido = ill-conceived.
    * mal configurado = misconfigured.
    * mal considerado = poorly-regarded.
    * mal cuidado = mishandling.
    * mal día = bad hair day.
    * mal digerido = ill-digested.
    * mal educado = impolite.
    * mal emparejado = mismated.
    * mal enfocado = ill-adapted.
    * mal escrito = mistyped, ill-written, badly written.
    * mal estado = disrepair, state of disrepair.
    * mal estado de salud = poor health.
    * mal estructurado = ill-structured.
    * mal expresado = inarticulate.
    * mal formado = ill-trained.
    * mal formulado = badly formulated.
    * mal funcionamiento = malfunction, malfunctioning.
    * mal fundido = ill-cast.
    * mal genio = bile, short temper.
    * mal gusto = bad taste, tawdriness.
    * mal hecho para = ill suited to/for.
    * mal iluminado = badly-lit.
    * mal informado = ill-informed.
    * mal juicio = bad judgement.
    * mal llamado = ill-named.
    * mal menor = lesser evil.
    * malo del estómago = upset stomach.
    * malo, el = bad guy, the.
    * mal oído = poor hearing.
    * mal olor = stench.
    * mal ordenado en los estantes = misshelved.
    * mal ordenado los estantes = misshelved.
    * mal organizado = ill-structured.
    * malos, los = baddies, the.
    * malos tiempos = bad times.
    * malos tratos = mistreatment, battery, maltreatment, physical abuse.
    * malos tratos a la mujer = wife beating, wife battering, wife abuse.
    * mal pagado = low-paid, underpaid.
    * mal perdedor = sore loser, bad loser.
    * mal planeado = ill-planned.
    * mal preparado = ill-prepared, ill-equipped, ill-trained.
    * mal presentado = poorly presented.
    * mal provisto = poorly stocked.
    * mal remunerado = poorly paid, poorly remunerated.
    * mal retribuido = underpaid.
    * mal rollo = bad vibes.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mal social = societal ill.
    * mal surtido = poorly stocked.
    * mal trago = awful experience.
    * mal uso = misuse, mishandling.
    * mal ventilado = stuffy [stuffier -comp., stuffies -sup.].
    * manejar mal = mishandle.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * mirar con malos ojos = glower, scowl (at).
    * muy mal tiempo = severe weather.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise.
    * no salir mal parado por = be none the worse for (that).
    * oír mal = mishearing.
    * para bien o para mal = for better or (for) worse, for good or (for) ill, for good or (for) evil.
    * para mal = for the worse.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * por la mala fortuna = by ill fate.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * por mala fortuna = unfortunately, unhappily, sadly.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mal camino = astray.
    * portarse muy mal con = be rotten to.
    * quedar mal = lose + face.
    * que queda mal = ill-fitting.
    * quitarse una mala reputación = clean up + bad reputation.
    * racha de mala suerte = losing streak.
    * recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.
    * reformar malos hábitos = reform + bad habits.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * salir horriblemente mal = go + horribly wrong.
    * salir mal = go + wrong, go + awry, misfire, backfire.
    * se avecinan malos tiempos = hard times lie ahead.
    * sentirse mal = feel + bad, feel under + the weather, be under the weather, feel + wrong.
    * sentirse mal con Uno mismo = feel + wrong.
    * ser malo = be a joke, spell + bad news, make + poor + Nombre.
    * si mal no + Pronombre + acordarse = to the best of + Posesivo + recollection.
    * tener mala fama = hold in + disrepute.
    * tener mala fama por = be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener un mal concepto de Alguien = show + low regard for, give + low regard to.
    * tener un mal día = have + a bad day.
    * terminar mal = come to + a bad end.
    * tiempo muy malo = severe weather.
    * tierra mala = poor soil.
    * traerse algo malo entre manos = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.
    * usar mal = abuse, misuse.

    * * *
    malo1 -la
    [ The form mal is used before masculine singular nouns. mal2 (↑ mal (2)) ]
    A [ SER] (en calidad) ‹producto› bad, poor; ‹película/novela› bad
    la tela es de mala calidad the material is poor quality
    tiene mala ortografía her spelling is bad o poor, she's a bad o poor speller
    más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer better the devil you know (than the devil you don't)
    B [ SER]
    1 (incompetente) ‹alumno/actor› bad
    soy muy mala para los números I'm terrible o very bad with figures
    2 ‹padre/marido/amigo› bad
    C [ SER] (desfavorable, adverso) bad
    ¡qué mala suerte! what bad luck!, how unlucky!
    la obra tuvo mala crítica the play got bad reviews
    están en mala situación económica they're going through hard times
    lo malo es que va a haber mucho tráfico the only thing o trouble o problem is that there'll be a lot of traffic
    en las malas ( AmS): un amigo no te abandona en las malas a friend doesn't abandon you when things are tough o when times are bad
    estar de malas (de mal humor) ( fam) to be in a bad mood; (desafortunado) ( esp AmL) to be unlucky
    por las malas unwillingly
    vas a tener que hacerlo, ya sea por las buenas o por las malas you'll have to do it whether you like it or not
    D [ SER] (inconveniente, perjudicial) ‹hábitos/lecturas› bad
    llegas en mal momento you've come at an awkward o a bad moment
    es malo tomar tanto sol it's not good to sunbathe so much
    E [ SER] (sin gracia) ‹chiste› bad
    F [ SER]
    1 (desagradable) ‹olor/aliento› bad
    hace un día muy malo it's a horrible day
    nos hizo mal tiempo we had bad weather
    hace tan malo ( Esp); it's such horrible weather, the weather's so horrible
    2 ( Chi fam) (feo) ugly
    G [ ESTAR] (en mal estado) ‹alimento›
    ese pescado/queso está malo that fish/cheese has gone bad, that fish/cheese is off ( BrE)
    (desmejorado, no saludable): tienes mal aspecto you don't look very well
    tienes mala cara you don't look well
    yo le veo muy mal color he looks terribly pale to me
    2 [ SER] (serio, grave) serious
    fue una mala caída it was a bad fall
    no tiene nada malo it's nothing serious
    3 [ ESTAR] (Esp, Méx fam) (enfermo) sick ( AmE), ill ( BrE)
    el pobre está malito the poor thing's not very well ( colloq)
    4 [ ESTAR]
    ( Esp fam euf) ‹mujer› estoy mala I've got my period, it's the time of the month ( colloq euph)
    me he puesto mala my period's started
    I [ SER] (difícil) malo DE + INF difficult to + INF
    esta tela es mala de planchar this material is difficult to iron
    es muy malo de convencer he's very difficult o hard to persuade, it's very difficult o hard to persuade him
    Sentido II [ SER] (en sentido ético) ‹persona›
    ¡qué malo eres con tu hermano! you're really horrible o nasty to your brother
    no seas mala, préstamelo don't be mean o rotten, lend it to me ( colloq)
    una mala mujer a loose woman
    es una mujer muy mala she's a wicked o an evil woman
    a la mala ( Chi fam): se lo quitaron a la mala they did him out of it ( colloq)
    pasó la cámara a la mala she sneaked the camera through ( colloq)
    un ataque a la mala a sneak attack
    no nos ofrecieron ni un mal café they didn't even offer us a (lousy) cup of coffee
    no había ni una mala silla para sentarse there wasn't a single damn chair to sit on ( colloq)
    feminine weed
    ( Esp): tiene muy maloa idea she's a nasty character o a nasty piece of work ( colloq)
    lo hizo a or con maloa idea he did it deliberately o to be nasty, he did it knowing it would hurt ( o cause trouble etc)
    lo hizo con maloa leche (Esp, Méx, Ven); he did it deliberately o to be nasty, he did it knowing it would hurt ( o cause trouble etc)
    está de maloa leche ( Esp); she's in a foul mood ( colloq)
    ¡qué maloa leche, se ha puesto a llover! ( Esp); what a drag! it's started raining ( colloq)
    feminine ( esp AmL) rude o dirty word
    feminine dirty trick
    me hizo or jugó una maloa pasada she played a dirty trick on me
    los nervios me jugaron una maloa pasada my nerves got the better of me
    feminine ( fam); bad luck
    hacerse maloa sangre to get worked up ( colloq), to get into a state ( colloq)
    fpl guile, cunning
    todo lo ha conseguido con maloas artes she's got everything she has by guile o through cunning
    fpl ( fam):
    dicen las maloas lenguas que … rumor* has it that …, there's a rumor* o there are rumors* going around that …, people are saying that …
    mpl bad o impure thoughts (pl)
    mpl (a persona, animal) maltreatment, ill-treatment; (a un niño, mujer) physical abuse, battery
    malos tratos a menores or a la infancia child abuse
    malo2 -la
    masculine, feminine
    ( leng infantil or hum); baddy ( colloq)
    uno de los malos one of the baddies o bad guys
    * * *


    ◊ -la adjetivo [The form mal is used before masculine singular nouns]

    a) [ser] ( en general) bad;

    un mal amigo a bad friend;
    una mala caída a bad fall;
    soy muy malo para los números I'm very bad with figures;
    ¡qué mala suerte or (fam) pata! what bad luck!, how unlucky!;
    lo malo es que … the thing o trouble is that …;
    las malas compañías bad company;
    mala hierba weed;
    malos tratos ill-treatment;
    es malo tomar tanto sol it's not good to sunbathe so much;
    tienes mala cara or mal aspecto you don't look well
    b)calidad/visibilidad poor;

    estar de malas ( de mal humor) (fam) to be in a bad mood;

    ( con mala suerte) (esp AmL) to be unlucky;
    más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer better the devil you know (than the devil you don't)

    2 [ser] ‹ persona› ( en sentido ético) nasty;
    ( travieso) naughty;
    ¡qué malo eres con tu hermano! you're really horrible o nasty to your brother;

    no seas mala, préstamelo don't be mean o rotten, lend it to me (colloq);
    una mala mujer a loose woman;
    una mujer mala a wicked o an evil woman;
    lo hizo a or con mala idea he did it deliberately o to be nasty;
    mala palabra (esp AmL) rude o dirty word;
    dicen las malas lenguas que … (fam) there's a rumor going around that …, people are saying that …;
    hacerse mala sangre to get upset;
    ver tb leche 3
    3 [estar]
    a) ( en mal estado) ‹ alimento›:

    el pescado/queso está malo the fish/cheese has gone bad, that fish/cheese is off (BrE)

    b) (Esp, Méx fam) ( enfermo) sick (AmE), ill (BrE);

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino (leng infantil o hum) baddy (colloq)
    I adjetivo mal
    1 bad: he tenido un día muy malo, I've had a bad day
    2 (perverso) wicked, bad
    (desobediente, travieso) naughty: es una mala persona, he's wicked
    préstame el coche, no seas malo, lend me your car, don't be so mean
    3 (espectáculo, libro, etc) bad, poor: es un argumento muy malo, it's a feeble argument
    4 (dañino) harmful: es malo para ti que él lo sepa, it's bad for you that he knows it
    tenemos que arrancar las malas hierbas, we'll have to pull out the weeds
    5 (enfermo) ill, sick
    6 (alimentos) rotten: se puso mala la carne, the meat went bad
    II m,f fam el malo, the baddy o villain
    ♦ Locuciones: estar de malas, to be in a bad mood
    por las malas, by force
    ' malo' also found in these entries:
    - ínfima
    - ínfimo
    - mal
    - mala
    - peor
    - quina
    - redundar
    - santita
    - santito
    - antología
    - chimbo
    - en
    - endiablado
    - fatal
    - fondo
    - igualmente
    - pata
    - pichanga
    - sangre
    - abysmal
    - bad
    - baddy
    - devil
    - evil
    - good
    - half
    - ill
    - lean
    - low
    - mean
    - nasty
    - off
    - poor
    - rotten
    - shocking
    - spiteful
    - thick
    - up
    - villain
    - wicked
    - wrong
    - your
    - corny
    - crummy
    - indulgence
    - lame
    - naughty
    - paltry
    - ropey
    - severe
    - trashy
    - unkind
    * * *
    malo, -a Mal is used instead of malo before singular masculine nouns (e.g. un mal ejemplo a bad example). The comparative form of malo (= worse) is peor, the superlative forms (= the worst) are el peor (masculine) and la peor (feminine).
    1. [perjudicial, grave] bad;
    traigo malas noticias I have some bad news;
    es malo para el hígado it's bad for your liver;
    ¿es algo malo, doctor? is it serious, doctor?;
    una mala caída a nasty fall
    2. [sin calidad, sin aptitudes] poor, bad;
    una mala novela/actriz a bad novel/actress;
    tiene muy malas notas her Br marks o US grades are very poor o bad;
    ser de mala calidad to be poor quality;
    este material/producto es muy malo this material/product is very poor quality;
    soy muy malo para la música I'm no good at o very bad at music;
    es más malo que hecho de encargo [producto, jugador] he's/it's truly awful o as bad as they come;
    más vale lo malo conocido que lo bueno por conocer better the devil you know (than the devil you don't)
    3. [inapropiado, adverso] bad;
    fue una mala decisión it was a bad decision;
    he dormido en mala postura I slept in a funny position;
    es mala señal it's a bad sign;
    lo malo es que… the problem is (that)…;
    disparó con la pierna mala y metió gol he shot with his weaker foot and scored;
    tener mala suerte to be unlucky;
    ¡qué mala suerte! how unlucky!
    Am mala palabra swearword
    4. [malvado] wicked, evil;
    es muy mala persona she's a really nasty person;
    tiene muy mala intención he's very spiteful;
    eso sólo lo haría un mal amigo it's a poor friend who would do a thing like that;
    ¡mira que eres malo, criticarla así! it's not very nice of you to criticize her like that!;
    anda, no seas malo y déjame que vaya go on, don't be mean, let me go
    5. [travieso] naughty;
    ¡no seas malo y obedece! be good and do as I say!;
    el crío está muy malo últimamente the child has been very naughty recently
    6. [enfermo] ill, sick;
    estar/ponerse malo to be/fall ill;
    tiene a su padre malo her father's ill;
    poner malo a alguien to drive sb mad;
    me pongo mala cada vez que la veo I get mad every time I see her
    7. [desagradable] bad;
    esta herida tiene mal aspecto this wound looks nasty;
    mal tiempo bad weather;
    hace mal tiempo the weather's bad;
    está muy malo el día it's a horrible day, it's not a very nice day
    8. [podrido, pasado] bad, off, spoiled;
    la fruta está mala the fruit is bad o spoiled;
    la fruta se ha puesto mala the fruit has gone bad o Br gone off
    9. [uso enfático]
    ni un mal trozo de pan not even a crust of bread;
    no había ni un mal supermercado en el pueblo there wasn't a single supermarket to be found in the village
    10. [difícil]
    el asunto es malo de entender the matter is hard o difficult to understand;
    una lesión muy mala de curar an injury that won't heal easily
    11. Esp Fam Euf [con la menstruación]
    estar/ponerse mala to be on/start one's period
    el malo, la mala [en cine] the villain, the baddy
    cuando nadie se queja, ¡malo! it's a bad sign when nobody complains
    malas nfpl
    está o [m5] se ha puesto a malas con él she's fallen out with him;
    estar de malas to be in a bad mood;
    por las malas [a la fuerza] by force;
    lo vas a hacer, aunque tenga que ser por las malas you're going to do it, whether you like it or not;
    por las malas es de temer she's a fearful sight when she's angry;
    estar o [m5] andar de malas to be having a hard time;
    Andes, CSur
    en las malas [de mal humor] in a bad mood;
    los amigos no te abandonan en las malas friends don't let you down when things get bad
    * * *
    I adj
    1 bad
    2 calidad poor
    3 ( enfermo) sick, ill;
    ponerse malo get sick, fall ill
    por las buenas o por las malas whether he/she etc likes it or not;
    estar de malas be in a bad mood;
    por las malas by force;
    andar a malas con alguien be on bad terms with s.o.;
    lo malo es que unfortunately
    II m hum
    bad guy, baddy
    * * *
    1) : bad
    mala suerte: bad luck
    2) : wicked, naughty
    3) : cheap, poor (quality)
    4) : harmful
    malo para la salud: bad for one's health
    5) (using the form mal) : unwell
    estar mal del corazón: to have heart trouble
    estar de malas : to be in a bad mood
    malo, -la n
    : villain, bad guy (in novels, movies, etc.)
    * * *
    malo1 adj
    1. (en general) bad [comp. worse; superl. worst]
    2. (travieso) naughty [comp. naughtier; superl. naughtiest]
    3. (enfermo) ill [comp. worse; superl. worst]
    4. (pasado) off
    5. (malvado) evil
    ser malo en/para algo to be bad at something
    malo2 n villain

    Spanish-English dictionary > malo

  • 16 bellum

    bellum (ante-class. and poet. duel-lum), i, n. [Sanscr. dva, dvi, dus; cf. Germ. zwei; Engl. two, twice; for the change from initial du- to b-, cf. bis for duis, and v. the letter B, and Varr. L. L. 5, § 73 Mull.; 7, § 49 ib.], war.
    Form duellum: duellum, bellum, videlicet quod duabus partibus de victoria contendentibus dimicatur. Inde est perduellis, qui pertinaciter retinet bellum, Paul. ex Fest. p. 66, 17 Mull.:

    bellum antea duellum vocatum eo quod duae sunt dimicantium partes... Postea mutata littera dictum bellum,

    Isid. Orig. 18, 1, 9: hos pestis necuit, pars occidit illa duellis, Enn. ap. Prisc. p. 9, 861 P. (Ann. v. 549 Vahl.):

    legiones reveniunt domum Exstincto duello maximo atque internecatis hostibus,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 35:

    quae domi duellique male fecisti,

    id. As. 3, 2, 13.—So in archaic style, or in citations from ancient documents:

    quique agent rem duelli,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 8, 21:

    aes atque ferrum, duelli instrumenta,

    id. ib. 2, 18, 45 (translated from the Platonic laws):

    puro pioque duello quaerendas (res) censeo,

    Liv. 1, 32, 12 (quoted from ancient transactions); so,

    quod duellum populo Romano cum Carthaginiensi est,

    id. 22, 10, 2:

    victoriaque duelli populi Romani erit,

    id. 23, 11, 2:

    si duellum quod cum rege Antiocho sumi populus jussit,

    id. 36, 2, 2;

    and from an ancient inscription' duello magno dirimendo, etc.,

    id. 40, 52, 5.— Poet.:

    hic... Pacem duello miscuit,

    Hor. C. 3, 5, 38:

    cadum Marsi memorem duelli,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 18:

    vacuum duellis Janum Quirini clausit,

    id. ib. 4, 15, 8; cf. id. Ep. 1, 2, 7; 2, 1, 254; 2, 2, 98; Ov. F. 6, 201; Juv. 1, 169— [p. 227]
    Form bellum.
    War, warfare (abstr.), or a war, the war (concr.), i.e. hostilities between two nations (cf. tumultus).
    Specifying the enemy.
    By adjj. denoting the nation:

    omnibus Punicis Siciliensibusque bellis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 47, § 124:

    aliquot annis ante secundum Punicum bellum,

    id. Ac. 2, 5, 13:

    Britannicum bellum,

    id. Att. 4, 16, 13:


    id. Prov. Cons. 14, 35:


    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:


    Liv. 1, 26, 4:


    Vell. 2, 46, 2;

    similarly: bellum piraticum,

    the war against the pirates, Vell. 2, 33, 1.—Sometimes the adj. refers to the leader or king of the enemy:

    Sertorianum bellum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 18:


    id. Imp. Pomp. 3, 7:


    Hor. Epod. 9, 23; Vell. 2, 11, 1;

    similarly: bellum regium,

    the war against kings, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50. —Or it refers to the theatre of the war:

    bellum Africanum, Transalpinum,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 28:


    id. ib. 22, 64:


    Caes. B. C. 2, 32 fin.:


    Vell. 2, 86, 3:


    id. 2, 55, 2.—
    With gen. of the name of the nation or its leader: bellum Latinorum, the Latin war, i. e. against the Latins, Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 6:


    Caes. B. G. 3, 16:


    id. ib. 1, 40 fin.;

    1, 30: Ambiorigis,

    id. ib. 6, 29, 4:

    Pyrrhi, Philippi,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 7, 17:


    Liv. 7, 29, 2.—
    With cum and abl. of the name.

    cum Jugurtha, cum Cimbris, cum Teutonis bellum,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 20, 60:

    belli causa cum Samnitibus,

    Liv. 7, 29, 3:

    hunc finem bellum cum Philippo habuit,

    id. 33, 35, 12:

    novum cum Antiocho instabat bellum,

    id. 36, 36, 7; cf. id. 35, 40, 1; 38, 58, 8; 39, 1, 8; 44, 14, 7.—
    With cum dependent on the verb:

    quia bellum Aetolis esse dixi cum Aliis,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 59:

    novi consules... duo bella habuere... alterum cum Tiburtibus,

    Liv. 7, 17, 2; esp. with gero, v. 2. b. a infra.—
    With adversus and acc. of the name.

    bellum adversus Philippum,

    Liv. 31, 1, 8:

    bellum populus adversus Vestinos jussit,

    id. 8, 29, 6.—
    With adversus dependent on the verb: quod homines populi Hermunduli adversus populum Romanum bellum fecere, Cincius ap. Gell. 16, 14, 1: nos pro vobis bellum suscepimus adversus Philippum. Liv. 31, 31, 18:

    ut multo acrius adversus duos quam adversus unum pararet bellum,

    id. 45, 11, 8:

    bellum quod rex adversus Datamem susceperat,

    Nep. Dat. 8, 5.—
    With contra and acc.:

    cum bellum nefarium contra aras et focos, contra vitam fortunasque nostras... non comparari, sed geri jam viderem,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    causam belli contra patriam inferendi,

    id. ib. 2, 22, 53.—
    With in and acc. (very rare):

    Athenienses in Peloponnesios sexto et vicesimo anno bellum gerentes,

    Nep. Lys. 1, 1.—
    With inter and acc.:

    hic finis belli inter Romanos ac Persea fuit,

    Liv. 45, 9, 2.—
    With apud and acc.:

    secutum est bellum gestum apud Mutinam,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1.—
    With dat. of the enemy after inferre and facere, v. 2. a. k infra.—
    With verbs.
    Referring to the beginning of the war.
    Bellum movere or commovere, to bring about, stir up a war:

    summa erat observatio in bello movendo,

    Cic. Off. 1, 11, 37:

    bellum commotum a Scapula,

    id. Fam. 9, 13, 1:

    nuntiabant alii... in Apulia servile bellum moveri,

    Sall. C. 30, 2:

    is primum Volscis bellum in ducentos amplius... annos movit,

    Liv. 1, 53, 2:

    insequenti anno Veiens bellum motum,

    id. 4, 58, 6:

    dii pium movere bellum,

    id. 8, 6, 4; cf. Verg. A. 10, 627; id. G. 1, 509; so,


    Liv. 7, 27, 5; and ciere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 541; 6, 829; 12, 158.—
    Bellum parare, comparare, apparare, or se praeparare bello, to prepare a war, or for a war:

    cum tam pestiferum bellum pararet,

    Cic. Att. 9, 13, 3:

    bellum utrimque summopere parabatur,

    Liv. 1, 23, 1; cf. id. 45, 11, 8 (v. II. A. 1. d. b supra); Nep. Hann. 2, 6; Quint. 12, 3, 5; Ov. M. 7, 456; so,

    parare alicui,

    Nep. Alcib. 9, 5:

    bellum terra et mari comparat,

    Cic. Att. 10, 4, 3:

    tantum bellum... Cn. Pompeius extrema hieme apparavit, ineunte vere suscepit, media aestate confecit,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 12, 3, 5:

    bellum omnium consensu apparari coeptum,

    Liv. 4, 55, 7:

    numquam imperator ita paci credit, ut non se praeparet bello,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 26, 2.—
    Bellum differre, to postpone a war:

    nec jam poterat bellum differri,

    Liv. 2, 30, 7:

    mors Hamilcaris et pueritia Hannibalis distulerunt bellum,

    id. 21, 2, 3; cf. id. 5, 5, 3.—
    Bellum sumere, to undertake, begin a war (not in Caesar):

    omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum aegerrume desinere,

    Sall. J. 83, 1:

    prius tamen omnia pati decrevit quam bellum sumere,

    id. ib. 20, 5:

    de integro bellum sumit,

    id. ib. 62, 9:

    iis haec maxima ratio belli sumendi fuerat,

    Liv. 38, 19, 3:

    sumi bellum etiam ab ignavis, strenuissimi cujusque periculo geri,

    Tac. H. 4, 69; cf. id. A. 2, 45; 13, 34; 15, 5; 15, 7; id. Agr. 16.—
    Bellum suscipere (rarely inire), to undertake, commence a war, join in a war:

    bellum ita suscipiatur ut nihil nisi pax quaesita videatur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 23, 80:

    suscipienda quidem bella sunt ob eam causam ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 11, 35:

    judicavit a plerisque ignoratione... bellum esse susceptum,

    join, id. Marcell. 5, 13; id. Imp. Pomp. 12, 35 (v. supra):

    cum avertisset plebem a suscipiendo bello,

    undertaking, Liv. 4, 58, 14:

    senatui cum Camillo agi placuit ut bellum Etruscum susciperet,

    id. 6, 9, 5:

    bella non causis inita, sed ut eorum merces fuit,

    Vell. 2, 3, 3.—
    Bellum consentire = bellum consensu decernere, to decree a war by agreement, to ratify a declaration of war (rare):

    consensit et senatus bellum,

    Liv. 8, 6, 8:

    bellum erat consensum,

    id. 1, 32, 12.—
    Bellum alicui mandare, committere, decernere, dare, gerendum dare, ad aliquem deferre, or aliquem bello praeficere, praeponere, to assign a war to one as a commander, to give one the chief command in a war:

    sed ne tum quidem populus Romanus ad privatum detulit bellum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 18:

    populus Romanus consuli... bellum gerendum dedit,

    id. ib.:

    cur non... eidem... hoc quoque bellum regium committamus?

    id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50:

    Camillus cui id bellum mandatum erat,

    Liv. 5, 26, 3:

    Volscum bellum M. Furio extra ordinem decretum,

    id. 6, 22, 6:

    Gallicum bellum Popilio extra ordinem datum,

    id. 7, 23, 2:

    quo die a vobis maritimo bello praepositus est imperator,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 44:

    cum ei (bello) imperatorem praeficere possitis, in quo sit eximia belli scientia,

    id. ib. 16, 49:

    hunc toti bello praefecerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 11 fin.:

    alicui bellum suscipiendum dare,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 19, 58:

    bellum administrandum permittere,

    id. ib. 21, 61.—
    Bellum indicere alicui, to declare war against (the regular expression; coupled with facere in the ancient formula of the pater patratus), also bellum denuntiare: ob eam rem ego... populo Hermundulo... bellum (in)dico facioque, Cincius ap. Gell. 16, 14, 1:

    ob eam rem ego populusque Romanus populis... Latinis bellum indico facioque,

    Liv. 1, 32, 13:

    Corinthiis bellum indicamus an non?

    Cic. Inv. 1, 12, 17:

    ex quo intellegi potest, nullum bellum esse justum nisi quod aut rebus repetitis geratur, aut denuntiatum ante sit et indictum,

    id. Off. 1, 11, 36; id. Rep. 3, 23, 35:

    bellum indici posse existimabat,

    Liv. 1, 22, 4:

    ni reddantur (res) bellum indicere jussos,

    id. 1, 22, 6:

    ut... nec gererentur solum sed etiam indicerentur bella aliquo ritu, jus... descripsit quo res repetuntur,

    id. 1, 32, 5; cf. id. 1, 32, 9; 2, 18, 11; 2, 38, 5; Verg. A. 7, 616.—
    Bellum inferre alicui (cf. contra aliquem, 1. e. supra; also bellum facere; absol., with dat., or with cum and abl.), to begin a war against ( with), to make war on:

    Denseletis nefarium bellum intulisti,

    Cic. Pis. 34, 84:

    ei civitati bellum indici atque inferri solere,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 31, § 79:

    qui sibi Galliaeque bellum intulissent,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 16; Nep. Them. 2, 4; Verg. A. 3, 248:

    bellumne populo Romano Lampsacena civitas facere conabatur?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 31, § 79:

    bellum patriae faciet,

    id. Mil. 23, 63; id. Cat. 3, 9, 22:

    civitatem Eburonum populo Romano bellum facere ausam,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 28; cf. id. ib. 7, 2;

    3, 29: constituit bellum facere,

    Sall. C. 26, 5; 24, 2:

    occupant bellum facere,

    they are the first to begin the war, Liv. 1, 14, 4:

    ut bellum cum Priscis Latinis fieret,

    id. 1, 32, 13:

    populus Palaepolitanis bellum fieri jussit,

    id. 8, 22, 8; cf. Nep. Dion, 4, 3; id. Ages. 2, 1.— Coupled with instruere, to sustain a war:

    urbs quae bellum facere atque instruere possit,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 28, 77.—Bellum facere had become obsolete at Seneca's time, Sen. Ep. 114, 17.—
    Bellum oritur or exoritur, a war begins:

    subito bellum in Gallia ex, ortum est,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    aliud multo propius bellum ortum,

    Liv. 1, 14, 4:

    Veiens bellum exortum,

    id. 2, 53, 1.—


    (ante-class. and poet.


    ), i, n. [Sanscr. dva, dvi, dus; cf. Germ. zwei; Engl. two, twice; for the change from initial du- to b-, cf. bis for duis, and v. the letter B, and Varr. L. L. 5, § 73 Mull.; 7, § 49 ib.], war.
    Form duellum: duellum, bellum, videlicet quod duabus partibus de victoria contendentibus dimicatur. Inde est perduellis, qui pertinaciter retinet bellum, Paul. ex Fest. p. 66, 17 Mull.:

    bellum antea duellum vocatum eo quod duae sunt dimicantium partes... Postea mutata littera dictum bellum,

    Isid. Orig. 18, 1, 9: hos pestis necuit, pars occidit illa duellis, Enn. ap. Prisc. p. 9, 861 P. (Ann. v. 549 Vahl.):

    legiones reveniunt domum Exstincto duello maximo atque internecatis hostibus,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 35:

    quae domi duellique male fecisti,

    id. As. 3, 2, 13.—So in archaic style, or in citations from ancient documents:

    quique agent rem duelli,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 8, 21:

    aes atque ferrum, duelli instrumenta,

    id. ib. 2, 18, 45 (translated from the Platonic laws):

    puro pioque duello quaerendas (res) censeo,

    Liv. 1, 32, 12 (quoted from ancient transactions); so,

    quod duellum populo Romano cum Carthaginiensi est,

    id. 22, 10, 2:

    victoriaque duelli populi Romani erit,

    id. 23, 11, 2:

    si duellum quod cum rege Antiocho sumi populus jussit,

    id. 36, 2, 2;

    and from an ancient inscription' duello magno dirimendo, etc.,

    id. 40, 52, 5.— Poet.:

    hic... Pacem duello miscuit,

    Hor. C. 3, 5, 38:

    cadum Marsi memorem duelli,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 18:

    vacuum duellis Janum Quirini clausit,

    id. ib. 4, 15, 8; cf. id. Ep. 1, 2, 7; 2, 1, 254; 2, 2, 98; Ov. F. 6, 201; Juv. 1, 169— [p. 227]
    Form bellum.
    War, warfare (abstr.), or a war, the war (concr.), i.e. hostilities between two nations (cf. tumultus).
    Specifying the enemy.
    By adjj. denoting the nation:

    omnibus Punicis Siciliensibusque bellis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 47, § 124:

    aliquot annis ante secundum Punicum bellum,

    id. Ac. 2, 5, 13:

    Britannicum bellum,

    id. Att. 4, 16, 13:


    id. Prov. Cons. 14, 35:


    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:


    Liv. 1, 26, 4:


    Vell. 2, 46, 2;

    similarly: bellum piraticum,

    the war against the pirates, Vell. 2, 33, 1.—Sometimes the adj. refers to the leader or king of the enemy:

    Sertorianum bellum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 18:


    id. Imp. Pomp. 3, 7:


    Hor. Epod. 9, 23; Vell. 2, 11, 1;

    similarly: bellum regium,

    the war against kings, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50. —Or it refers to the theatre of the war:

    bellum Africanum, Transalpinum,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 28:


    id. ib. 22, 64:


    Caes. B. C. 2, 32 fin.:


    Vell. 2, 86, 3:


    id. 2, 55, 2.—
    With gen. of the name of the nation or its leader: bellum Latinorum, the Latin war, i. e. against the Latins, Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 6:


    Caes. B. G. 3, 16:


    id. ib. 1, 40 fin.;

    1, 30: Ambiorigis,

    id. ib. 6, 29, 4:

    Pyrrhi, Philippi,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 7, 17:


    Liv. 7, 29, 2.—
    With cum and abl. of the name.

    cum Jugurtha, cum Cimbris, cum Teutonis bellum,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 20, 60:

    belli causa cum Samnitibus,

    Liv. 7, 29, 3:

    hunc finem bellum cum Philippo habuit,

    id. 33, 35, 12:

    novum cum Antiocho instabat bellum,

    id. 36, 36, 7; cf. id. 35, 40, 1; 38, 58, 8; 39, 1, 8; 44, 14, 7.—
    With cum dependent on the verb:

    quia bellum Aetolis esse dixi cum Aliis,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 59:

    novi consules... duo bella habuere... alterum cum Tiburtibus,

    Liv. 7, 17, 2; esp. with gero, v. 2. b. a infra.—
    With adversus and acc. of the name.

    bellum adversus Philippum,

    Liv. 31, 1, 8:

    bellum populus adversus Vestinos jussit,

    id. 8, 29, 6.—
    With adversus dependent on the verb: quod homines populi Hermunduli adversus populum Romanum bellum fecere, Cincius ap. Gell. 16, 14, 1: nos pro vobis bellum suscepimus adversus Philippum. Liv. 31, 31, 18:

    ut multo acrius adversus duos quam adversus unum pararet bellum,

    id. 45, 11, 8:

    bellum quod rex adversus Datamem susceperat,

    Nep. Dat. 8, 5.—
    With contra and acc.:

    cum bellum nefarium contra aras et focos, contra vitam fortunasque nostras... non comparari, sed geri jam viderem,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    causam belli contra patriam inferendi,

    id. ib. 2, 22, 53.—
    With in and acc. (very rare):

    Athenienses in Peloponnesios sexto et vicesimo anno bellum gerentes,

    Nep. Lys. 1, 1.—
    With inter and acc.:

    hic finis belli inter Romanos ac Persea fuit,

    Liv. 45, 9, 2.—
    With apud and acc.:

    secutum est bellum gestum apud Mutinam,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1.—
    With dat. of the enemy after inferre and facere, v. 2. a. k infra.—
    With verbs.
    Referring to the beginning of the war.
    Bellum movere or commovere, to bring about, stir up a war:

    summa erat observatio in bello movendo,

    Cic. Off. 1, 11, 37:

    bellum commotum a Scapula,

    id. Fam. 9, 13, 1:

    nuntiabant alii... in Apulia servile bellum moveri,

    Sall. C. 30, 2:

    is primum Volscis bellum in ducentos amplius... annos movit,

    Liv. 1, 53, 2:

    insequenti anno Veiens bellum motum,

    id. 4, 58, 6:

    dii pium movere bellum,

    id. 8, 6, 4; cf. Verg. A. 10, 627; id. G. 1, 509; so,


    Liv. 7, 27, 5; and ciere ( poet.), Verg. A. 1, 541; 6, 829; 12, 158.—
    Bellum parare, comparare, apparare, or se praeparare bello, to prepare a war, or for a war:

    cum tam pestiferum bellum pararet,

    Cic. Att. 9, 13, 3:

    bellum utrimque summopere parabatur,

    Liv. 1, 23, 1; cf. id. 45, 11, 8 (v. II. A. 1. d. b supra); Nep. Hann. 2, 6; Quint. 12, 3, 5; Ov. M. 7, 456; so,

    parare alicui,

    Nep. Alcib. 9, 5:

    bellum terra et mari comparat,

    Cic. Att. 10, 4, 3:

    tantum bellum... Cn. Pompeius extrema hieme apparavit, ineunte vere suscepit, media aestate confecit,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 12, 3, 5:

    bellum omnium consensu apparari coeptum,

    Liv. 4, 55, 7:

    numquam imperator ita paci credit, ut non se praeparet bello,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 26, 2.—
    Bellum differre, to postpone a war:

    nec jam poterat bellum differri,

    Liv. 2, 30, 7:

    mors Hamilcaris et pueritia Hannibalis distulerunt bellum,

    id. 21, 2, 3; cf. id. 5, 5, 3.—
    Bellum sumere, to undertake, begin a war (not in Caesar):

    omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum aegerrume desinere,

    Sall. J. 83, 1:

    prius tamen omnia pati decrevit quam bellum sumere,

    id. ib. 20, 5:

    de integro bellum sumit,

    id. ib. 62, 9:

    iis haec maxima ratio belli sumendi fuerat,

    Liv. 38, 19, 3:

    sumi bellum etiam ab ignavis, strenuissimi cujusque periculo geri,

    Tac. H. 4, 69; cf. id. A. 2, 45; 13, 34; 15, 5; 15, 7; id. Agr. 16.—
    Bellum suscipere (rarely inire), to undertake, commence a war, join in a war:

    bellum ita suscipiatur ut nihil nisi pax quaesita videatur,

    Cic. Off. 1, 23, 80:

    suscipienda quidem bella sunt ob eam causam ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 11, 35:

    judicavit a plerisque ignoratione... bellum esse susceptum,

    join, id. Marcell. 5, 13; id. Imp. Pomp. 12, 35 (v. supra):

    cum avertisset plebem a suscipiendo bello,

    undertaking, Liv. 4, 58, 14:

    senatui cum Camillo agi placuit ut bellum Etruscum susciperet,

    id. 6, 9, 5:

    bella non causis inita, sed ut eorum merces fuit,

    Vell. 2, 3, 3.—
    Bellum consentire = bellum consensu decernere, to decree a war by agreement, to ratify a declaration of war (rare):

    consensit et senatus bellum,

    Liv. 8, 6, 8:

    bellum erat consensum,

    id. 1, 32, 12.—
    Bellum alicui mandare, committere, decernere, dare, gerendum dare, ad aliquem deferre, or aliquem bello praeficere, praeponere, to assign a war to one as a commander, to give one the chief command in a war:

    sed ne tum quidem populus Romanus ad privatum detulit bellum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 18:

    populus Romanus consuli... bellum gerendum dedit,

    id. ib.:

    cur non... eidem... hoc quoque bellum regium committamus?

    id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50:

    Camillus cui id bellum mandatum erat,

    Liv. 5, 26, 3:

    Volscum bellum M. Furio extra ordinem decretum,

    id. 6, 22, 6:

    Gallicum bellum Popilio extra ordinem datum,

    id. 7, 23, 2:

    quo die a vobis maritimo bello praepositus est imperator,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 44:

    cum ei (bello) imperatorem praeficere possitis, in quo sit eximia belli scientia,

    id. ib. 16, 49:

    hunc toti bello praefecerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 11 fin.:

    alicui bellum suscipiendum dare,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 19, 58:

    bellum administrandum permittere,

    id. ib. 21, 61.—
    Bellum indicere alicui, to declare war against (the regular expression; coupled with facere in the ancient formula of the pater patratus), also bellum denuntiare: ob eam rem ego... populo Hermundulo... bellum (in)dico facioque, Cincius ap. Gell. 16, 14, 1:

    ob eam rem ego populusque Romanus populis... Latinis bellum indico facioque,

    Liv. 1, 32, 13:

    Corinthiis bellum indicamus an non?

    Cic. Inv. 1, 12, 17:

    ex quo intellegi potest, nullum bellum esse justum nisi quod aut rebus repetitis geratur, aut denuntiatum ante sit et indictum,

    id. Off. 1, 11, 36; id. Rep. 3, 23, 35:

    bellum indici posse existimabat,

    Liv. 1, 22, 4:

    ni reddantur (res) bellum indicere jussos,

    id. 1, 22, 6:

    ut... nec gererentur solum sed etiam indicerentur bella aliquo ritu, jus... descripsit quo res repetuntur,

    id. 1, 32, 5; cf. id. 1, 32, 9; 2, 18, 11; 2, 38, 5; Verg. A. 7, 616.—
    Bellum inferre alicui (cf. contra aliquem, 1. e. supra; also bellum facere; absol., with dat., or with cum and abl.), to begin a war against ( with), to make war on:

    Denseletis nefarium bellum intulisti,

    Cic. Pis. 34, 84:

    ei civitati bellum indici atque inferri solere,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 31, § 79:

    qui sibi Galliaeque bellum intulissent,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 16; Nep. Them. 2, 4; Verg. A. 3, 248:

    bellumne populo Romano Lampsacena civitas facere conabatur?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 31, § 79:

    bellum patriae faciet,

    id. Mil. 23, 63; id. Cat. 3, 9, 22:

    civitatem Eburonum populo Romano bellum facere ausam,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 28; cf. id. ib. 7, 2;

    3, 29: constituit bellum facere,

    Sall. C. 26, 5; 24, 2:

    occupant bellum facere,

    they are the first to begin the war, Liv. 1, 14, 4:

    ut bellum cum Priscis Latinis fieret,

    id. 1, 32, 13:

    populus Palaepolitanis bellum fieri jussit,

    id. 8, 22, 8; cf. Nep. Dion, 4, 3; id. Ages. 2, 1.— Coupled with instruere, to sustain a war:

    urbs quae bellum facere atque instruere possit,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 28, 77.—Bellum facere had become obsolete at Seneca's time, Sen. Ep. 114, 17.—
    Bellum oritur or exoritur, a war begins:

    subito bellum in Gallia ex, ortum est,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    aliud multo propius bellum ortum,

    Liv. 1, 14, 4:

    Veiens bellum exortum,

    id. 2, 53, 1.—
    Referring to the carrying on of the war: bellum gerere, to carry on a war; absol., with cum and abl., per and acc., or in and abl. (cf.:

    bellum gerere in aliquem, 1. a. and f. supra): nisi forte ego vobis... cessare nunc videor cum bella non gero,

    Cic. Sen. 6, 18:

    cum Celtiberis, cum Cimbris bellum ut cum inimicis gerebatur,

    id. Off. 1, 12, 38:

    cum ei bellum ut cum rege Perse gereret obtigisset,

    id. Div. 1, 46, 103:

    erant hae difficultates belli gerendi,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 10:

    bellum cum Germanis gerere constituit,

    id. ib. 4, 6:

    Cn. Pompeius in extremis terris bellum gerebat,

    Sall. C. 16, 5:

    bellum quod Hannibale duce Carthaginienses cum populo Romano gessere,

    Liv. 21, 1, 1:

    alter consul in Sabinis bellum gessit,

    id. 2, 62, 3:

    de exercitibus per quos id bellum gereretur,

    id. 23, 25, 5:

    Chabrias bella in Aegypto sua sponte gessit,

    Nep. Chabr, 2, 1.—Sometimes bellum administrare only of the commander, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 43; Nep. Chabr. 2, 1. —Also (very rare):

    bellum bellare,

    Liv. 8, 40, 1 (but belligerantes is absol., Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38; Ann. v. 201 Vahl.);

    in the same sense: bellum agere,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3. —As a synonym:

    bello persequi aliquem,

    Nep. Con. 4, 1; cf. Liv. 3, 25, 3.—
    Trahere or ducere bellum, to protract a war:

    necesse est enim aut trahi id bellum, aut, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 10, 8, 2:

    bellum trahi non posse,

    Sall. J. 23, 2:

    belli trahendi causa,

    Liv. 5, 11, 8:

    morae qua trahebant bellum paenitebat,

    id. 9, 27, 5:

    suadere institui ut bellum duceret,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 2:

    bellum enim ducetur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 18, 6; Nep. Alcib. 8, 1; id. Dat. 8, 4;

    similarly: cum his molliter et per dilationes bellum geri oportet?

    Liv. 5, 5, 1.—
    Bellum repellere, defendere, or propulsare, to ward off, defend one ' s self against a war:

    bellum Gallicum C. Caesare imperatore gestum est, antea tantummodo repulsum,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 13, 32:

    quod bellum non intulerit sed defenderit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44:

    Samnitium vix a se ipsis eo tempore propulsantium bellum,

    Liv. 8, 37, 5.—
    Referring to the end of a war.
    Bellum deponere, ponere, or omittere, to give up, discontinue a war:

    in quo (i.e. bello) et gerendo et deponendo jus ut plurimum valeret lege sanximus,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 14, 34:

    (bellum) cum deponi victores velint,

    Sall. J. 83, 1:

    bellum decem ferme annis ante depositum erat,

    Liv. 31, 1, 8:

    nos depositum a vobis bellum et ipsi omisimus,

    id. 31, 31, 19:

    dicit posse condicionibus bellum poni,

    Sall. J. 112, 1:

    bellum grave cum Etruria positum est,

    id. H. Fragm. 1, 9 Dietsch:

    velut posito bello,

    Liv. 1, 53, 5:

    manere bellum quod positum simuletur,

    id. 1, 53, 7:

    posito ubique bello,

    Tac. H. 2, 52; cf. Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 93; Verg. A. 1, 291:

    omisso Romano bello Porsinna filium Arruntem Ariciam... mittit,

    Liv. 2, 14, 5.—
    Bellum componere, to end a war by agreement, make peace:

    timerent ne bellum componeretur,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 3:

    si bellum compositum foret,

    Sall. J. 97, 2:

    belli componendi licentiam,

    id. ib. 103, 3; cf. Nep. Ham. 1, 5; id. Hann. 6, 2; id. Alcib. 8, 3; Verg. A. 12, 109;

    similarly: bellum sedare,

    Nep. Dat. 8, 5.—
    Bellum conficere, perficere, finire, to finish, end a war; conficere (the most usual term) and perficere, = to finish a war by conquering; finire (rare), without implying success:

    is bellum confecerit qui Antonium oppresserit,

    Cic. Fam. 11, 12, 2:

    bellumque maximum conficies,

    id. Rep. 6, 11, 11:

    confecto Mithridatico bello,

    id. Prov. Cons. 11, 27; cf. id. Fam. 5, 10, 3; id. Imp. Pomp. 14, 42:

    quo proelio... bellum Venetorum confectum est,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 16; cf. id. ib. 1, 30; 1, 44; 1, 54; 3, 28;

    4, 16: bello confecto de Rhodiis consultum est,

    Sall. C. 51, 5; cf. id. J. 36, 1; 114, 3:

    neminem nisi bello confecto pecuniam petiturum esse,

    Liv. 24, 18, 11; cf. id. 21, 40, 11; 23, 6, 2; 31, 47, 4; 32, 32, 6;

    36, 2, 3: bello perfecto,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 18, 5; Liv. 1, 38, 3:

    se quo die hostem vidisset perfecturum (i. e. bellum),

    id. 22, 38, 7; 31, 4, 2; cf. id. 3, 24, 1; 34, 6, 12; Just. 5, 2, 11:

    neque desiturum ante... quam finitum aliqua tolerabili condicione bellum videro,

    Liv. 23, 12, 10: finito ex maxima parte.. [p. 228] italico bello, Vell. 2, 17, 1; Curt. 3, 1, 9; Tac. A. 15, 17; Just. 16, 2, 6; 24, 1, 8; Verg. A. 11, 116.—
    Less usual connections:

    bellum delere: non modo praesentia sed etiam futura bella delevit,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 11; cf. Nep. Alcib. 8, 4:

    alere ac fovere bellum,

    Liv. 42, 11, 5:

    bellum navare alicui,

    Tac. H. 5, 25:


    id. A. 3, 21; id. Agr. 38; Luc. 2, 682:


    Liv. 21, 10, 4:


    Tac. A. 13, 37:


    id. ib. 6, 31:

    quam celeriter belli impetus navigavit ( = quam celeriter navale bellum gestum est),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 34; so Flor. 2, 2, 17:

    bellum ascendit in rupes,

    id. 4, 12, 4:

    bellum serpit in proximos,

    id. 2, 9, 4; cf. id. 2, 2, 15:

    bella narrare,

    Cic. Or. 9, 30:

    canere bella,

    Quint. 10, 1, 91:

    bella legere,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 28.—
    As object denoting place or time.
    Proficisci ad bellum, to depart for the war.
    Of the commander:

    consul sortitu ad bellum profectus,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 2, 4; cf. id. Cat. 1, 13, 33:

    ipse ad bellum Ambiorigis profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 29, 4:

    ut duo ex tribunis ad bellum proficiscerentur,

    Liv. 4, 45, 7; cf. id. 6, 2, 9: Nep. Alcib. 4, 1; Sall. H. 2, 96 Dietsch. —Post-class.:

    in bellum,

    Just. 2, 11, 9; Gell. 17, 9, 8.—
    Of persons partaking in a war:

    si proficiscerer ad bellum,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 1. —
    Ad bellum mittere, of the commander, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50; 21, 62.—
    In bella ruere, Verg. A. 7, 782; 9, 182:

    in bella sequi,

    id. ib. 8, 547.—
    Of time.
    In the locative case belli, in war, during war; generally with domi ( = domi militiaeque):

    valete, judices justissimi, domi bellique duellatores,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 68; so,

    domi duellique,

    id. As. 3, 2, 13 (v. I. supra):

    quibuscunque rebus vel belli vel domi poterunt rem publicam augeant,

    Cic. Off. 2, 24, 85:

    paucorum arbitrio belli domique agitabatur,

    Sall. J. 41, 7:

    animus belli ingens, domi modicus,

    id. ib. 63, 2; Liv. 2, 50, 11; 1, 36, 6; so id. 3, 43, 1; cf.:

    bello domique,

    id. 1, 34, 12:

    domi belloque,

    id. 9, 26, 21; and:

    neque bello, neque domi,

    id. 4, 35, 3.—Without domi:

    simul rem et gloriam armis belli repperi,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 60 (where belli may be taken with gloriam; cf.

    Wagn. ad loc.): magnae res temporibus illis a fortissimis viris... belli gerebantur,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 32, 86.—
    In bello or in bellis, during war or wars, in the war, in the wars; with adj.:

    ad haec quae in civili bello fecerit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 19, 47; cf. id. ib. 14, 8, 22:

    in ipso bello eadem sensi,

    id. Marcell. 5, 14:

    in Volsco bello virtus enituit,

    Liv. 2, 24, 8:

    in eo bello,

    id. 23, 46, 6:

    in Punicis bellis, Plin.8, 14, 14, § 37: in bello Trojano,

    id. 30, 1, 2, § 5.—Without adj.:

    ut fit in bello, capitur alter filius,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 25:

    qui in bello occiderunt,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 5, 2:

    quod in bello saepius vindicatum est in eos, etc.,

    Sall. C. 9, 4:

    non in bello solum, sed etiam in pace,

    Liv. 1, 15, 8; 2, 23, 2:

    in bello parta,

    Quint. 5, 10, 42; 12, 1, 28.—
    Abl. bello or bellis = in bello or in bellis (freq.); with adjj.: nos semper omnibus Punicis Siciliensibusque bellis amicitiam fidemque populi Romani secuti sumus. Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 47, § 124:

    bello Italico,

    id. Pis. 36, 87:

    Veienti bello,

    id. Div. 1, 44, 100:

    domestico bello,

    id. Planc. 29, 70:

    qui Volsco, Aurunco Sabinoque militassent bello,

    Liv. 23, 12, 11:

    victor tot intra paucos dies bellis,

    id. 2, 27, 1:

    nullo bello, multis tamen proeliis victus,

    id. 9, 18, 9:

    bello civili,

    Quint. 11, 1, 36.—With gen.:

    praesentiam saepe divi suam declarant, ut et apud Regillum bello Latinorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 6:

    suam felicitatem Helvetiorum bello esse perspectam,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 40.—Without attrib.:

    qui etiam bello victis regibus regna reddere consuevit,

    Cic. Sest. 26, 57:

    res pace belloque gestas,

    Liv. 2, 1, 1:

    egregieque rebus bello gestis,

    id. 1, 33, 9; so id. 23, 12, 11:

    ludi bello voti,

    id. 4, 35. 3:

    princeps pace belloque,

    id. 7, 1, 9:

    Cotyn bello juvisse Persea,

    id. 45, 42, 7:

    bello parta,

    Quint. 5, 10, 15; cf. id. 7, 4, 22; Ov. M. 8, 19.—
    Inter bellum (rare):

    cujus originis morem necesse est... inter bellum natum esse,

    Liv. 2, 14, 2:

    inter haec bella consules... facti,

    id. 2, 63, 1.—
    Bellum in attributive connection.
    Justum bellum.
    A righteous war, Cic. Off. 1, 11, 36 (v. II. A. 2. a. th supra):

    justum piumque bellum,

    Liv. 1, 23, 4:

    non loquor apud recusantem justa bella populum,

    id. 7, 30, 17; so Ov. M. 8, 58; cf.: illa injusta sunt bella quae sine causa suscepta sunt, Cic. Rep. 3, 23, 35.—
    A regular war (opp. a raid, etc.):

    in fines Romanos excucurrerunt, populabundi magis quam justi more belli,

    Liv. 1, 15, 1.—
    For the different kinds of war: domesticum, civile, intestinum, externum, navale, maritimum, terra marique gestum, servile, sociale; v. hh. vv.—
    Belli eventus or exitus, the result of a war:

    quicunque belli eventus fuisset,

    Cic. Marcell. 8, 24:

    haud sane alio animo belli eventum exspectabant,

    Sall. C. 37, 9:

    eventus tamen belli minus miserabilem dimicationem fecit,

    Liv. 1, 23, 2; cf. id. 7, 11, 1:

    exitus hujus calamitosissimi belli,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 21, 1:

    cum esset incertus exitus et anceps fortuna belli,

    id. Marcell. 5, 15; so id. Off. 2, 8,:

    Britannici belli exitus exspectatur,

    id. Att. 4, 16, 13:

    cetera bella maximeque Veiens incerti exitus erant,

    Liv. 5, 16, 8.—
    Fortuna belli, the chances of war:

    adeo varia fortuna belli ancepsque Mars fuit ut,

    Liv. 21, 1, 2; cf. Cic. Marcell. 5, 15 (v. c. supra).—
    Belli artes, military skill:

    cuilibet superiorum regum belli pacisque et artibus et gloria par,

    Liv. 1, 35, 1:

    haud ignotas belli artes,

    id. 21, 1, 2:

    temperata et belli et pacis artibus erat civitas,

    id. 1, 21, 6.—
    Jus belli, the law of war: jura belli, the rights ( law) of war:

    in re publica maxime servanda sunt jura belli,

    Cic. Off. 1, 11, 34:

    sunt et belli sicut pacis jura,

    Liv. 5, 27, 6:

    jure belli res vindicatur,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 94.—
    Belli duces praestantissimos, the most excellent captains, generals, Cic. Or. 1, 2, 7:

    trium simul bellorum victor,

    a victor in three wars, Liv. 6, 4, 1 (cf.:

    victor tot bellis,

    id. 2, 27, 1). —
    Belli vulnera, Cic. Marcell. 8, 24.—
    Of things concr. and abstr.:

    qui parietibus, qui tectis, qui columnis ac postibus meis... bellum intulistis,

    Cic. Dom. 23, 60:

    bellum contra aras et focos,

    id. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    miror cur philosophiae... bellum indixeris,

    id. Or. 2, 37, 155:

    ventri Indico bellum,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 8.—
    Of animals:

    milvo est quoddam bellum quasi naturale cum corvo,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 49, 125:

    hanc Juno Esse jussit gruem, populisque suis indicere bellum,

    Ov. M. 6, 92.—
    With individuals:

    quid mihi opu'st... cum eis gerere bellum, etc.,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 14:

    nihil turpius quam cum eo bellum gerere quicum familiariter vixeris,

    Cic. Lael. 21, 77:

    cum mihi uni cum improbis aeternum videam bellum susceptum,

    id. Sull. 9, 28:

    hoc tibi juventus Romana indicimus bellum,

    Liv. 2, 12, 11:

    falsum testem justo ac pio bello persequebatur,

    id. 3, 25, 3:

    tribunicium domi bellum patres territat,

    id. 3, 24, 1; cf. Plin. Ep. 1, 2, 57.—Ironically:

    equus Trojanus qui tot invictos viros muliebre bellum gerentes tulerit ac texerit,

    Cic. Cael. 28, 67.—
    In mal. part., Hor. C. 3, 26, 3; 4, 1, 2.—
    Personified as god of war ( = Janus):

    tabulas duas quae Belli faciem pictam habent,

    Plin. 35, 4, 10, § 27:

    sunt geminae Belli portae, etc.,

    Verg. A. 7, 607:

    mortiferumque averso in limine Bellum,

    id. ib. 6, 279.—
    Plur.: bella, army ( poet.):

    permanet Aonius Nereus violentus in undis, Bellaque non transfert (i.e. Graecorum exercitum),

    Ov. M. 12, 24:

    sed victae fera bella deae vexere per aequora,

    Sil. 7, 472:

    quid faciat bellis obsessus et undis?

    Stat. Th. 9, 490.—
    Battle, = proelium:

    rorarii dicti a rore: qui bellum committebant ante,

    Varr. L. L. 7, 3, 92:

    quod in bello saepius vindicatum in eos qui... tardius, revocati, bello excesserant,

    Sall. C. 9, 4:

    praecipua laus ejus belli penes consules fuit,

    Liv. 8, 10, 7:

    commisso statim bello,

    Front. Strat. 1, 11, 2:

    Actia bella,

    Verg. A. 8, 675:

    ingentem pugnam, ceu cetera nusquam Bella forent,

    id. ib. 2, 439; cf. Flor. 3, 5, 11; Just. 2, 12; 18, 1 fin.; 24, 8; Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 98 (form duellum); Ov. H. 1, 1, 69; Verg. A. 8, 547; 12, 390; 12, 633; Stat. Th. 3, 666. —
    Bellum = liber de bello:

    quam gaudebat Bello suo Punico Naevius!

    Cic. Sen. 14, 50.
    Referring to the carrying on of the war: bellum gerere, to carry on a war; absol., with cum and abl., per and acc., or in and abl. (cf.:

    bellum gerere in aliquem, 1. a. and f. supra): nisi forte ego vobis... cessare nunc videor cum bella non gero,

    Cic. Sen. 6, 18:

    cum Celtiberis, cum Cimbris bellum ut cum inimicis gerebatur,

    id. Off. 1, 12, 38:

    cum ei bellum ut cum rege Perse gereret obtigisset,

    id. Div. 1, 46, 103:

    erant hae difficultates belli gerendi,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 10:

    bellum cum Germanis gerere constituit,

    id. ib. 4, 6:

    Cn. Pompeius in extremis terris bellum gerebat,

    Sall. C. 16, 5:

    bellum quod Hannibale duce Carthaginienses cum populo Romano gessere,

    Liv. 21, 1, 1:

    alter consul in Sabinis bellum gessit,

    id. 2, 62, 3:

    de exercitibus per quos id bellum gereretur,

    id. 23, 25, 5:

    Chabrias bella in Aegypto sua sponte gessit,

    Nep. Chabr, 2, 1.—Sometimes bellum administrare only of the commander, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 15, 43; Nep. Chabr. 2, 1. —Also (very rare):

    bellum bellare,

    Liv. 8, 40, 1 (but belligerantes is absol., Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38; Ann. v. 201 Vahl.);

    in the same sense: bellum agere,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3. —As a synonym:

    bello persequi aliquem,

    Nep. Con. 4, 1; cf. Liv. 3, 25, 3.—
    Trahere or ducere bellum, to protract a war:

    necesse est enim aut trahi id bellum, aut, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 10, 8, 2:

    bellum trahi non posse,

    Sall. J. 23, 2:

    belli trahendi causa,

    Liv. 5, 11, 8:

    morae qua trahebant bellum paenitebat,

    id. 9, 27, 5:

    suadere institui ut bellum duceret,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 2:

    bellum enim ducetur,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 18, 6; Nep. Alcib. 8, 1; id. Dat. 8, 4;

    similarly: cum his molliter et per dilationes bellum geri oportet?

    Liv. 5, 5, 1.—
    Bellum repellere, defendere, or propulsare, to ward off, defend one ' s self against a war:

    bellum Gallicum C. Caesare imperatore gestum est, antea tantummodo repulsum,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 13, 32:

    quod bellum non intulerit sed defenderit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44:

    Samnitium vix a se ipsis eo tempore propulsantium bellum,

    Liv. 8, 37, 5.—
    Referring to the end of a war.
    Bellum deponere, ponere, or omittere, to give up, discontinue a war:

    in quo (i.e. bello) et gerendo et deponendo jus ut plurimum valeret lege sanximus,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 14, 34:

    (bellum) cum deponi victores velint,

    Sall. J. 83, 1:

    bellum decem ferme annis ante depositum erat,

    Liv. 31, 1, 8:

    nos depositum a vobis bellum et ipsi omisimus,

    id. 31, 31, 19:

    dicit posse condicionibus bellum poni,

    Sall. J. 112, 1:

    bellum grave cum Etruria positum est,

    id. H. Fragm. 1, 9 Dietsch:

    velut posito bello,

    Liv. 1, 53, 5:

    manere bellum quod positum simuletur,

    id. 1, 53, 7:

    posito ubique bello,

    Tac. H. 2, 52; cf. Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 93; Verg. A. 1, 291:

    omisso Romano bello Porsinna filium Arruntem Ariciam... mittit,

    Liv. 2, 14, 5.—
    Bellum componere, to end a war by agreement, make peace:

    timerent ne bellum componeretur,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 3:

    si bellum compositum foret,

    Sall. J. 97, 2:

    belli componendi licentiam,

    id. ib. 103, 3; cf. Nep. Ham. 1, 5; id. Hann. 6, 2; id. Alcib. 8, 3; Verg. A. 12, 109;

    similarly: bellum sedare,

    Nep. Dat. 8, 5.—
    Bellum conficere, perficere, finire, to finish, end a war; conficere (the most usual term) and perficere, = to finish a war by conquering; finire (rare), without implying success:

    is bellum confecerit qui Antonium oppresserit,

    Cic. Fam. 11, 12, 2:

    bellumque maximum conficies,

    id. Rep. 6, 11, 11:

    confecto Mithridatico bello,

    id. Prov. Cons. 11, 27; cf. id. Fam. 5, 10, 3; id. Imp. Pomp. 14, 42:

    quo proelio... bellum Venetorum confectum est,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 16; cf. id. ib. 1, 30; 1, 44; 1, 54; 3, 28;

    4, 16: bello confecto de Rhodiis consultum est,

    Sall. C. 51, 5; cf. id. J. 36, 1; 114, 3:

    neminem nisi bello confecto pecuniam petiturum esse,

    Liv. 24, 18, 11; cf. id. 21, 40, 11; 23, 6, 2; 31, 47, 4; 32, 32, 6;

    36, 2, 3: bello perfecto,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 18, 5; Liv. 1, 38, 3:

    se quo die hostem vidisset perfecturum (i. e. bellum),

    id. 22, 38, 7; 31, 4, 2; cf. id. 3, 24, 1; 34, 6, 12; Just. 5, 2, 11:

    neque desiturum ante... quam finitum aliqua tolerabili condicione bellum videro,

    Liv. 23, 12, 10: finito ex maxima parte.. [p. 228] italico bello, Vell. 2, 17, 1; Curt. 3, 1, 9; Tac. A. 15, 17; Just. 16, 2, 6; 24, 1, 8; Verg. A. 11, 116.—
    Less usual connections:

    bellum delere: non modo praesentia sed etiam futura bella delevit,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 11; cf. Nep. Alcib. 8, 4:

    alere ac fovere bellum,

    Liv. 42, 11, 5:

    bellum navare alicui,

    Tac. H. 5, 25:


    id. A. 3, 21; id. Agr. 38; Luc. 2, 682:


    Liv. 21, 10, 4:


    Tac. A. 13, 37:


    id. ib. 6, 31:

    quam celeriter belli impetus navigavit ( = quam celeriter navale bellum gestum est),

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 34; so Flor. 2, 2, 17:

    bellum ascendit in rupes,

    id. 4, 12, 4:

    bellum serpit in proximos,

    id. 2, 9, 4; cf. id. 2, 2, 15:

    bella narrare,

    Cic. Or. 9, 30:

    canere bella,

    Quint. 10, 1, 91:

    bella legere,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 28.—
    As object denoting place or time.
    Proficisci ad bellum, to depart for the war.
    Of the commander:

    consul sortitu ad bellum profectus,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 2, 4; cf. id. Cat. 1, 13, 33:

    ipse ad bellum Ambiorigis profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 29, 4:

    ut duo ex tribunis ad bellum proficiscerentur,

    Liv. 4, 45, 7; cf. id. 6, 2, 9: Nep. Alcib. 4, 1; Sall. H. 2, 96 Dietsch. —Post-class.:

    in bellum,

    Just. 2, 11, 9; Gell. 17, 9, 8.—
    Of persons partaking in a war:

    si proficiscerer ad bellum,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3, 1. —
    Ad bellum mittere, of the commander, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 17, 50; 21, 62.—
    In bella ruere, Verg. A. 7, 782; 9, 182:

    in bella sequi,

    id. ib. 8, 547.—
    Of time.
    In the locative case belli, in war, during war; generally with domi ( = domi militiaeque):

    valete, judices justissimi, domi bellique duellatores,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 68; so,

    domi duellique,

    id. As. 3, 2, 13 (v. I. supra):

    quibuscunque rebus vel belli vel domi poterunt rem publicam augeant,

    Cic. Off. 2, 24, 85:

    paucorum arbitrio belli domique agitabatur,

    Sall. J. 41, 7:

    animus belli ingens, domi modicus,

    id. ib. 63, 2; Liv. 2, 50, 11; 1, 36, 6; so id. 3, 43, 1; cf.:

    bello domique,

    id. 1, 34, 12:

    domi belloque,

    id. 9, 26, 21; and:

    neque bello, neque domi,

    id. 4, 35, 3.—Without domi:

    simul rem et gloriam armis belli repperi,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 60 (where belli may be taken with gloriam; cf.

    Wagn. ad loc.): magnae res temporibus illis a fortissimis viris... belli gerebantur,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 32, 86.—
    In bello or in bellis, during war or wars, in the war, in the wars; with adj.:

    ad haec quae in civili bello fecerit,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 19, 47; cf. id. ib. 14, 8, 22:

    in ipso bello eadem sensi,

    id. Marcell. 5, 14:

    in Volsco bello virtus enituit,

    Liv. 2, 24, 8:

    in eo bello,

    id. 23, 46, 6:

    in Punicis bellis, Plin.8, 14, 14, § 37: in bello Trojano,

    id. 30, 1, 2, § 5.—Without adj.:

    ut fit in bello, capitur alter filius,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 25:

    qui in bello occiderunt,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 5, 2:

    quod in bello saepius vindicatum est in eos, etc.,

    Sall. C. 9, 4:

    non in bello solum, sed etiam in pace,

    Liv. 1, 15, 8; 2, 23, 2:

    in bello parta,

    Quint. 5, 10, 42; 12, 1, 28.—
    Abl. bello or bellis = in bello or in bellis (freq.); with adjj.: nos semper omnibus Punicis Siciliensibusque bellis amicitiam fidemque populi Romani secuti sumus. Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 47, § 124:

    bello Italico,

    id. Pis. 36, 87:

    Veienti bello,

    id. Div. 1, 44, 100:

    domestico bello,

    id. Planc. 29, 70:

    qui Volsco, Aurunco Sabinoque militassent bello,

    Liv. 23, 12, 11:

    victor tot intra paucos dies bellis,

    id. 2, 27, 1:

    nullo bello, multis tamen proeliis victus,

    id. 9, 18, 9:

    bello civili,

    Quint. 11, 1, 36.—With gen.:

    praesentiam saepe divi suam declarant, ut et apud Regillum bello Latinorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 6:

    suam felicitatem Helvetiorum bello esse perspectam,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 40.—Without attrib.:

    qui etiam bello victis regibus regna reddere consuevit,

    Cic. Sest. 26, 57:

    res pace belloque gestas,

    Liv. 2, 1, 1:

    egregieque rebus bello gestis,

    id. 1, 33, 9; so id. 23, 12, 11:

    ludi bello voti,

    id. 4, 35. 3:

    princeps pace belloque,

    id. 7, 1, 9:

    Cotyn bello juvisse Persea,

    id. 45, 42, 7:

    bello parta,

    Quint. 5, 10, 15; cf. id. 7, 4, 22; Ov. M. 8, 19.—
    Inter bellum (rare):

    cujus originis morem necesse est... inter bellum natum esse,

    Liv. 2, 14, 2:

    inter haec bella consules... facti,

    id. 2, 63, 1.—
    Bellum in attributive connection.
    Justum bellum.
    A righteous war, Cic. Off. 1, 11, 36 (v. II. A. 2. a. th supra):

    justum piumque bellum,

    Liv. 1, 23, 4:

    non loquor apud recusantem justa bella populum,

    id. 7, 30, 17; so Ov. M. 8, 58; cf.: illa injusta sunt bella quae sine causa suscepta sunt, Cic. Rep. 3, 23, 35.—
    A regular war (opp. a raid, etc.):

    in fines Romanos excucurrerunt, populabundi magis quam justi more belli,

    Liv. 1, 15, 1.—
    For the different kinds of war: domesticum, civile, intestinum, externum, navale, maritimum, terra marique gestum, servile, sociale; v. hh. vv.—
    Belli eventus or exitus, the result of a war:

    quicunque belli eventus fuisset,

    Cic. Marcell. 8, 24:

    haud sane alio animo belli eventum exspectabant,

    Sall. C. 37, 9:

    eventus tamen belli minus miserabilem dimicationem fecit,

    Liv. 1, 23, 2; cf. id. 7, 11, 1:

    exitus hujus calamitosissimi belli,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 21, 1:

    cum esset incertus exitus et anceps fortuna belli,

    id. Marcell. 5, 15; so id. Off. 2, 8,:

    Britannici belli exitus exspectatur,

    id. Att. 4, 16, 13:

    cetera bella maximeque Veiens incerti exitus erant,

    Liv. 5, 16, 8.—
    Fortuna belli, the chances of war:

    adeo varia fortuna belli ancepsque Mars fuit ut,

    Liv. 21, 1, 2; cf. Cic. Marcell. 5, 15 (v. c. supra).—
    Belli artes, military skill:

    cuilibet superiorum regum belli pacisque et artibus et gloria par,

    Liv. 1, 35, 1:

    haud ignotas belli artes,

    id. 21, 1, 2:

    temperata et belli et pacis artibus erat civitas,

    id. 1, 21, 6.—
    Jus belli, the law of war: jura belli, the rights ( law) of war:

    in re publica maxime servanda sunt jura belli,

    Cic. Off. 1, 11, 34:

    sunt et belli sicut pacis jura,

    Liv. 5, 27, 6:

    jure belli res vindicatur,

    Gai. Inst. 3, 94.—
    Belli duces praestantissimos, the most excellent captains, generals, Cic. Or. 1, 2, 7:

    trium simul bellorum victor,

    a victor in three wars, Liv. 6, 4, 1 (cf.:

    victor tot bellis,

    id. 2, 27, 1). —
    Belli vulnera, Cic. Marcell. 8, 24.—
    Of things concr. and abstr.:

    qui parietibus, qui tectis, qui columnis ac postibus meis... bellum intulistis,

    Cic. Dom. 23, 60:

    bellum contra aras et focos,

    id. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    miror cur philosophiae... bellum indixeris,

    id. Or. 2, 37, 155:

    ventri Indico bellum,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 8.—
    Of animals:

    milvo est quoddam bellum quasi naturale cum corvo,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 49, 125:

    hanc Juno Esse jussit gruem, populisque suis indicere bellum,

    Ov. M. 6, 92.—
    With individuals:

    quid mihi opu'st... cum eis gerere bellum, etc.,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 14:

    nihil turpius quam cum eo bellum gerere quicum familiariter vixeris,

    Cic. Lael. 21, 77:

    cum mihi uni cum improbis aeternum videam bellum susceptum,

    id. Sull. 9, 28:

    hoc tibi juventus Romana indicimus bellum,

    Liv. 2, 12, 11:

    falsum testem justo ac pio bello persequebatur,

    id. 3, 25, 3:

    tribunicium domi bellum patres territat,

    id. 3, 24, 1; cf. Plin. Ep. 1, 2, 57.—Ironically:

    equus Trojanus qui tot invictos viros muliebre bellum gerentes tulerit ac texerit,

    Cic. Cael. 28, 67.—
    In mal. part., Hor. C. 3, 26, 3; 4, 1, 2.—
    Personified as god of war ( = Janus):

    tabulas duas quae Belli faciem pictam habent,

    Plin. 35, 4, 10, § 27:

    sunt geminae Belli portae, etc.,

    Verg. A. 7, 607:

    mortiferumque averso in limine Bellum,

    id. ib. 6, 279.—
    Plur.: bella, army ( poet.):

    permanet Aonius Nereus violentus in undis, Bellaque non transfert (i.e. Graecorum exercitum),

    Ov. M. 12, 24:

    sed victae fera bella deae vexere per aequora,

    Sil. 7, 472:

    quid faciat bellis obsessus et undis?

    Stat. Th. 9, 490.—
    Battle, = proelium:

    rorarii dicti a rore: qui bellum committebant ante,

    Varr. L. L. 7, 3, 92:

    quod in bello saepius vindicatum in eos qui... tardius, revocati, bello excesserant,

    Sall. C. 9, 4:

    praecipua laus ejus belli penes consules fuit,

    Liv. 8, 10, 7:

    commisso statim bello,

    Front. Strat. 1, 11, 2:

    Actia bella,

    Verg. A. 8, 675:

    ingentem pugnam, ceu cetera nusquam Bella forent,

    id. ib. 2, 439; cf. Flor. 3, 5, 11; Just. 2, 12; 18, 1 fin.; 24, 8; Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 98 (form duellum); Ov. H. 1, 1, 69; Verg. A. 8, 547; 12, 390; 12, 633; Stat. Th. 3, 666. —
    Bellum = liber de bello:

    quam gaudebat Bello suo Punico Naevius!

    Cic. Sen. 14, 50.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > bellum

  • 17 EINN

    * * *
    card. numb. and pron.
    1) one;
    einn skal við einn eiga, one shall fight against one;
    einn ok einn, one by one, one at a time, singly;
    2) as ord. numb. = inn fyrsti (Urð hétu eina, aðra Verðandi, Skuld ina þriðju);
    3) the same, one and the same (váru sveinarnir up fœddir báðir í einu þorpi);
    allt í eina leið, all in one way;
    einn … ok, the same as (í einu herbergi ok hinn);
    allr einn, the very same, quite the same (þat er allt eitt ok himinn);
    allt at einu, nevertheless, for all that (þó at þú þjónaðir illum, þó var hann allt at einu þinn herra);
    4) indef. one, a certain (einn vetr, einn dag, eitt kveld);
    einn vinr Þóris, a certain friend of Th.;
    before numbers, about, some;
    einar fimm þúsundir, some five thousand;
    einir … aðrir, some … others (einir tóku dúka ok aðrir rekkjublæjur);
    einn ok ýmiss, one and another (einar ok ýmissar þjóðir);
    5) after a negation, any;
    né eitt, not anything;
    6) gen. pl. ‘einna’ used in an intensive sense;
    einna manna bezt, best of all (single) men;
    einna verst, by far the worst;
    einna sízt, by far the least, least of all;
    engi er einna hvatastr, no man is superior to all others;
    7) alone (Guðrún skyldi ein ráða fyrir fé þeirra);
    láta konu eina, to desert or divorce one’s wife;
    with gen., hann varð einn sinna manna, he was separated from his men;
    if put after the noun ‘einn’ generally denotes only, but;
    segja þetta prett einn, to call this a mere trick;
    vín eitt, wine only;
    var þat (handklæði) raufar einar, all in holes, mere tatters;
    fáir einir, only a few;
    einn sér or sér einn, quite by oneself, alone (hann var einn sér);
    einn saman, einn samt, quite alone;
    kona eigi ein saman, not alone, with child;
    at eins, only, but;
    eigi at eins, not only;
    því at eins, only in that case;
    údauðr at eins, merely not dead, all but dead, barely alive;
    at einu = at eins.
    * * *
    adj., pl. einir, acc. sing. einn, but also einan, esp. in the sense al-einan etc.; [Gr. εἱς, εν; Lat. ūnus, and early Lat. oinos; Ulf. ains; A. S. ân; Engl. one, in E. Engl. proncd. like stone, bone; Scot. ane; Swed. en; Dan. een]:—one.
    A. Cardinal number, one; einn, tveir, þrír …, opp. to báðir, fleiri, etc.; einum eðr fleirum, Grág. i. 108; eina sök eðr fleiri, 78; unnu báðir eins verk, Fas. i. 515; einum ok einum, one by one, ii. 252; tveir menn veðmæltu um einn grip, Grág. i. 412.
    2. in old poems it is used as an ordinal number; Urð hétu eina, aðra Verðandi, Vsp. 20; segðu þat it eina …, opp. to þat it annat, Vþm. 20; hjálp heitir eitt, help ranks first, Hm. 147, Vkv. 2; but this use is quite obsolete.
    3. with the notion of sameness, one and the same (unus et idem;) í einu húsi, in the same house, Grág. ii. 42; ein ero lög um, hvárt sem ero naut eðr sauðir, i. 422; allt á eina leið, all one way, Fms. ii. 315; til einnar gistingar báðir, vii. 274; í einu brjósti, Alm. 36; allr einn, the very same, Nj. 213.
    II. indefinite, a, an, a certain one; einn vetr, a winter, Fms. i. 57; einn dag, x. 11, Fas. i. 514; eitt kveld, Ld. 38; einn hinn versti maðr, Fær. 91; Breiðlingr einn, a man from Broaddale, Sturl. ii. 249; einn vinr Þóris, a certain friend of Thorir, Fms. vi. 277: einn as the indefinite article is hardly found in old writers; and though it is freq. in the Bible, sermons, hymns, etc., since the Reformation, it was no doubt borrowed from the German, and has never been naturalised.
    β. about, before numbers; ein tvau hundruð vaðmála, about two hundred pieces, Sks. 30; einar fimm þúsudir, about three thousand, Al. 111,—obsolete, in mod. usage hérum-bil or the like.
    III. alone, Gr. μόνος, Lat. solus, used both in sing. and plur.; Guðrún skyldi ein ráða, Ld. 132; Hallr tók einn upp fang, 38; láta einan, to let alone; láttu mig Drottinn einan ekki, Pass. 34. 11; as a law term, to let one’s wife alone, þá lét hann eina Guðrúnu, Fms. x. 324 (cp. einlát); Gunnarr mundi vera einn heima, Nj. 113; sjá einn hlutr, that one thing only, 112; þau ein tíðendi (plur.), only such news, 242.
    β. if put after the noun, einn denotes, only, but, sheer, and is almost adverb.; segja þetta prett einn, a mere trick, Sturl. ii. 249; raufar einar, all in holes, Nj. 176; urðu borðin í blóði einu, the tables were bedabbled with blood all over, 270, Ó. H. 116; öll orðin at hvölum einum, all turned into whales, Fas. i. 372; gabb eitt ok háð, sheer mockery, Sks. 247; orð ein, mere words, Nj. 123; ígangs-klæði ein, Eg. 75; vin eitt, wine only, Gm. 19; heiptyrði ein, Fm. 9; hamingjur einar, Vþm. 49; ofsamenn einir, Ld. 158; þá nótt eina, for that one night, N. G. L. i. 240: also after an adj., lítið eina, only a little, Stj. 177; þat eina, er hann ætti sjálfr, Eg. 47, Fms. v. 303; nema góðs eina, naught but good, Eg. 63; fátt eitt, few only, but few; vilt eitt, but what is agreeable, Hm. 125; mikit eitt skala manni gefa, a proverb, ‘small gifts shew great love,’ 51; sá einn, er …, he only, who …, 17; satt eitt, sooth only, Fm. 9; the sense differs according as the adj. is placed before or after the noun, einn Guð, the one God; but, Guð einn, God only, none but God.
    IV. plur. in a distributive sense, single; ein gjöld, a single weregild, opp. to tvenn, þrenn, fern, double, triple, quadruple, Grág. ii. 232; thus Icel. say, einir sokkar, skór, vetlingar, a pair of socks, shoes, gloves; einar brækr, a pair of breeches; also with nouns which have only plur., e. g. ein, tvenn, þrenn Jól, one, two, three Christmasses ( Yules); einar (tvennar) dyrr, a single … door; eina Páska, one Easter.
    V. gen. pl. einna is used in an intensive sense; einna manna bezt, best of all single men, Fms. ix. 258; í mesta lagi einna manna, foremost of all single men, Bjarn. 65; fátt er svá einna hluta, at örvænt sé at hitti annat slíkt, Ó. H. 75.
    β. ellipt., manna, hluta, or the like being omitted, einna becomes almost an adverbial phrase, by far, exceedingly; at engi viti einna miklogi görr (= einna manna), that no one ( no single man) shall know it much better, Grág. i. 2; einna verst, by far the worst, Orkn. 162, Nj. 38; einna sizt, by far the least, least of all, Fms. i. 37; einna mest verðr, Ld. 8; er einna var ríkastr, who was the mightiest of all, Fms. i. 297; engan rétt einna meir kunnan at göra (= einna rétta meir), Sks. 22; engi er einna hvatastr (= e. manna), there is none so mighty but be may find his match, Hm. 63: in mod. usage einna, joined with a superlative, is used adverbially, e. beztr, e. fljótastr, the best, the fleetest, but in a somewhat depreciatory sense.
    VI. used adverb.:
    1. gen. sing. eins,
    α. eins ok, as, as if; eins ok væri hann með öllu óttalauss, Hkr. iii. 275; allt eins ok ( just as) rakkar metja með tungu, Stj. 392.
    β. likewise, in the same way; mikill þorri var þat er þær sögðu eins báðar, Landn. (Hb.) 320; this use of eins is very rare in old writers, but freq. in mod. use; in the spoken language at least ‘eins’ (= as) has almost replaced the old ‘sem.’
    γ. only; er ek hefi áðr spurn til eins, Fms. iv. 139 (rare).
    δ. at eins, only, but, Grág. i. 235; vel at eins, ironically, well enough, Ld. 248; eigi at eins, not only, Fms. i. 266; með sínum at eins kostnaði, vii. 184; því at eins, only in that case, Nj. 228; þar at eins, Ísl. ii. 400; allt eins, not the less for that, 216: in mod. use, just as (vide allr A. V. 5).
    2. dat. at einu = at eins; údauðr at einu, Ld. 242; því at einu = því at eins, Fms. iv. 195; því at einu er rétt …, Grág. i. 164; svá at einu, id., Nj. 103; sá evkr syndir sínar at einu, he but adds to his sins, Hom. 157; allt at einu, all the same, Ísl. ii. 216, v. l.: af því einu, only because, Mork. 140.
    B. Joined to another pronominal adj. or adv.:
    I. einn hverr, adj. pron., in old writers usually in two words and with a double declension (see below), but now and then (and in mod. usage always) in a single word, einn being indecl.; einhverja (acc. f.), Hbl. 30; einhverjum (dat. sing.), Hm. 122, Fms. x. 71; einhverjo héraði, Al. 98, Nj. 2; einhverra (gen.), Fms. iv. 75; einhverir (nom. pl.), viii. 202; einhver, einhverir, etc.: the form eins-hverr is peculiar, keeping the gen. indecl. through all the cases, nom. einshverr, N. G. L. i. 6; acc. einshverja, Stj. 156, 655 xxxii. 18, Gþl. 135; dat. einshverjum, Stj. 22, 442, 448; this form seems to be chiefly Norse, is very rare in old writers, and now quite obsolete; neut. sing. eitthvert, Vm. 73, or eitthvat, Stj. 442, the mod. usage makes a distinction, and uses eitthvert only as adj., eitthvað as subst.:
    1. each one, each single one; maðr er einn hverr, Edda 108; þær eru svá margar, at ein hver má vel endask, Eg. 414; ór þeirra fjórðungi sem ór einum hverjum öðrum, Íb. ch. 5; skal einn hverr ( each) þeirra nefna sér vátta, Grág. i. 74; jafnmikinn arf sem einn hverr ( each) sona hans, Sturl. ii. 77; fátt er svá herra einhverra hluta, of any single thing, Fms. iv. 175.
    β. joined to a superl. it strengthens the sense; ágætastr maðr einn hverr, one of the very first men, Nj. 282; vinsælastr höfðingi einhverr, highly popular, Fms. vii. 4; einhver drengilegust vörn, ix. 515.
    2. in an indefinite sense, some, somebody, a certain one; eitthvert ríki, Sks. 350; eina hverja nótt, some night, 686 B. 4; eitthvert sinn, once, sometime, Sturl. i. 77, Nj. 79; einhverju sinni, id., 2; einhvern dag, some day, Fms. v. 177, Ísl. ii. 212; eina hverja þessa tíð, about this time, N. G. L. i. 355; til einnar hverrar stefnu, to some meeting, Fb. i. 354; eins-hverja hluti, Stj. 156; með eins-hverjum sveini, 442; at ekki sé minna vert, at hlýða prests-messu nývígðs hinni fyrstu, heldr en biskups-messu einhverri, Bs. i. 131.
    β. used as subst.; einn hverr várr búandanna, Fms. i. 34; einn hvern manna hans, Eg. 258; einhverr í hverjum dal, Ld. 258, Nj. 192.
    γ. einhver-staðar (eins-hver-staðar, Fms. vii. 84), adv. somewhere, Grett. 130, Fms. iv. 57, Sd. 181.
    II. einn-saman, adj. ‘one together’ (vide einsamall), i. e. quite alone; maðrinn lifir ekki af einu-saman brauði, Matth. iv. 4; með einni-saman sinni sýn, með einni-saman sinni þefan, Stj. 93; ef útlegðir fara einar-saman, if it be solely a matter of outlay ( fine), Grág. i. 103; ef þat færi eitt-saman, ii. 10: of a woman, vera eigi ein-saman, to be not alone, to be with a child, Fms. iii. 109.
    III. with other words; einir … ýmissir, ‘one and sundry;’ various, mixed, Stj. 88, 204; eina hluti ok ýmissa, Fb. i. 191.
    β. hverr ok einn, ‘each and one,’ every one, 677. 1, H. E. i. 393, Rb. 492; fyrir hvern mun ok einn, Fas. i. 396.
    γ. einn ok sér-hverr, one and all.
    δ. einn sér, apart, for oneself, alone; Múspells-synir hafa einir sér fylking, Edda 41; einn sér, sole, Fms. ii. 308; sér einir, Sturl. ii. 53: metaph. singular, peculiar, ein var hón sér í lýðsku, Fs. 30.
    ε. sér-hverr, adj. every one, q. v.: eins-konar, adv. of one kind, Skálda 165; mod. indef. of a certain kind, a kind of: eins-kostar, adv. particularly, Ísl. ii. 322, Mork. 81.
    ζ. né einn, not one, none; in old writers usually so, but now and then contracted neinn (q. v.), and in mod. usage always so; né eina sekð, Grág. i. 136; né eitt úhreint, Stj. 409; né einu sinni, not once, Fms. xi. 13; né eins, not a single thing, 112; né eina herferð, vii. 28.
    η. fáir einir, only a few, in mod. usage in one word, nom. fáeinir, dat. fáeinum, gen. fáeinna: ein-stakr, single, q. v.: al-einn, alone, q. v.: ein-mana, q. v. (cp. Gr. μόνος): einum-megin, adv. on one side, Nj. 248 (vide vegr).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EINN

  • 18 OF

    1) with dat. and acc., over = yfir (fara of fjöll; sitja of borði); of time, = um; of haust or of haustum, in the autumn; of aptaninn, in the evening; of hríð, for a while; of allt, always;
    2) with acc. of, about (bera vitni of e-t);
    3) in a casual sense, poet.; of sanna sök, for a just cause, justly.
    an enclitic particle, chiefly placed before verbs; ek drykk of gat ens dýra mjaðar, I got a draught of the precious mead.
    1) great quantity, number; of fjár, immensity of wealth; of liðs, a vast host of men;
    2) excess; við of, to excess; þótti hirðmönnum hans við of, they thought it was beyond measure;
    3) pride, conceit (kirkjan verðr eigi svá mikil, at þar muni of þitt allt í liggja).
    1) with adjectives and adverbs; too; of gamall, ungr, langr, stuttr, too old, young, long, short; of mjök, too much; of lengi, too long;
    2) with the neuter of a past part. over-much, too much; hafa of drukkit, to have drunk too much; hafa of gört, to have transgressed; hafa of mælt, to have said too much; hafa of tekið við e-n, to have gone too far.
    * * *
    prep. with dat. and acc., the form varies; umb is an obsolete and rare form, hence um, sounded umm, which is far the most common form in old writers, and has altogether superseded both umb and of: [the ‘of’ answers nearest to Ulf. uf; O. H. G. oba; Germ. ob; Gr. ὑπό; Lat. sub; Sansk. upa.] Most of the oldest vellums, as also the poets, prefer to use ‘of,’ yet not all, for the Cod. Reg. of Sæm. Edda in nine cases out of ten writes um, so also did the Cod. Acad. primus (the Kringla) of the Hkr.; and this is important, for these two vellums are our chief sources for old poetry; on the other hand, the Cod. Reg. of the Snorra Edda prefers ‘of.’ Among other vellums the old fragment of the Orkn. S. (Arna-Magn. No. 325) mostly uses ‘of’ as of nóttina, Orkn. 110; of hans daga, 178; of Jól, 180; of daga þeirra bræðra, 182; but also ‘um’ e. g. ofan um sik, ofan um hann, id. The word will be given in full under letter U, so that a few references may suffice here:
    I. in the sense over, Lat. super, with dat. and acc.,
    α. jörð grær of ágætum barma, Eg. (in a verse); brann of fylki, Ýt.; of svírum, Hornklofi; dík flæði of líkum, Fms. xi. 191; sjár þýtr of árum, vi. (in a verse); of bý breiðum, Lex. Poët.
    β. with acc., of nýt regin, Vþm. 13; of dróttmögu, 11; of liðu, Sdm. 9; of sumar, Vsp. 40; of garð risa, Gs.; of lopt ok lög, Hkv.; úlfr gengr of ýnglings börn, Eg. (in a verse); vestr fór ek of ver, Höfuðl. 1; liggja of ungan Mörukára, Fms. vi. (in a verse).
    II. in a causal sense = Lat. ob; of sanna sök, for a just sake, justly, Fms. ii. 322 (in a verse); of minna, for a less cause, Glúm, (in a verse); of litla sök, Lex. Poët.; of sannar deildir, id.; of minni sorgir, Korm. (in a verse).
    and um, an enclytic particle, chiefly placed before verbs or participles, seldom before nouns; it is obsolete, and occurs only in old poetry and now and then in the oldest prose; the spelling varies, for here too the Cod. Reg. of Sæm. Edda, as also the Kringla, mostly prefer um, so as to take examples from the poem Hm., um skoðask, um skygnask, 1; um getr, 8; um á ( owns), 9; þylsk hann um, um getr, 17; um farit, 18; síns um máls, 21; um gelr, 29; um þörf, 38; um getr, 58, 65; um dvelr, 59; um viðrir, 74; um lagit, 84; um vakin, 100; um komin, um sofin, 101; um kominn, 104; um gaf, 105; um geta, 123; um heilli, 129; um reist, 145; um stendr, 154; um kann, 163: of gat, 140; of alinn, 72; of kom, 145; of vitaðr, 100; of blótið, 145: vf, vf boðit, 67; vf heimtir, 14: thus in this single poem ‘um’ occurs about twenty-four times, ‘of’ five times, and ‘vf’ twice: for the other poems see Bugge’s Edition: on the other hand, of traddi, Gh. 2; of þrumir, Gm. 8; of hyggi, 34; at ek öllum öl yðr of heita, Hým. 3; of geta, 4; of teknir, 14; of heitt, 32:—in prose, ef maðr má eigi of koma, Grág. ii. 209; of förlar, Kb. 14; of telrat, 178; er héðan of sér, Ísl. (Heiðarv. S.) ii. 387; en ér of sét eigi ljós, but you see not the light, 645. 81; at eigi of sá á miðli, Íb. 11; má of rannsaka, 677. 6; þó at báðum of göri, 2; ok af því of eykr eigi atkvæði, Skálda (Thorodd) 165; sem menn of bera megu, Hom. (St.); at hann megi jafnfúss of vera, id., and passim in that old vellum, see Fritzner’s Dict. s. v.; ef því um náir, Grág. (Kb.) 209; ef þeir um sitja, 74; um ves, 76; um taki, 89; um göra (twice), 109; um telrat, 194; urn býðr, 230; um komi, 234; ef sól um sæi, if the sun was to be seen, ch. 29.
    II. seldom before nouns; síns um máls, Hm. (see above); um þörf, 38; as hans of dólgr, Skv.; Baldrs of barmi, Haustl.; öll of rök, Alm. 9; of sköpt, kinsmen, Edda (Gl.), Lex. Poët.; of tregi, Gkv. 1. 3 (thus Bugge in two words); Þórs of rúni, Haustl.; of kúgi, an oppressor, Fms. vii. (in a verse); with adjectives, of reiðr, Skm.: it remains in some old sayings or phrases, án er íllt um gengi; um seinan, Nj. 91.
    adv. [this particle is closely akin to the prep. of; the extended form ofr- (q. v.) is mostly used in compds, not singly, and answers to Gr. ὑπέρ, Lat. super, Engl. above]:
    1. as subst. excess, pride, conceit; því at hón verðr eigi svá mikil, at þar muni of þitt allt í liggja, Ld. 318; við of, to excess, Ísl. ii. 154; þótti hirðmönnum hans við of, hversu mikit, they thought it was beyond measure, Vígl. 17; um of, to excess: the phrase, of sem van, too much or too little; það er of sem van.
    2. with gen., of fjár, immensity of wealth, Nj. 9, 27, Eg. 68, Ó. H. 198; of liðs, a vast host of men, Hkr. ii. 265; of manna, Fms. vi. 146.
    B. Adv. too, Lat. nimis, and may be used with any adjective; when with adjectives it is better written separately, of gamall, too old; of ungr, too young, Ld. 262; of langr, of stuttr, Art. 96; of stórr, of lítill, Eg. 50; of harðr, of linr, of góðr, of vándr, of kaldr, of heitr, of magr, of feitr, of digr, of breiðr, of mjór, of hár, of lágr, of víðr, of þröngr, of margr, of fár, of mart, Njarð. 372; of þögull, of heimskr, of máligr, Art. 30, 82.
    2. with adverbs; of mjök, too much, Eg. 226, Ísl. ii. 391; of fjarri, Fms. ii. 181; of lengi, too long, x. 379; of seint, too late. Art. 96; of snemma, of árla, too early; cp. um of viða, of sjaldan, of opt, etc.
    II. with the neut. of a past part., overmuch, too much, with the notion of having overdone or sometimes wishing not to have done it; hafa of drukkit, to have drunk too much, Gm. 51; hafa of aukit, Eg. 202, Hkr. ii. 209; hafa of gefit, to have given more than one likes, Ld. 318; hafa of gört, to have transgressed, Nj. 221, Fms. xi. 333; eigi of hefnt, Grett. 124; hafa of keypt, bought too dear, Jb. 372; hafa of mælt, Fms. i. 163; þykjast hafa of talað, wish one had not said it; sé mér þetta of mælt, Mar.; hafa of tekið við e-n, to have gone too far, Fms. viii. 258; hafa of seinat, too late, Ld. 144, Fas. i. 196; um seinat, Fms. viii. 162:—‘of’ is opp. to ‘van-,’ too much, too little, hafa van-dæmt, of-dæmt, of-mælt, Gþl. 378; van-refst of-refst, 272; of-talt van-talt, 477; of-alnir, van-alnir, Grág. i. 455.
    III. rarely with verbs; of-tala, to talk too much.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > OF

  • 19 ALIN

    (gen. sing. alnar or álnar; pl. alnar or álnir), f. = öln;
    1) the old Icelandic ell (about half a yard);
    2) unit of value, an ell of woollen stuff (alin vaðmáls), = one sixth of an ounce(eyrir).
    * * *
    f. A dissyllabic form alun appears in old poetry, v. Lex. Poët. In early prose writers a monosyllabic form öln prevails in nom. dat. acc. sing., D. I. i. 310. l. 22 (MS. of the year 1275), 314. l. 16 (MS. year 1250), 311, 312. l. 16, 313. l. 7, 89. l. 1. Nom. pl., α. the old, alnar; β. the later, alnir: the former in -ar, in D. I. i. 309 (a MS. of the year 1275), 310–312 (MS. year 1370), 313, 316. l. 19, 318. 1. 15. The pl. in -ir, D. I. i. 89 sqq., in MSS. of the 13th and 14th centuries. In the contracted form aln- the simple radical vowel soon became a diphthongal á, viz. álnar, álnir, álnum, álna, and is at present so spelt and pronounced. We find an acute accent indeed in álna (gen pl.), D. I. i. 313. l. 25 (MS. year 1375), and dinar, id. l, 7; álnom, 1. 28; ölnum with changed vowel, N. G. L. i. 323 (in an Icel. transcript). The present declension is, nom. acc. alin, gen. álnar; pl. nom. acc. álnir, gen. álna, dat. alnum.
    I. properly the arm from the elbow to the end of the middle finger [Gr. ώλένη, Lat. ulna, cp. A. S. el-boga, Engl. el-bow, etc.]; almost obsolete, but still found in the words ölbogi qs. öln-bogi, ‘elbow,’ and úlf-liðr, prop. uln- or óln-liðr, wrist, commonly pronounced unl-liðr [false etymol., v. Edda, p. 17]; cp. Ísl. Þjóðs. ii. 19, where tungl (luna) and unl- rhyme. Freq. in poetry in such compounds as alun-leygr, -brandr, ölun-grjót, alnar-gim, alin-leygr, the standing poët, name of gold and gems being ignis or lapis cubiti.
    II. mostly metaph.:
    1. an ell, [Ulf. aleina; A. S. eln; Engl. ell; O. H. G. elina; Dan. alen; Lat. ulna, cp. cubitum] ; the finger, arm, foot were the original standards for measure. The primitive ell measured the length from the elbow to the point of the second finger, and answered to about half a yard Engl. = 18 inches. The Icel. ell before the year 12OO measured just half a yard. About this year, by a law of bishop Paul, the ell was doubled into a stika, a stika being precisely = two ells = an Engl. ell of that time. To prevent the use of bad measure, a just and lawful stika (yard) was marked on the walls of the churches, esp. that at Thingvellir, as an authorised standard, Páls S. ch. 9, Bs. i. 135, D. I. i. 309, 316, Jb. Kb. 26; ensk lérept tveggja álna, English linen of two ells measure, id.; þat er mælt, at at graftar kirkju hverri skal mæla stiku lengd, þá er rétt sé at hafa til álna máls, ok megi menn þar til ganga ef á skilr um alnar, 309. During the whole of the 15th century the Icel. trade was mainly in British hands; thus the Engl. double ell probably prevailed till the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century. The Hanse Towns ell = 21 1/11 inches was then introduced, and abolished in the year 1776, when the Dan. ell = 24 inches came into use. At present the Hanse Towns ell is called Íslenzk alin (Icel. ell), and the original half-yard ell is quite obsolete; cp. Jón Sigurðsson in D. I. i. 306–308, and Pál Vidal. s. v. alin.
    2. a unit of value, viz. an ell (half-yard measure) of woollen stuff (vaðmál); the vaðmál (Halliwell wadmal, Engl. woadmal, Orkn. and Shell, wadmaal and vadmel) was in Icel. the common medium of payment, whence an ell became the standard unit of value or property, whether in land or chattels; 120 ells make a hundred, v. that word. In D. I. i. 316 we are told that, about the year 1200, three ells were equal in value to one ounce of ordinary silver, whence the expression þriggja álna eyrir (a common phrase during the 13th century). The value of the ell of vaðmal, however, varied greatly; during the 11th and 12th centuries six ells made an ounce, D. I. i. 88. In Norway we find mentioned níu, ellifu álna aurar (nine, eleven ells to an ounce). In Grág. (Kb.) ii. 192, § 245, it is said that, about the year 1000, four ells in Icel. made an ounce, and so on; vide Dasent, Essay in 2nd vol. of Burnt Njal., and Pal Vidal. s. v. alin.
    COMPDS: álnarborð, álnarbreiðr, alnarkefli, álnartíund, álnarvirði, álnasök.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ALIN

  • 20 volver

    1 to turn round (dar la vuelta a).
    al volver la esquina when we turned the corner
    Ella volvió la tortilla She turned the tortilla.
    Volvió inservible el carro.. It rendered the car useless.
    2 to turn (cabeza, ojos).
    3 to go back, to return (ir de vuelta).
    yo allí no vuelvo I'm not going back there
    vuelve, no te vayas come back, don't go
    al volver pasé por el supermercado I stopped off at the supermarket on the o my way back
    aún no ha vuelto del trabajo she isn't back o hasn't got back from work yet
    volver en sí to come to, to regain consciousness
    Ellos volvieron ayer They returned yesterday.
    4 to come back to.
    Me volvieron los recuerdos Memories came back to me.
    5 to vomit.
    Ella volvió los tacos She vomited the tacos.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ MOVER], like link=mover mover (pp vuelto,-a)
    1 (dar vuelta a) to turn, turn over; (hacia abajo) to turn upside down; (de dentro afuera) to turn inside out; (lo de atrás hacia delante) to turn back to front
    2 (convertir) to turn, make, change
    3 (devolver) to give back; (a su lugar) to put back
    4 (torcer) to turn
    1 (regresar) to return; (ir) to go back; (venir) to come back
    2 (a un tema etc) to return, revert
    1 (regresar - ir) to go back; (- venir) to come back
    3 (convertirse) to turn, become
    volver a alguien a la vida to revive somebody, bring somebody back to life
    volver a las andadas to fall back into one's old habits
    volver del revés to turn inside out
    volver en sí to regain consciousness, come round
    volver los ojos hacia to turn one's eyes towards
    volver sobre sus pasos to retrace one's steps
    volverle la espalda a alguien figurado to turn one's back on somebody
    volverse atrás figurado to go back on one's word, back out
    volverse en contra de alguien to turn against somebody
    * * *
    2) go back, come back
    4) cause, drive, make
    - volverse
    * * *
    ( pp vuelto)
    1. VT
    1) (=dar la vuelta a) [+ cabeza] to turn; [+ colchón, tortilla, enfermo] to turn over; [+ jersey, calcetín] to turn inside out; [+ página] to turn, turn over

    volver la espaldato turn away

    volver la esquinato go round o turn the corner

    2) (=cambiar la orientación de) to turn

    volver la vista atrásto look back

    volver los ojos al pasado — to look back

    volver el pensamiento a Dios — to turn one's thoughts to God

    volver la proa al viento — to turn the bow into the wind

    3) *
    (=devolver) [+ compra] to return; [+ comida] to bring up; [+ imagen] to reflect; [+ objeto lanzado] to send back, return; [+ visita] to return

    volver algo a su lugar — to return sth to its place, put sth back (in its place)

    volver la casa a su estado originalto return o restore the house to its original condition

    4) (=enrollar) [+ manga] to roll up
    5) [+ adj] to make

    el ácido lo vuelve azul — the acid turns it blue, the acid makes it go blue

    6) (Ling) to translate (a into)
    2. VI
    1) (=regresar) (a donde se está) to come back, return; (a donde se estaba) to go back, return (a to) ([de] from)

    volver victorioso — to come back victorious, return in triumph

    volviendo a lo que decía... — going back o returning to what I was saying...

    volver atrás — to go back, turn back

    volver a una costumbreto revert to a habit


    volver a hacer algo — to do sth again

    me he vuelto a equivocar — I've made a mistake again, I've made another mistake

    volvió a casarse — she remarried, she (got) married again


    volver en — to come to, come round

    4) [camino] to turn (a to)
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) ( regresar - al lugar donde se está) to come back; (- a otro lugar) to go back

    ¿cómo vas a volver? — how are you getting back?

    volvió muy cambiadashe came back o returned a different person

    ¿cuándo piensas volver por aquí? — when do you think you'll be o come back this way?

    volver a algo< a un lugar> to go back to something; <a una situación/actividad> to return to something

    volviendo a lo que decía... — to get o go back to what I was saying...

    volver de algo: ¿cuándo volviste de las vacaciones? when did you get back from your vacation?; ha vuelto de Roma she's back from Rome; volvió cansado del trabajo he was tired when he got home from work; volver atrás — ( literal) to go o turn back; ( al pasado) to turn back the clock

    a) ( repetirse) momento to return
    b) calma/paz to return
    volver v aux

    volver a + inf: volver a empezar to start again o (AmE) over; no volverá a ocurrir it won't happen again; no lo volví a ver I never saw him again; lo tuve que volver a llevar al taller — I had to take it back to the workshop

    volver vt
    a) <colchón/tortilla> to turn (over); < tierra> to turn o dig over; <calcetín/chaqueta> ( poner del revés) to turn... inside out; ( poner del derecho) to turn... the right way round; < cuello> to turn
    b) <cabeza/mirada>
    c) < esquina> to turn
    2) (convertir en, poner)

    me está volviendo loca — it's/he's/she's driving me mad

    3) (Méx)
    volverse v pron
    1) ( girar) to turn (around)

    no te vuelvas, que nos están siguiendo — don't look back, we're being followed

    volverse boca arriba/abajo — to turn over onto one's back/stomach

    volverse atrásto back out

    2) (convertirse en, ponerse)

    se vuelve agrioit turns o goes sour

    * * *
    = come back, render, return, switch back, turn back, turn over + page, turn over, get back, be back.
    Ex. He wondered whether to chase after Duff and order him to come back or wait and see him later, after she had regained her composure.
    Ex. So strongly was it felt by proponents of change that just such unconscious biases rendered libraries 'part of the problem, instead of the solution'.
    Ex. Returning to government agencies, some agencies are treated as subordinate to a government, whilst others are entered independently.
    Ex. A code at the bottom of the local document summary and full information screens allow switching back to the system catalog.
    Ex. It might be wise for you to turn back and re-read what was said in section 2.
    Ex. Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex. Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex. I have been off on vacation and just got back.
    Ex. Which means I'd give the whole shooting match just to be back where I was before I quit sleeping under the stars and come into the hen-coops.
    * acción de volver a contar algo = retelling.
    * aguas + volver a su cauce = dust + settle.
    * hacer que la gente se vuelva a mirar = make + heads turn.
    * hora de volver a casa = curfew.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * no volver = go + forever.
    * no volver hasta + Expresión Temporal = not be back for + Expresión Temporal.
    * no volver la vista atrás = never + look back.
    * que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.
    * volvemos siempre al principio = things swing full circle.
    * volver a = depart to, get back to, go back to, move back to, revert (to), go + full circle back to, circle back to, backtrack [back-track], recur to, roll back to, revert back to, head back to, slide back to, default to.
    * volver a abrir = be back in business.
    * volver a adoptar = resume.
    * volver a albergar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alfombrar = recarpet [re-carpet].
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver a almacenar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alojar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alquilar = rehire [re-hire].
    * volver a analizar = reexamine [re-examine], reanalyse [reanalyze, -USA].
    * volver a aparecer = resurface.
    * volver a aprender = relearn.
    * volver a asegurar = reinsure.
    * volver a asentar = resettle.
    * volver a atar = re-tie.
    * volver a bautizar = re-baptise [re-baptize, -USA].
    * volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).
    * volver a calcular = recalculation.
    * volver a cargar = reload.
    * volver a casa = go + home again.
    * volver a casarse = remarry.
    * volver a clasificar = refolder.
    * volver a combinar = recombine [re-combine].
    * volver a comprimir = recompress.
    * volver a comprobar = check back.
    * volver a conectar = reconnect [re-connect].
    * volver a congelarse = re-freeze [refreeze].
    * volver a considerar = reconsider.
    * volver a consultar = revisit, check back.
    * volver a contar = recount, retell.
    * volver a contextualizar = recontextualise [recontextualize, USA].
    * volver a contratar = rehire [re-hire].
    * volver a convertir = reconvert.
    * volver a convocar = reconvene.
    * volver a copiar = recopy.
    * volver a crear = recreate [re-create].
    * volver a dar forma = reshape [re-shape].
    * volver a descubrir = rediscover.
    * volver a despertar = reawaken [re-awaken].
    * volver a determinar = respecify.
    * volver a diseñar = redesign [re-design], repurpose [re-purpose].
    * volver a dotar = re-equip [reequip].
    * volver a ejecutar = rerun [re-run].
    * volver a empezar = return to + the drawing boards, back to the drawing board, a fresh start, start over, go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volver a empezar de cero = be back to square one, go back to + square one.
    * volver a encuadernar = rebind [re-bind].
    * volver a enmoquetar = recarpeting.
    * volver a enseñar = retrain [re-train].
    * volver a entrar = come back in.
    * volver a enviar = resubmit [re-submit], reship, resend [re-send].
    * volver a equipar = re-equip [reequip].
    * volver a escribir = retype [re-type], rewrite [re-write].
    * volver a especificar = respecify.
    * volver a establecer equivalencias = remap.
    * volver a evaluar = reassess [re-assess], reevaluate [re-evaluate], reappraise.
    * volver a financiar = re-fund.
    * volver a formarse = reform.
    * volver a formatear = reformat [re-format].
    * volver a funcionar = be back in business.
    * volver a guardar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a hablar innecesariamente = belabour [belabor, -USA].
    * volver a hacer = redo [re-do], remake.
    * volver a hacer un examen = retake + an exam.
    * volver a hidratar = rehydrate.
    * volver a imprimir = reprint.
    * volver a incluir = reinstate.
    * volver a indizar = re-index [reindex].
    * volver a inscribir = reregister.
    * volver a insertar = reinsert.
    * volver a insertar en el ordenador = rekey [re-key].
    * volver a intentar = retry [re-try].
    * volver a interpretar = reinterpret [re-interpret].
    * volver a introducir = re-enter [reenter], reintroduce, reinsert.
    * volver a juzgar = retry [re-try].
    * volver a la etapa de planificación = return to + the drawing boards, back to the drawing board.
    * volver a la normalidad = get back to + normal, return to + normalcy, get (back) into + the swings of things.
    * volver a la popularidad = return to + favour.
    * volver a la seguridad de = burrow back into.
    * volver a la vida normal = get (back) into + the swings of things.
    * volver a leer = reread [re-read].
    * volver a levantar el sistema = restart.
    * volver Algo a su estado anterior = put + Nombre + back on track.
    * volver Algo del revés = turn + Nombre + inside-out.
    * volver Algo en Otra Cosa = turn + Nombre + into.
    * volver al pasado = turn + the clock back.
    * volver al principio = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle.
    * volver al punto de partida = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle, go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volver al redil = return to + the fold.
    * volver a manejar = rehandle.
    * volver a mezclar = remix.
    * volver a montar = reassemble [re-assemble].
    * volver a mostrar = redisplay.
    * volver a nacer = have + a lucky escape, have + a narrow escape.
    * volver a nombrar = rename.
    * volver a ordenar = resort.
    * volver a oxidar = reoxidise [reoxidize, -USA].
    * volver a pedir = reorder [re-order].
    * volver a pintar = repaint [re-paint].
    * volver a planificar = reschedule.
    * volver a plantearse = reconceive of.
    * volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.
    * volver a por sus fueros = be back on track, be on track, bite back.
    * volver a preguntar = check back.
    * volver a presentar = resubmit [re-submit].
    * volver a prestar atención = refocus + attention.
    * volver a procesar = reprocess.
    * volver a programar = reschedule.
    * volver a promover un producto = rehyping.
    * volver a publicar = reissue [re-issue].
    * volver a recibir financiación = re-fund.
    * volver a representar = remap.
    * volver a reunir = reassemble [re-assemble].
    * volver a salir = come back out.
    * volver a salir a la superficie = resurface.
    * volver a ser condenado = reconviction.
    * volver a ser lo que era = be back on track, be on track.
    * volver a subvencionar = re-fund.
    * volver a su camino = get back on + track, get back on + Posesivo + path.
    * volver a tomar = regain, retake.
    * volver a traducir = remap.
    * volver a traer = restore.
    * volver atrás = turn + the clock back, go + backwards.
    * volver a tratar = revisit.
    * volver a unir = reunite [re-unite].
    * volver a untar grasa al cojinete = repack + bearing.
    * volver a usar = reuse [re-use].
    * volver a utilizar = recapture, reutilise [reutilize, -USA].
    * volver a vivir = relive.
    * volver corriendo = scurry back.
    * volver de nuevo = come back out.
    * volver el reloj atrás = turn + the clock back.
    * volver en + Expresión Temporal = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * volver en sí = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * volver hacia atrás = backtrack [back-track].
    * volver la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.
    * volver la espalda = give + Nombre + the cold shoulder, turn + a cold shoulder to, cold-shoulder.
    * volver la espalda a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * volver la página = turn over + page.
    * volver las tornas = turn + the tables (on).
    * volver la vista atrás = look back.
    * volverlo a hacer = go and do it again.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volver loco, exasperar, sacar de quicio, cabrear, encabronar, dar por culo, = piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver pronto = haste back.
    * volverse = become, turn into, swing around, turn (a)round.
    * volverse + Adjetivo = grow + Adjetivo.
    * volverse a reunir = reconvene.
    * volverse a unir a = rejoin.
    * volverse chalado = go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse chiflado = go + potty, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse ciego = become + blind.
    * volverse + Color = turn to + Color.
    * volverse cruel = become + vicious.
    * volverse en contra de = turn against.
    * volverse estúpido = go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse etéreo = etherealise [etherealize, -USA].
    * volverse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather.
    * volverse ilegible = become + unreadable.
    * volverse líquido = turn to + liquid.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * volverse majareta = go + potty, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go off + the rails, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse marrón = turn + brown.
    * volverse obscuro = turn + dark.
    * volverse obsoleto = go out of + date, become + obsolete, go out of + fashion, obsolesce.
    * volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda, caducar = become + obsolete.
    * volverse oscuro = turn + dark.
    * volverse violento = turn + violent.
    * volver sobre = retrace.
    * volver sobre los pasos de Uno = double-back, retrace + Posesivo + steps, retrace + Posesivo + footsteps, go back on + Posesivo + steps.
    * volver tarde a casa = stay out + late.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) ( regresar - al lugar donde se está) to come back; (- a otro lugar) to go back

    ¿cómo vas a volver? — how are you getting back?

    volvió muy cambiadashe came back o returned a different person

    ¿cuándo piensas volver por aquí? — when do you think you'll be o come back this way?

    volver a algo< a un lugar> to go back to something; <a una situación/actividad> to return to something

    volviendo a lo que decía... — to get o go back to what I was saying...

    volver de algo: ¿cuándo volviste de las vacaciones? when did you get back from your vacation?; ha vuelto de Roma she's back from Rome; volvió cansado del trabajo he was tired when he got home from work; volver atrás — ( literal) to go o turn back; ( al pasado) to turn back the clock

    a) ( repetirse) momento to return
    b) calma/paz to return
    volver v aux

    volver a + inf: volver a empezar to start again o (AmE) over; no volverá a ocurrir it won't happen again; no lo volví a ver I never saw him again; lo tuve que volver a llevar al taller — I had to take it back to the workshop

    volver vt
    a) <colchón/tortilla> to turn (over); < tierra> to turn o dig over; <calcetín/chaqueta> ( poner del revés) to turn... inside out; ( poner del derecho) to turn... the right way round; < cuello> to turn
    b) <cabeza/mirada>
    c) < esquina> to turn
    2) (convertir en, poner)

    me está volviendo loca — it's/he's/she's driving me mad

    3) (Méx)
    volverse v pron
    1) ( girar) to turn (around)

    no te vuelvas, que nos están siguiendo — don't look back, we're being followed

    volverse boca arriba/abajo — to turn over onto one's back/stomach

    volverse atrásto back out

    2) (convertirse en, ponerse)

    se vuelve agrioit turns o goes sour

    * * *
    = come back, render, return, switch back, turn back, turn over + page, turn over, get back, be back.

    Ex: He wondered whether to chase after Duff and order him to come back or wait and see him later, after she had regained her composure.

    Ex: So strongly was it felt by proponents of change that just such unconscious biases rendered libraries 'part of the problem, instead of the solution'.
    Ex: Returning to government agencies, some agencies are treated as subordinate to a government, whilst others are entered independently.
    Ex: A code at the bottom of the local document summary and full information screens allow switching back to the system catalog.
    Ex: It might be wise for you to turn back and re-read what was said in section 2.
    Ex: Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex: I have been off on vacation and just got back.
    Ex: Which means I'd give the whole shooting match just to be back where I was before I quit sleeping under the stars and come into the hen-coops.
    * acción de volver a contar algo = retelling.
    * aguas + volver a su cauce = dust + settle.
    * hacer que la gente se vuelva a mirar = make + heads turn.
    * hora de volver a casa = curfew.
    * la historia + volverse a repetir = history + come full circle.
    * las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida = the wheel + turn + full circle.
    * no volver = go + forever.
    * no volver hasta + Expresión Temporal = not be back for + Expresión Temporal.
    * no volver la vista atrás = never + look back.
    * que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.
    * volvemos siempre al principio = things swing full circle.
    * volver a = depart to, get back to, go back to, move back to, revert (to), go + full circle back to, circle back to, backtrack [back-track], recur to, roll back to, revert back to, head back to, slide back to, default to.
    * volver a abrir = be back in business.
    * volver a adoptar = resume.
    * volver a albergar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alfombrar = recarpet [re-carpet].
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver a almacenar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alojar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a alquilar = rehire [re-hire].
    * volver a analizar = reexamine [re-examine], reanalyse [reanalyze, -USA].
    * volver a aparecer = resurface.
    * volver a aprender = relearn.
    * volver a asegurar = reinsure.
    * volver a asentar = resettle.
    * volver a atar = re-tie.
    * volver a bautizar = re-baptise [re-baptize, -USA].
    * volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).
    * volver a calcular = recalculation.
    * volver a cargar = reload.
    * volver a casa = go + home again.
    * volver a casarse = remarry.
    * volver a clasificar = refolder.
    * volver a combinar = recombine [re-combine].
    * volver a comprimir = recompress.
    * volver a comprobar = check back.
    * volver a conectar = reconnect [re-connect].
    * volver a congelarse = re-freeze [refreeze].
    * volver a considerar = reconsider.
    * volver a consultar = revisit, check back.
    * volver a contar = recount, retell.
    * volver a contextualizar = recontextualise [recontextualize, USA].
    * volver a contratar = rehire [re-hire].
    * volver a convertir = reconvert.
    * volver a convocar = reconvene.
    * volver a copiar = recopy.
    * volver a crear = recreate [re-create].
    * volver a dar forma = reshape [re-shape].
    * volver a descubrir = rediscover.
    * volver a despertar = reawaken [re-awaken].
    * volver a determinar = respecify.
    * volver a diseñar = redesign [re-design], repurpose [re-purpose].
    * volver a dotar = re-equip [reequip].
    * volver a ejecutar = rerun [re-run].
    * volver a empezar = return to + the drawing boards, back to the drawing board, a fresh start, start over, go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volver a empezar de cero = be back to square one, go back to + square one.
    * volver a encuadernar = rebind [re-bind].
    * volver a enmoquetar = recarpeting.
    * volver a enseñar = retrain [re-train].
    * volver a entrar = come back in.
    * volver a enviar = resubmit [re-submit], reship, resend [re-send].
    * volver a equipar = re-equip [reequip].
    * volver a escribir = retype [re-type], rewrite [re-write].
    * volver a especificar = respecify.
    * volver a establecer equivalencias = remap.
    * volver a evaluar = reassess [re-assess], reevaluate [re-evaluate], reappraise.
    * volver a financiar = re-fund.
    * volver a formarse = reform.
    * volver a formatear = reformat [re-format].
    * volver a funcionar = be back in business.
    * volver a guardar = rehouse [re-house].
    * volver a hablar innecesariamente = belabour [belabor, -USA].
    * volver a hacer = redo [re-do], remake.
    * volver a hacer un examen = retake + an exam.
    * volver a hidratar = rehydrate.
    * volver a imprimir = reprint.
    * volver a incluir = reinstate.
    * volver a indizar = re-index [reindex].
    * volver a inscribir = reregister.
    * volver a insertar = reinsert.
    * volver a insertar en el ordenador = rekey [re-key].
    * volver a intentar = retry [re-try].
    * volver a interpretar = reinterpret [re-interpret].
    * volver a introducir = re-enter [reenter], reintroduce, reinsert.
    * volver a juzgar = retry [re-try].
    * volver a la etapa de planificación = return to + the drawing boards, back to the drawing board.
    * volver a la normalidad = get back to + normal, return to + normalcy, get (back) into + the swings of things.
    * volver a la popularidad = return to + favour.
    * volver a la seguridad de = burrow back into.
    * volver a la vida normal = get (back) into + the swings of things.
    * volver a leer = reread [re-read].
    * volver a levantar el sistema = restart.
    * volver Algo a su estado anterior = put + Nombre + back on track.
    * volver Algo del revés = turn + Nombre + inside-out.
    * volver Algo en Otra Cosa = turn + Nombre + into.
    * volver al pasado = turn + the clock back.
    * volver al principio = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle.
    * volver al punto de partida = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle, go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volver al redil = return to + the fold.
    * volver a manejar = rehandle.
    * volver a mezclar = remix.
    * volver a montar = reassemble [re-assemble].
    * volver a mostrar = redisplay.
    * volver a nacer = have + a lucky escape, have + a narrow escape.
    * volver a nombrar = rename.
    * volver a ordenar = resort.
    * volver a oxidar = reoxidise [reoxidize, -USA].
    * volver a pedir = reorder [re-order].
    * volver a pintar = repaint [re-paint].
    * volver a planificar = reschedule.
    * volver a plantearse = reconceive of.
    * volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.
    * volver a por sus fueros = be back on track, be on track, bite back.
    * volver a preguntar = check back.
    * volver a presentar = resubmit [re-submit].
    * volver a prestar atención = refocus + attention.
    * volver a procesar = reprocess.
    * volver a programar = reschedule.
    * volver a promover un producto = rehyping.
    * volver a publicar = reissue [re-issue].
    * volver a recibir financiación = re-fund.
    * volver a representar = remap.
    * volver a reunir = reassemble [re-assemble].
    * volver a salir = come back out.
    * volver a salir a la superficie = resurface.
    * volver a ser condenado = reconviction.
    * volver a ser lo que era = be back on track, be on track.
    * volver a subvencionar = re-fund.
    * volver a su camino = get back on + track, get back on + Posesivo + path.
    * volver a tomar = regain, retake.
    * volver a traducir = remap.
    * volver a traer = restore.
    * volver atrás = turn + the clock back, go + backwards.
    * volver a tratar = revisit.
    * volver a unir = reunite [re-unite].
    * volver a untar grasa al cojinete = repack + bearing.
    * volver a usar = reuse [re-use].
    * volver a utilizar = recapture, reutilise [reutilize, -USA].
    * volver a vivir = relive.
    * volver corriendo = scurry back.
    * volver de nuevo = come back out.
    * volver el reloj atrás = turn + the clock back.
    * volver en + Expresión Temporal = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * volver en sí = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * volver hacia atrás = backtrack [back-track].
    * volver la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.
    * volver la espalda = give + Nombre + the cold shoulder, turn + a cold shoulder to, cold-shoulder.
    * volver la espalda a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * volver la página = turn over + page.
    * volver las tornas = turn + the tables (on).
    * volver la vista atrás = look back.
    * volverlo a hacer = go and do it again.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volver loco, exasperar, sacar de quicio, cabrear, encabronar, dar por culo, = piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver pronto = haste back.
    * volverse = become, turn into, swing around, turn (a)round.
    * volverse + Adjetivo = grow + Adjetivo.
    * volverse a reunir = reconvene.
    * volverse a unir a = rejoin.
    * volverse chalado = go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse chiflado = go + potty, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse ciego = become + blind.
    * volverse + Color = turn to + Color.
    * volverse cruel = become + vicious.
    * volverse en contra de = turn against.
    * volverse estúpido = go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse etéreo = etherealise [etherealize, -USA].
    * volverse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather.
    * volverse ilegible = become + unreadable.
    * volverse líquido = turn to + liquid.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * volverse majareta = go + potty, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go off + the rails, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse marrón = turn + brown.
    * volverse obscuro = turn + dark.
    * volverse obsoleto = go out of + date, become + obsolete, go out of + fashion, obsolesce.
    * volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda, caducar = become + obsolete.
    * volverse oscuro = turn + dark.
    * volverse violento = turn + violent.
    * volver sobre = retrace.
    * volver sobre los pasos de Uno = double-back, retrace + Posesivo + steps, retrace + Posesivo + footsteps, go back on + Posesivo + steps.
    * volver tarde a casa = stay out + late.

    * * *
    volver [ E11 ]
    A (regresaral lugar donde se está) to come back; (— a otro lugar) to go back
    no sé a qué hora volveré I don't know what time I'll be back
    ¿no piensas volver allí algún día? don't you intend going back there some day?
    dos de los cazas no volvieron two of the fighters failed to return
    vete y no vuelvas más get out and don't ever come back
    volvió muy cambiada she came back o returned a different person
    ¿cuándo piensas volver por aquí? when do you think you'll be o get o come back this way?
    ha vuelto con su familia she's gone back to her family
    no sé cómo consiguió volver I don't know how he managed to get back
    volver A algo:
    nunca volvió a Alemania she never went back to o returned to Germany
    no había vuelto a su pueblo desde que era pequeño he hadn't been back to his home town since he was a child
    logró volver al campamento she managed to get back to the camp
    ¿cuándo vuelves al colegio? when do you go back to school?
    volver DE algo:
    ¿cuándo volviste de las vacaciones? when did you get back from your vacation?
    ¿sabes si ha vuelto de Roma? do you know if she's back from Rome?
    volvieron del lugar del accidente they returned o came back from the scene of the accident
    siempre vuelve cansado del trabajo he's always tired when he gets o comes home from work
    volver atrás (en un viaje) to go o turn back; (al pasado) to turn back the clock
    veo que no han entendido, volvamos atrás I can see you haven't understood, let's go back over it again
    vuelve y juega … ( Col fam); here we go again … ( colloq)
    1 (a una situación, una actividad) volver A algo to return TO sth
    el país ha vuelto a la normalidad the country is back to o has returned to normal
    está pensando en volver al mundo del espectáculo she's thinking of returning to o making a comeback in show business
    2 (a un tema) volver A algo:
    volviendo a lo que hablábamos… to go back to what we were talking about…
    ya volvemos a lo de siempre so we're back to the same old problem
    siempre vuelve al mismo tema he always comes back to the same subject
    1 (repetirse) «momento» to return
    aquellos días felices que no volverán those happy days that will never return
    2 «calma/paz» to return volver A algo:
    la paz ha vuelto a la zona peace has returned to the area, the area is peaceful again
    la normalidad ha vuelto a la fábrica the situation at the factory is back to normal
    volver en sí to come to o round
    trataban de hacerlo volver en sí they were trying to bring him round
    E ( Méx) (vomitar) to be sick
    volver A + INF:
    no volverá a ocurrir it won't happen again
    no hemos vuelto a verlo we haven't seen him since
    no volvió a probar el alcohol she never drank alcohol again
    me volvió a llenar el vaso she refilled my glass
    lo tuve que volver a llevar al taller I had to take it back to the workshop
    ■ volver
    1 ‹colchón/tortilla/filete› to turn, turn over; ‹tierra› to turn o dig over
    2 ‹calcetín/chaqueta› to turn … inside out; ‹cuello› to turn
    vuelve la manga, que la tienes del revés pull the sleeve out, you've got it inside out
    volver la página or hoja to turn the page, turn over
    4 ‹cabeza/ojos›
    volvió la cabeza para ver quién la seguía she turned her head o she looked around to see who was following her
    volvió los ojos/la mirada hacia mí he turned his eyes/his gaze toward(s) me
    volver la mirada hacia el pasado to look back to the past
    5 ‹esquina› to turn
    está ahí, nada más volver la esquina it's up there, just around the corner
    B (convertir en, poner) to make
    la ha vuelto muy egoísta it has made her very selfish
    la televisión los está volviendo tontos television is turning them into morons
    lo vuelve de otro color it turns it a different color
    ( Méx): volver el estómago to be sick
    A (darse la vuelta, girar) to turn, turn around
    se volvió para ver quién la llamaba she turned (around) to see who was calling her
    se volvió hacia él she turned to face him
    no te vuelvas, que nos siguen don't look back, we're being followed
    se volvió de espaldas he turned his back on me/her/them
    volverse boca arriba/abajo to turn over onto one's back/stomach
    volverse atrás to back out
    volverse contra algn to turn against sb
    (convertirse en, ponerse): últimamente se ha vuelto muy antipática she's become very unpleasant recently
    el partido se ha vuelto más radical the party has grown o become more radical
    su mirada se volvió triste his expression saddened o grew sad
    se está volviendo muy quisquillosa she's getting very fussy
    se vuelve agrio it turns o goes sour
    se volvió loca she went mad
    * * *


    volver ( conjugate volver) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( regresaral lugar donde se está) to come back;
    (— a otro lugar) to go back;

    ¿cómo vas a volver? how are you getting back?;
    ha vuelto con su familia she's gone back to her family;
    volver a algo ‹ a un lugar› to go back to sth;

    a una situación/actividad› to return to sth;

    quiere volver al mundo del espectáculo he wants to return to show business;
    volviendo a lo que decía … to get o go back to what I was saying …;
    ¿cuándo volviste de las vacaciones? when did you get back from your vacation?;
    ha vuelto de París she's back from Paris
    2 [calma/paz] to return;
    volver a algo to return to sth
    volver en sí to come to o round

    volver v aux:
    volver a empezar to start again o (AmE) over;

    no volverá a ocurrir it won't happen again;
    lo tuve que volver a llevar al taller I had to take it back to the workshop
    verbo transitivo
    1 ( dar la vuelta)
    a)colchón/tortilla to turn (over);

    tierra› to turn o dig over;
    calcetín/chaqueta› ( ponerdel revés) to turn … inside out;
    (— del derecho) to turn … the right way round;
    cuello to turn;

    b) cabeza to turn;

    c) esquina to turn

    2 (convertir en, poner):

    me está volviendo loca it's/he's/she's driving me mad
    3 (Méx)

    volverse verbo pronominal
    1 ( girar) to turn (around);

    no te vuelvas, que nos están siguiendo don't look back, we're being followed;
    se volvió de espaldas he turned his back on me (o her etc);
    volverse boca arriba/abajo to turn over onto one's back/stomach
    2 (convertirse en, ponerse):

    se vuelve agrio it turns o goes sour;
    se volvió loca she went mad
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (retornar, regresar: hacia el hablante) to return, come back: volveremos mañana, we'll come back tomorrow
    (: a otro sitio) to return, go back: volvió a su casa, she went back to her home
    2 (: una acción, situación, etc) volveremos sobre ese asunto esta tarde, we'll come back to that subject this afternoon
    (expresando repetición) lo volvió a hacer, he did it again
    volver a empezar, to start again o US over
    II verbo transitivo
    1 (dar la vuelta: a una tortilla, etc) to turn over
    (a un calcetín, etc) to turn inside out
    (a la esquina, la página) to turn
    (la mirada, etc) to turn 2 volverle la espalda a alguien, to turn one's back on sb
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar figurado (superar un gran peligro) volver a nacer: sobrevivió al naufragio, ha vuelto a nacer, he survived the shipwreck miraculously
    volver en sí, to come round
    volver la vista atrás, (mirar al pasado) to look back
    volver a alguien loco: me está volviendo loco, she's driving me mad o crazy
    ' volver' also found in these entries:
    - andadas
    - carga
    - clara
    - claro
    - emocionante
    - enajenar
    - entenderse
    - escopetazo
    - espalda
    - estragos
    - garantizar
    - grupa
    - hervir
    - idea
    - imperiosa
    - imperioso
    - indisponer
    - loca
    - loco
    - mentalizarse
    - mico
    - normalizar
    - placer
    - recalentar
    - rellenar
    - repasar
    - repetir
    - resentirse
    - retroceder
    - soler
    - soñar
    - tornar
    - trastornar
    - venir
    - vista
    - arreglar
    - cuidar
    - empezar
    - endurecer
    - gana
    - hacer
    - poder
    - rehacer
    - tal
    - vuelto
    - vuelva
    - ask back
    - before
    - call back
    - circle
    - clock
    - come back
    - come round
    - come to
    - despair
    - double back
    - drive
    - get back
    - go back
    - go back to
    - insane
    - lapse
    - live through
    - look round
    - mad
    - make
    - mind
    - move back
    - nuts
    - paint over
    - put back
    - rake up
    - re-enter
    - re-erect
    - reapply
    - reappoint
    - reassemble
    - reassess
    - reconvene
    - reimpose
    - rekindle
    - remarry
    - render
    - reoccupy
    - reopen
    - repeat
    - replace
    - replay
    - replenish
    - reread
    - rerun
    - reschedule
    - resit
    - restock
    - resume
    * * *
    1. [dar la vuelta a] to turn round;
    [lo de arriba abajo] to turn over; [lo de dentro fuera] to turn inside out;
    vuelve la tele hacia aquí, que la veamos turn the TV round this way so we can see it;
    ayúdame a volver el colchón help me turn the mattress over;
    volver la hoja o [m5] página to turn the page;
    al volver la esquina when we turned the corner
    2. [cabeza, ojos, mirada] to turn;
    vuelve la espalda turn your back to me
    3. [convertir en]
    eso lo volvió un delincuente that made him a criminal, that turned him into a criminal;
    la lejía volvió blanca la camisa the bleach turned the shirt white
    4. Méx
    volver el estómago to throw up
    1. [persona] [ir de vuelta] to go back, to return;
    [venir de vuelta] to come back, to return;
    yo allí/aquí no vuelvo I'm not going back there/coming back here;
    vuelve, no te vayas come back, don't go;
    ¿cuándo has vuelto? when did you get back?;
    al volver pasé por el supermercado I stopped off at the supermarket on the o my way back;
    no vuelvas tarde don't be late (back);
    ya he vuelto a casa I'm back home;
    volver atrás to go back;
    cuando vuelva del trabajo when I get back from work;
    aún no ha vuelto del trabajo she isn't back o hasn't got back from work yet;
    ha vuelto muy morena de la playa she's come back from the seaside with a nice tan
    2. [mal tiempo, alegría, tranquilidad] to return;
    cuando vuelva el verano when it's summer again;
    todo volvió a la normalidad everything went back o returned to normal;
    vuelve la minifalda miniskirts are back
    3. [reanudar]
    volver a la tarea to return to one's work;
    volver al trabajo/al colegio to go back to work/school;
    volviendo al tema que nos ocupa… to go back to the matter we are discussing…;
    vuelve a leerlo read it again;
    tras el verano volvió a dar clases en la universidad once the summer was over she started teaching at the university again;
    vuelve a dormirte go back to sleep;
    volver con alguien [reanudar relación] to go back to sb;
    volver a nacer to be reborn
    volver en sí to come to, to regain consciousness
    * * *
    <part vuelto>
    I v/t
    1 página, mirada etc turn (a to;
    hacia toward); tortilla, filete turn (over); vestido turn inside outXXX; boca abajo turn upside down
    volver loco drive crazy;
    el humo volvío negra la pared the smoke turned the wall black, the smoke made the wall go black
    II v/i
    1 return, go/come back;
    volver a casa go/come back home;
    ¿cuándo vuelven? when do they get back?;
    volver sobre algo return to sth, go back to sth;
    volver a la normalidad return to normality
    volver en sí come to, come around
    volver a hacer algo do sth again;
    volver a fumar start smoking again
    * * *
    volver {89} vi
    1) : to return, to come or go back
    volver a casa: to return home
    2) : to revert
    volver al tema: to get back to the subject
    volver a : to do again
    volvieron a llamar: they called again
    volver en sí : to come to, to regain consciousness
    volver vt
    1) : to turn, to turn over, to turn inside out
    2) : to return, to repay, to restore
    3) : to cause, to make
    la volvía loca: it was driving her crazy
    * * *
    volver vb
    1. (regresar) to come back [pt. came; pp. come] / to go back
    2. (repetir)... again
    ¿puedes volver a decirlo? can you say that again?
    3. (dar la vuelta a) to turn over / to turn

    Spanish-English dictionary > volver

См. также в других словарях:

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  • form — I n. printed document 1) to fill in (BE), fill out (esp. AE), fill up (obsol. BE) a form 2) an application; tax form shape manner 3) to assume, take (on) a form (to assume human form) 4) an abridged, condensed; comprehensive; concise; convenient …   Combinatory dictionary

  • obsolete — obsoletely, adv. obsoleteness, n. /ob seuh leet , ob seuh leet /, adj., v., obsoleted, obsoleting. adj. 1. no longer in general use; fallen into disuse: an obsolete expression. 2. of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date: an obsolete… …   Universalium

  • obsolete — ob•so•lete [[t]ˌɒb səˈlit, ˈɒb səˌlit[/t]] adj. v. let•ed, let•ing 1) no longer in general use: obsolete customs[/ex] 2) of a discarded or outmoded type: an obsolete battleship[/ex] 3) ling. (of a linguistic form) no longer in use, esp., out of… …   From formal English to slang

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